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ï GREATBARGAINS X XL C LOTHIN C ! ! ■ .A.t tïio Cleveland Clolhing House r Hurón Street, a few tic orn West of Cook's Hotel, ' ANN ARBOR, MICH., In eonsequence of hard time, and being . coinprlled to raise meney .n some shape, we have concluded to sell every thing in our line, consisting of f Clothing, Hats, and Caps, 1 GENTS' FUENIS11ING GOODS, fa l I At whntever prioe they may be it ever so little, Tb8 is no time to stand tor trifies. Profits is no object at all! Gite ut a cali, and get good Goodt AT YOUR OWN PKICES! O Remera ber the Place, Huroa St ., 5 door West of Cook's Hotel. A, & C. LOEB. Ann Arbor, June, 1861. K04m3 SPRING GOODS! EICH GÜÜDS. BAQH fc PIERSON HAVE juat opened a Urge and well selected stock of Spring Goocis. latcst stylcs and pattcrns including POPLIXS, CHALLIi]S, PE LAIXES, ÏRIMMINGS, SÜMMER ST V FFS. DOMESTICS, STAPLtS, aU Carefully selected, Waranted to piense, and for snle cheap. COME a-IsrXÍ &3U13. BACH & PIERSON March26, 1860. 793tf 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEÏRS WANTED! TO ASSIST INT THE LIBERATION OB CUBA ! iVhite folks, or of whatever color, caste or nativity, wliethor mnrried, single or of douiitful oonresion, will beenlisted in the noble cause of EMANCIPATING THE COMMUNITV - KROM THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! nd will receie their outfit at the Exteuaive Furnishing Establishment -01' THE- G ü I TER MAN' S HEAD QÜAETEES! having been estaL!}shed for the LAST TEN YEARS, our known rulo of warfare is an ündisuised Destruction OF ÏIIG1I PlilCES! POH C U O 1" H I KT 3Forall Jlges.' Sex and Conditions! ' In consequctice of the very flattering encouragement which we have reoeived lince our location u tlii oiiy, W8 have increasetl our i Stock of i SU MMER ClOTHIWG!. Tq ipaet the demnnds of our cuatomers, and having becoine more fully oonYÍnced llian ever, that our mode of duiiljpg, p&mely; at ihe loweat possible rates for I i ,a tbc only true plan; we will continue t; ' serve the public as heretofpre durif g the coming faïl and winter. I Our Stock conaiata in èverv varictv of flliADY MADE CLOTHING ! Ploin and Fancy CLOTHS. CASSIMERS. SILK. AND SILK VELVETS. A larg lot of GENTLEMKN'S If'iJRNISHING GOODS, which re all árraüíaíj DON'X fAti TO O..'SC í. EC. C?: Ffi? pst fvors we are gratefnl o all, Te eame for large ones m p.voportion, And those wLa ;pye nt $o oalj Shatl 'reaeive oür best smilos and 1 devotiou. 3VL Guiterman & Go. N. B. Stidpnts and all oter who winb to we SONDHÉIM'S new müd'a oF cutting ■will do well to cali and Jeave their rueasure . Fór a Nice Fitting Sult I taaái%or, ,cPt. t,iui ■■ } LUNG&BLOOD INFIRSVIAR Y. Fishcrs BUek Wvodward Ave ])t(roitt Drs. S. J, CARPEKTER fc KAIXAKD. DOCTOR? gen. rally pntead thnt Onsumption U iscurabt?, becaase iln- cunuot cure it thmnlviij this üo.ís ïioï mbe iö (me, Hany mechanica wM wort on a job all day aml níter doíiíg nothing but spml tb matt-rial they wiil t jrou it rifver can be done in the whv yeu witOt it. Hts by applyin,' to a btfcer wujkman- une who rlioroogblr uadrtftflan bis tnainw-ja will gt-t jour wofk - eomplUhed üi hap, In this respect tiiere is tï6 ní.ne dinVrcnc? to b fouml in all tradu attd proíeaíííofM . T1ic bungUrt In mecha niin, in the art-;, in law, In thfulcgy, and ia phjslc, will u&y roch thiagii c&nnot b done. And it i trutj that they