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SPECIAL NOTICES. TIEÏE MARKETS. OrFicií of thk Mkhigan Abgus, 1 Am akbok, July 5, lSölfc ƒ TUe followlntr are the sclliiii pi ces of ihe principal artlclei of produce offcreed in our market. W'Ueat red.bu. - - OS 1,00 '■' winto uu. - - - 1 ,01) Barl-?, ent. - - - - - 1,1)0 Corn,'shel]cd, ..... 40 " ear, 20 Buckwheat, bu. - - - .42 (ats,bti. .... so Flour, red, bbl, ..... 50 " white, - - - 6,50 " retí, 1..0 Ibs, .... L,6(1 " white, .... 25 Kvc flour, ..... 2,Í5 Corn Meal. ..... 1,60 Buckwbeat flour, - - 2,25 H'Jans, - - - . . 1,25 Fhix, - . . . 03 Timotliy Sced bu. .... 225 300 llover Seed, bu. .... -4,004,60 Ilay, ton, ..... 8 00 10,00 Wooil, percord, - ... -2,00300 Crauberries, bu - 2.00 2 25 Bed, lrintl qr. . . . 04 '05 " fureq,r. - . . . 03 04 Pork dressc;1. owt. .... 5,00 0,0 Mutton, lb. - - . . . 04 4j Turkeys,lb, . . . . - 07 C Oliickens. .... Oti C Kfïirs. do. ..... o Butler, Ib. ..... 1 Cl cese, lb. ■ - - - - 08 0 Lnra.Ib. - - - - . 10 1 Trillo, Ib. in 1 Hotatoe3, jer bu. - - 20 - Oninm, per bu. ..... 5 Turnlps, ..... 2 Applcs, green, - - - - 95 38 " ded, . . , . j 50 l'eaches, drien, lb. 'n Honey, caps, lb. - - - . 10 Beeswax lb. ..... 30 Salt.rock.bbl. .... 2,25 " fine.bbl ..... i'sg Piaster, ton , - - . . . - 5 00 MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA KAILROAD. 1S61. SUMMEP. ARRANGEMENT. 186i. Irains now run on thia road, Sardava excepted, as follovs: Leare Toledo íor Chicago at 9 03 A M. . and9P. 51. anl vía Air Lin; at 1.10 A. M. Lsnve Detroit for Ujicago t 7,10 A. M. and 6,30 P. M Ari'iviuí in f'i'-ílEO fr." IPili ■ i =a I- - :♦ .4 ftno r. 51. aud 6,00 A. M . aud via Air Line at 6.6Í 1'. M . Arrivo at Detroit from Toledo, at 6:65 A. 11.. 12:40 P. M. and 5.55 P. Jí. Leaves Detroit for Toledo at 7 10 A. lí. , 1.00 P. II., and 6-30 P. M. Arrivo in Detroit from Chicagoat5. 55 P. II., and 6.59 Arrive in Toledo from Chicago 4,25 P. M. and 4.30 A. M., and via air lineat 4.20 P M. Leavc Jackson for Toledo it 4.45 A-M. and 1 ,C0 P. M. Arrive from Toledo at ;2 20 P. M., aud 9,15 P. MCONNECTIONS. At Toledo- With Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road, witli Wabash Valley Rail Road. At Detroit- With Grand Truuk Railway, with Great Western Railway, also, with the Detroit and Milwaukee, Railroad At Nf,w Albaxy k Sun R. R. - WithTrna for Lafiiyeíte, New Albany acd Louisville. At Cuicago- With Chicago and Rock Jsland, Galena, Milwaukee, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy - North West Raihvay- Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Central, and to all Points West and South. 0y Trains are run by Chicago lime, wlnch is 20 minutes slower than Toledo time. Jfca Patent Sleeping Cars nccompauy tiie Niffht Trains onthis Route, Salsbur'ys Pauent Ventilators and Dustersare used ou all Summez Traína. S Time and Fare the Bamc as by any other Rai! líjal Route. J.N'O. D. CA5IPBELL. Genc-al Superintendent. New Medical Discovery. For the speedy and permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Bischargesi Gravel, Btrlcturc, anti Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, which has been used by upwanls of ONE UUNDRED PHYSIC1ANS, n their private practice, with entire üiiccess, euptrtieding Cdbeup, Cui'aiba, Capsules, or any compound hither BELL'S SPECIFIO FILLS, are speedy 'm actíon, often effectinga cure in a fLMvdays, au'l hen acure ia effected it is permaceEt. They are repared frum vegetable extracta; ihat are harmlesfl on he sytem, anfl never naufieate the stoinach or impregïnte tlie brealb ; and teini suarar-cuated, all uascous aate is avoided. .Vo changc of dict ís necessary whilst using them ; nor doos their acti n nterfeie with business pursmts. Each boxcüntaius six ozen Pilis , FBICB ONE DOLLAR, and will W sent by mail post-paM by any