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Bank's Proclamation To The People Of Baltimore

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Hi'ftJqunrti ra of the Diprtmant ) Auuo1ij, June 27, lötil. "By virtue oi the autliority vwte.? n nie anti in obcdk' of orders as Uoreruandine; General of tho Military Department of ADr.poli, I lave i ed and do now detain in eustody, Air. 'fc-o. P. Kane, Chief cf Pólice "of tho City of Baltimore. I deern it proper : it this, tho moment of arrest, to make i formal and public doelaration of the I motive by whiah I have boon governed ! :i this pFoooeding. It ia not my purposo, neither is iu oonsonance with niy matfuetians. to interfere in nny mnnner whatever wilh the legitimato governrnent of tho peoplo of Baltimoro or Maryland. I desiro to support the pnbüo avitliotiiies ia all approprtate dutifs, in preserving the public peace, proteoting tho property, in obeyÏDg ttnd enforcing every municipal reguht'.ion and public statute consistent with the constitutie)!) of the United States and Marylund. lint unlawful cimbinations of meo, organized foc reeiatance to such litws, to próvido hiduen doposlts of arms and aumi m'mlUnua, to encourage contraband traffio with men at war with the government, and who, white enjoying its protection and privileges, stetllhily await an opportunity to combino their means and forces with those in reböllion against its authority, are not among the legal or recognixud riyhts of any class of men, and cannot be pormi tod under any fonn of government. Such combinatiens are wull aiiowii to exist jd this Department, and tho maseea of the citizens of Baltimore and of Maryland, loyal to the eonstitution and the Union, are r.either porties to nor rcsponí.ible fór them. I5ut the Ohief of Poüce is r.ot ouly cognizant of these fücts, büt in cotnravenüon of bifl duty, and in violution of law, ho is, by ctireotion or indirection, both witnes9 and protector to tho parties engaged tberoin, ünier suoh oirsumetaneea tho goverolheat cannot regard him otherwise than as at the head of an anned furce. hostile to its authoritv and actuux ■.,■,,,., .,.vt ,v,tJi it?i ivowed enemies for this reneoD. Superiieding hisoltictal au'.horiiy, aa vvell as ibat of fJcrnmissioner of tuo P'ce, ï have now aivestcH and do now detain him in cuslody of the United States, and in further pursuaace of my instructions, I have appointed, for the timo being, Col. Konly, of tho First Regiment of Mounted Volufiteérs, Provoat Marshal in and for the City of Baltimoro, to superinteúd and cause to be eKecuted the poüce aws provideel by tho Legislatura of Marylund, with tho uid and assistance oí thu subordínate oracers of the Pólice Department, apd lie wil] bo repected aceordingly. Whenevef ;i loyal citizen ehall be otherwige bamed lor the porlonnancaof this dnty, wlio will execute thelaws im[iai-ti;:lly and in good iuith to the governmeut of tho United States, the milii tary of this Department will render to hiin thut instant and williug obedienco vvliich is duo irom every good citizen to Ib goyernment."


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