could not be if all inon weM üko tbtusclvcs. But foitunately there is anotlnr cn of rm n, and these, wheu they take your case in hand, do thu jobaayou wunt it,ur restore JOU to Iwalth, iiccort injf 1 to desire. We have only to rimember tl is iact tu understand whj ono physician should prououoco tha incurable which anottit-r can eun. .. In mechantes, wesometimea fin tl thnt by a poeiiioi of nperit r nirvinw, by som new invention, of which h has the solé use, or by the Klater iugenity - in. r mind, one j'ernnn will maku or do wbM on otbev ttn. Exactly t may be so in pliygic. And thig ík th ï very reason why I have such great Hucces over all others in the treatraent of Conximptíon. By beving , the original genius, by possen ing the I-uwg-Mfte, uhicheuablcs me to clearly dett rm Du tbe nature of th diwaittftna by havin luoh remedir for Cousumption no otbcrPhyxician over had, make bold t( nay thut I have, and can effect a cure of this tlueae bcyond th roteb of any other man. To prove this to have ben tiie case, I might give yon numberH upon nuinber of certifícales front icn and women giron over to thn ifravo, wbohkrt haea rescued and reatored to health by the pt-rseveiing nse of my nmedki for Conjuración. But it Is not nt'c Hti' y ftr me tu do mn héT,for Ifcf fact of oue Dian ddiug wbftt another Mnoot cannot, evident toftli men of common sense. Jt the Counnny tive wishes further proof than this, I cao nly y, come nnd patisfy yourself by tri il of my fkill in tb cure of your complait Dfietor Cnrpfnter will vieit Ypgilanti, and Ann Arbor. duriog 18ÜO-H1 . Ann Arbor, at Cook'i Hotel, 3di 4th of each month; Hawkini House,]flti, 5th 1 and Btb uf cacli ïn-mtli. Th& reiiiaiinld-r of ikfl Uil, h 1 villbe fouml at bis Lung Infirniai y iupttroit ly"7 Mrs. W INSLOOT, Án experitn.ed Vvnê nnd Kom ale PhyMic'an, preaenii to the attuDtiou oí nmtheis, htr SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, wliirh grently facilítate!" the proco of tvetkiii;, h softenng the gum, reJucinj all nilnmroaUon- wiU allay ALL l'AIN" anti spa.-moclic nrt; n, umi is SURE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS. Depend upon lt, melker, it wiil Kive tost t , yoursolT, and belief anO health to your Infant Wc have li!t up anl and toH ïhTn nrticU1 for ov tfn years, and CAS SAY, IX C'ONKIDKNCK ANi TKL'TH uf it, what we liave r.cvrr bcpn nl.! to v of, ony othfrmediiin- NÜVEIi I1AB IT i'All.ED IN' Á SIXiil.K INSTAKCat, TO EFFECT A Cl'KE, ivhn tlinely used. ftevn did we kfiftW an instunce of din.s.ntisfactiou by any ene who used it. On the entrarj, all aiv drlighteil with lts , and npcak in ti-rnn of cuininendation of its mágica 1 effects and medical virtues. W ipeak i thi lunttir "WHAT WI Iü KXOV,1'after ten vears' exptrleftce. AND PIJVGK OÜB KHMÏATKN ' ÍÍOR TB? ftÜlLIJHHJT Oï WHAT WKHEKKDECLAKF. 'In al'ui;al cvtrv itl-l'' hire the infint is suffir'ng fnni' pain apl éïliaustion relief will be foumi in fiftciu cr twenty ni.nuWs ofuf the Bjrup is iitiniInisiiTod. Thi valuable pi)ai':ition ís the preaciptiol) of ru of the most EXPEBIKNCED and SKII.UII, NVES#J in New EngblDi ,-in.l has beeu uscd with KKVJpB It not only relieveii tiiechild froio pan, but iovigi-ratMi tlio sfimachand bowels. corrocts ariditv. and givts tip twl entrgy tu the whoíesystenr. lt Wfü almuht :iiiUnil relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWJELS, AND WIND COUC anl overeóme convulsioni, whirh if n-t speedly rom died( end in death. AVe heliere it the BE.UT ani 8ÜBEST RKMKDY IN THL WOR1J. in nl] eim ft DYSKNTFRY and HIARKIKKA IN CHIlJlRÍN, wheth.