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Important National Works, Publislied by D. APl'LETON & CO., , j 346 AND 348 BROADWA.Y NEW" YORK The following worka a re seut to Subucribers in auy part of the country, upon reciipt of retail price, ) hy mail or sxpraM. prepaid: THE JiBWAMERIAS A Popular Dictionary of Genera! Knowledge. Edited by Ukü. KiPLBï and Oii.uu.ks j. IUn, aided by a ïmmerous select corps of writers n all branches of Sciences, Art and literatura, lilis work is being publislied in nbout 15 l&rge octavo volumes. each enntaimnj; 75Otwo-column pages. Vols. I., II., III., IV. V., VI., Vil., VIII., ,V IX. are now ready, each coiitainiiiK near 2.50üoriginal arti cles. Au addittonal volume will bo published once in about three months. l'rice, in Cloth, ;S3; Sheep, $3.50; Half Russia, $+.50 eacb. The New American Cycloprcdia is popular without beini; auperfleial, Iwnnwrt without beiug pedantic, comprehensivf but sufliciVnlly dctailed, freefrom peraoul pique and party prejudtce, tresh and vet accurate. It is a complete statement of all that is'known upon every import-tnt topic within the scope of human intelligence. - F.very important article In it has been specially wnttin for its pages by men who are autlioritica upon the topic on which they speak. Tliey are required to bnng tho subject up to the present moment; to state just how t stands mm. All the statistical information s frotn the lattsl reporta; the geographical accounts keep pace witn the lateat eiploration; historica! matters iucludo tho freshestjust views; the biugraphical noticea eds ak nol only of the dead but also of the living. It is a library AUR1DGEMENT OF THE DEBATES OF COlVGrllESS Being a l'olitical Historv of the United SUtes, from the organiïation of the first Fuderal Con. gn-ss 111 178'! to 1850. Editedand compiled bv Hon Tuo IUrt BüXTOS.from the Official Records „f Coneress ' Ihe work will te coir.pieted in 15 roval octavo volumes of M0 pages eacii, 11 of which 'in now ready. An ad. ñ?1í lun' Wl11 be PWhe,l mot in thríe months. I CaÏÏ $4 5(f ach'"' V' $3'5' UM Mür'' M; "a" A WAY OF PROCURTXG 'mE CYCLOP.ÏDIA OR DEBAT1CS Form a rlub of tiur, and remit the price of four books, and hvq copies irill be out at the remitter's expense for carnage; or for ten subscribers eleven copies will be sent at our eipeuse for carnaje. To Agenta. N'o other work will so liborally reward the exertions or ygents. A. Agent wj.vted y tuis Coukty Terms made known on application to tho Publishers. Aun Arbor, llarch. 1S59. 0902amt -Ü3 Bev Tiii).. Wbiuut, agent at Kiune & Smiths Book ütore, Ypsüautl. J:-OLD FEÏENDS ggj IN THE RIGÍIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis. SÊlléif'' ciijal pliyHicians and F hTtvIÍÍi surgtiriis in the Union ; jMBÍaÍÉÍ' wESkíáP''! e]t'Lautly coated with 'fiL H ■Ht!5 Large Boxes 25 centn; BL& Fulldirectionswilhlllch Tat.ihasse, T.ron Coustt, ) Florida, July 17, 1SÜ0. ƒ ToDb. Hkeiiick, Albany.N. Y.-Afy Dear Doctor :-T "rite this toiüfoimyou of Uiewonderful effect of vur Sugar Coated Pilis on my eider daughter. Fcrthree yearB ?he has been nffiicted with a billious derangetuent of the Bjatom. sadlv imparinp: her health. whicb has been steadjy failingduring thatperiod. WheninNew Vork in April last , a fnenri advised me to test your pill. Having the fuliest confldence in judgraeiit of my friend, I obtained a supply of Mqmh, Barnes Jk Park. Druggists, Park Row,' New York. Ou iftturning home. we gceased all other treatmect, and admtnistored your Pille, une each eijjht. The improvementin her feelings, complexión, digestión, etc., suri.rised us ají. A rapid 3 and'perraanent rostJtat;ion to healtii has beca the result We used less than flveboxes, and considerher eütirely well. I consider