advertied Vgent, on receipt of the money. SoLd by i'rujgists ia Ann Arbor . None geauice m itliout my signature on the wrapper J. BRTAN, Rochester, N. Y., General Agent. H. k L. SIMONGAU, Detroit, Wholesale AgenU for Michigan, 806tf Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHNT IIARVEY, haring fnr upivarls of tweiiiy yoars dovoted M8 professionnl time exclurfreïj to the treatment of FeiTiale X), intl having sacceeded in thmisiinds of casea iu ïesturiug the aiïlicte i to snund health, has now entire confidenco in ofleimg publicly Lis ' GRBAT AMERICAN REMEDY," CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Wiiich havenöTerjÉt failed (wben the directions have been s' riel Iy followed,! in remo ving difficultiea arising from Obstruction, or Stoppago of Nature, or in re&;tfÍLK $he vstein to perfect healtl), when suff er ing frora SpíV-aí. Aitixtions, PmoUPSüa Uxnjttr, the Whitks, or other wtkness of the Utkhine OiOilia, Also io all cases of Debility oiï Xervoi's Pkostkatio.v, HysTKBlfi, l'.LriT.T[O.vs, &c, &c. , wliich are tho ibrerunnprs Of murti st'rioiiR dinease.. 1Bc3L_ These Pilis qvc perfectltf karmlesi on the consthution, and may be taken by the mtist delicate femále without causing distress; at the sarao time they Acr UKX a í-iíaem ty streugthening, invigoratiOB, an'l rettoriilg the syptem to a healthy condition, and by bringing on the muuthly period witn rogularit -, no matter froiu what cause theobtructions may arise. They mIiouW, however, not be taken during tho first tbree or fuur moathji of iirt-gnancy, though sufe at anv othcr time, as miscarriaiie would be the reaalt, Each box coutattta t'O Pilis. Prico Ono Dollar, and when desired will bu sent by mail prepaid by any aüver tised Agent, ou iectupt of the naoney. tSold by 1'rucrfrÍRts in Ann Arbor "j. RHYAN, RochMtor, N. Y., General Agent. H. & L. SIMÜNEAÜ, Detroit, Wholesale Agent for Michigan. SOOtf IMPORTANTtoFEMALES $ipi THE HEALTH AND LtFE OF WOMAX Is conttnually in perü f she is mail cnough to neglect or maltreat thoso sexual Irregularities to which twothirds of her B6X mb more or less subject DR. CIIEESKMAN'SPIUS, prepare-l frota tbc same formula which the inventor, CORXELIUS L. CHEE5SMAN, M. !., of ï'ork, hap (br twoniy ycar.s'used Rucccssfully iu an extended private pre ctice - inimediately relieve without pain, all disturbances of the pojriodical discharge, whether arising frora lelaxation or auppression. Tbey act like a chana inremoving tho pains that acccmpany ditfieult or immoderate merstruatioo, aitd are the on1y safe aad reliable remeiiy for Flushes, Sick Ueadache, Pahii in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitation of the Heart Nerveus Tremors, Hy&terics, Spasms, Brokeii Slcïp and other unpleanant and dangerous effeets of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions. In the worst cásea of Jfluor Albuo or Whites, they elTect a Bpeedy oure. Xo ITJES and BlJVXIOJSTS. DR. C5EESMANra PILIS are offercd ae the qqj safe means of ren. .-wlnginterrupted menstruation, bttt. T4ADiij:s must biïiaji ïn miivd Thert ie onerondition af ïkafimah system in which the V 'dis ca nnot bc taken wi hout jnroducing a PECULIAR R ESULT. The co?idi'.ion referrcd to is PREGNA NOT- the resulf, MISCARRIAGE. Such tê the irresistible tendency of the medicine to rttors the seiual functiong to a normal condición that even the rejiroductive power of nature canñot reeíat it. Ezplicit direclions stating when, and tohen they should nol bt used, with eacU Box, - the Price Oue Dollar each Box, cöntaining 50 Pilli. A valuable ra:nihlet, to be had fret, of the Agent. Pilis sent hy mail prnmptly, by . pnclosing price to any Agent. Solü by Uruggisis gtueraly. R. B. HL'TCHINGS, I'roprietnr. i . _ '20 Ctdar-St.y New York.


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Michigan Argus