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ffft Cure Couah, Cold , ffiH ■■■■■■, JtiJIh jLít!Sí c":" 'l"'J lrr'""'i" or Sornun of tht CVgÊBÈdJaL Throat; IMitve the Harkvx Cnugh VpTWlv Ir TH " QnttmPlioni Rroneiilit, AuftlYjl UwtfTV wia' afíí Catarrh. Clar avd &pÍ5nB3Q3f &vs strr-ngth to the. roice of ÉiVlWS IM IS1.H SPEAKEIts, and SI1VGEHS, Few are itwHrc uf the mputtiiliccor obegkll a Cmu"1i or"Comuion CoW" in itn flrsl stage; that u-li'ich n the bezinning would yiultl toa mild rentady, if neglecteil. snon attneksthe Liraga. 'Hrown's Uronrhial Troches " conjainingdemulcent ingredknts l'ulmonary and 1 Bronchial Irritatiou. t BROWN'S "That troubte n my Throat, (for whlch the '-Troches" ure a speo.ilic) hayinj madi' TPnUFü ln0 ottcn a mere ivhisnorer." I ROCHES Nrl, W]IIIS 1 „ ' focommend theiruse to rrrui Si i ik BROWN'S "■■" KEV.E. H. CHAPÍN. ' "Hmveprored extreniely serviceable for r TOnfUTO IIOAESESKS. , ittUilü.5) KKV. UKNRY WARD BEECHER. "AlinostiuKtunl relief in tb dlltreiling . BROWN'S labor oriireathing peculiar to Astiim " KEV.A. C EQGLEUTOfi. TTJriPTTT? "r"n'ain no Opium or Injuri 1 itUUÜ. ous... 1)K A'A HJyg Chemifit, Boston BROWN'S _ "A imple an] pleasant coinbination fcr I Couaus,.'DK. O. F. B1GELÖW. 1 TROCHES "BeneBoiaUn B,oxc,,rnS." BStnVR. J. F.W. LANE. BROWN'S „T . Boton. I have provort them excellent for IKUÜfcLfcö REV.H.W. WARREN, BROWN'S "Bcneflcial ,vhen oompelled to speak,' auffering from Cold.'1 rnncuvs W-'v.e. j. p. anderson', TROCHE.S St.Lou,.. Kttectu.-H in romoving BoftrHUMS ;ind BROWN'S lrrt;'tn f the Throat, so ciminioii ith Spüakeks anl SlllOEM." T nnntiTo rro! ■ STACY Johnson, IKUOHÜb UGrange, Ga. Teacher of Music. Southern BROWN'S „„ , , , Fe"' College. "firoat bencflt when taken béton and TBÍWWBÍ I1"! i" ï prevent Hoarse -IKUUtltö nos. Jrom their past . effect, I think tliey wil I be of permanent advantage to me " BROWN'S hkv.e.rowj,ey, a m. Preiident of Athen Colleg Tenn TROCHES IInxÍ S'ist3;it T76.7MOORS & LOOMIS Have Removed to the STORE REOENTLY OCCUPIED BY C. MACK, Phceuix Block.Eust sido of Main St., AND HAVE In Store íj fe A Large BOOTS & SHOES Of every description whiüh will be SOIiD CHBAPER THAN CAN ME B0UGH7 IN This City, iko a large assortment oí HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all Undi made iu the mest Fashionable Style BT OOOD XSV EXPERIENOED WOKKMEN, FRENCfl CÁLF BOOTS are XOT SüRi'-vasBi) this side of Xew Yyrk City, an,d are watcanted not to kif. Our STOGASAND KIPS are made of the begt materials Our sto:k of Morocco Bootees for Ijidies is the the bestin town, wHfe heels or without We Malte to Order, and never mina of sumiM the firat time so give usa, cali and we will show you our stock freeofcharge. We have scured tlie services of two Expericneed Journeymen, who do ounnending in theNeateat Ma hik r, and ou shortest notice. Our motto is Qiiick Sales and Small Proflts. Thankful'nr past favors we hopebypayiog strictattentioato our business to merit a liberal hare of your patronajTP for tlie luture. StS" Kememborwo are sol to be nndersold. t558L MDOEE & LOOMIS FORT SUMPTER EVACUATED. Mack & Schmid heiktfoüoeu: with a Treme n dous Stock, OF STAPLE AND F ANC F DRY GOODS! GROCERIES, CROCKERY, SHOES, ] HATS Sc CAPS, j OARPETS, &c, &c. üosliüiits Commeaced in earnesi! j Dealh to High Prices ! MACK & SCHUD aro no rocoiving their SPRING AND SUMMEE GOD 3DS: anj will sell them for the NEXT 90 DAYS, Much Cheaper Than has ever been heard oï I3ST -AISTKr -A.ïüJOïiCome One, Cme All, and Pff. 0. MACK, 75 t. SCHMID, NOTICE. ALL Persoti indt'Med by note or neoount to Michnrl (ïampio-.t are hpreby ruques tetl t o cali aJid setijp tlt ame with ■'■ R Irifth, one nf tbtj ÁSflifrnees of tbe said !ichaeï CttEap)OD,ni thereby me conti;Pated, Acn Albor, June 10" HM . 6VOTÍ : J i I?12H.


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