the above a just tribute to you as a Pbyaictan,and trust thatit wtllbe themeans of ipducing many to adopt your Pilis as their family medicines. = t I remain, dearsir, with many thanks, Your obedieat Herva,ut, Henick's Kíd Strengtteníng Plastera c care in five honra, pains a,nd weakness of thebreast, side and back, and Rheumatic ComplainlH in an equally short period of tinae. Spread on beantifuj white lamb skin, their use subjects the weaper to no inconveniece, and each ana will nu from one week to three nionths. Price 18% cenls. r Herrick'ü Sugar Coated Pilis and Kid Piasters are Kld Dy Druggists and Merchants in all parts of the United States, Carnala and South America, and may be obtained bv calling for them by their full name "lyt 05 DR. L. B.HERRICK, &Co. 1 Albiiny, N. Y. UNPARALLELED SUCCESS r SECOND ARR1VAL 1 - OF- E3r O E X -AT THE- Banner Store, A. P. MILLS, PROPRIETOR. Goods boughtiinder pan ie prices, And sold at prices that will malee hard times come again no more ! Facts for the People -or■WASHTENAW - JND- ADJOJÍNING COUJNTIES ! And tbeir numcrous questions answered. Why is Eeerybody trading at the "BANNER STORE? '-Èecause A. P. MILLS, the Proprietor of that Establishment has just returned froni the Eastern Cines with the Largest, Uandsomest, Cheapest, and Most Attractive Stock of SUAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! ever brought tü this part of the State.] Why is Ecerybady pltasect tcith Um Stock? m Reoause hisatyles ure more beautitul, quaüty better.&nd pnces Iower tíian at any otker store in the county. Why has he always Sonuthing Aeuj and Cheap to Show? lïecause ha hasa friend connected with one of the Uiv Goofts Housen in New York, who is continuaty ' BOBfíiyG llOljyD" f cheap bargains and the Latei styk-s, aa Ehoy appe&r f rum time to time and intiiia way keeps hira suppliod with ityles, aad conseauatlv customers can always find soinethiugFresh, KEW CHEAP and DESIRABLE Wlty does ne sell so muck Cheaper than the restT Because he hu a buyei" in the city all the tïtno to takt advantage of the coutinual chance of the market, and in that way buya his goods much cheaper than others can, and tïiec he marks them down to the IO-%7VJE3STV PIC3-URES, Vhy daei ke teil Ladlct' and Childrevs' Shoes much chtaper than mas ener heard of by the oldest Shoemakers? Because he buya hia stock n the land of ihflomnker.s, of tlie niiiniifacturers, fully '2b per cent cheajiur tlian ttie New York Jobbers seüthera, and much better work thau tbey generally keep. ïhis couraö euables him to sella bet'ter Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othersaell at 60 cent, and a better FOXKD GAITER at 50 cents, than others sell at 75 cents. Has he any Hatl and Caps? Yes,I should think ha has stacks of thein, enough to supply the State, at prioes lower than was ever heardM round these parts. Why is his Tea to much brtlex for th priel Bay than you gel at otlur plac, it Becausfi he t:ikos crent care in selecting t, and giveshis ciiKtomeis the benelitof a real good 76 cent TEA FOR 50 CE.NTS, It isa 9fc httigot. Where shnulil you go to get your CLOTHS antf have them Cut or Made? To the BAN.VKR PTORE, whero the People'l Banner il unfurledfor the Peoslegood. 8outh sido of I'ublic Suuare, a fewdoors west of CookV Hotul. A. P. MILLS. Julia 18, 1861. T06tf NotioeAll, 1'fcRSONS indebted to the underhipratd are reUPsted tfl cali artd pay,as lam cluáing upmy busimess to move i ist. WM.S. 8ACNDKB?. Ann Arbor, Jrfue 28, ;861. ■ 806w4 "VVool %7S3ra,xi.t&& TfOR WIIICU I WII.I. PAT CASH OR GOODS. Cash or Wool noi refused on Á'oiei, and accounts due me. So please feteb on your Csh or "■"'■ l f.MtlXS. Ano Artor, June 13, IMI. 80jti


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