-r it ariiRs fr.nia, tee;hi. or fiffla any otlur t-use. W rould sny to evti'y mutht- who h s a ehild nnBVrïng frnn any f he folfogomir eompiiiiiif1 - PO NCjT LITT YOUH PBEJüniCK.-, NOU THE PRR.R-IHOES (Jf OTHKRP, stand betyen vou anl your ■uftVruff chUjt nnd the relief thoVwitl heBURE- TRS. ABr'OI.VTKLY '- lo fullow the use of thn icdici, if .ly uM. l-'nll fjic( t'on ■; fnr usinc; will iiceo,panv sch tnttl, N"fne gonuine unless the facsimile ut CV-fifK fc PKR. KIN. Naw-York, is on the ontaMfl wrappi t, Srtd by DrugiHits throogoat tbc wi rl4. Prliulpnl ffirr, 13 Ceelr Sïi.t. N, T. PHICE ONLY L5 CENTS PEB DUITLE. Forialeby Ebfrbacb &Co. lr77S. Wcakness, Nocturnal and fntma J$iissi$9 Jïervous and GenercU Jtybility, Impotcjict, and all Diseas% wising j 'rom $QÍitqry Kab'its cu1 Èxcessivc ïndulgcncc. 1 rpuERE are thousands of Yovxa Men, a? wel] ás Minntt X Aükd and Oi.d Men, whu are auffuriug to lotti xtn f rom che above ■ diaeases. Many, purliaps, ara not wxro ! their tme condition, or when aasistance is reallv needcl. For the benefit of inch, we herewith givo a few of tlio m&s comino symptoms, vir; FfVnAnaM uf the Bark und F.im1$. rain in the Uvad and Sida, Dimtiesn V Si-jht, ihUs aud i before the Eyes, Patpitation ' the ffntrt, Iype.pia, Lon =ƒ Mtmory, Cohu-iívh of Ideas, Deprcision of opirttt Aces-ióti to Society, Distrust, Timidüf, cíe. For each and all f the above BV'mptüms tliü3C romeoiea w ill be fouud a "' Sorweign Balm. ■ These remedies embrace three prescriptie na ; A bor nf PasteU, a box of yereuus Tunic PilLi, and a bot of ;í Tonic Pilis, all of wliich hitye important otneen ic (ufarw, and lihould be uaed together iit evury case. Tlitif superior other uiudua of treatiaeub uinv be briutly stuted & M lows, vil: Aif" Tiit-y dlmloish the yiolence of (texunl nt. They arrest uocluruul aud diuru&l eml. liOQB. 49 They remove local wnakno?, causiot; the orgaai l usunia thiiir natural toud and viu;or. JlËf They sirenthen the eonstitution by overomins nrr 0U3 dclility and general weakness. S"Thoy enliven the spirits, which are uaually di'prMNO, by oxpelliug all xciting causes from the syetum. SST By their iuvigorating properties they reitors tii patient t his natural health and vigor of manhood. jjST They cure when all other uieans bva fiuled. J(QÏ" They contaia no Jftrowy, Opium, nor anytMog tbat can in any eveut prove iiijtirious. 4" Tliey are easy and pleasant to in, nd will tui iatrferc with the patieiiï'i nsual bu4iuess or plrasure. Jí3f They enn bo used without auspicion, or kaowlel( of even a room -mate. That they may come within the reach of all, we hT flitM ti.e price of the PiisteU at $1 per box, and th I'iïlt %t , Out per box each. In orderiDg bv mail, in aáditicn tu th pric.', twelve ccqU ia stampa shodkl bc iaclosci tox rttara postage . iftv I.AOIES in want of ft sofe and ffwtn1. WÉv W remetiy fnr IrreouUiñtif, Sií}rj)rrmrínn of tb ntrfJl .Vííispjt, or ahy disease peculiar ta tiieir axt 'I?S' m "hould use I)it. Gatïï's FïH4t SJottiii.t Eíl-i.3. Price, by, $1 mwl .■ tnn.f . '&&-■■% Cautio.v. - These l'ills shuuld not b uuftd ■ jj& rinff P'-egnancy, as miiawWafS will bo tb ■yB!' iW consenuence, i-AIJlKS who. frora 111-lieaith. düformUr. or any other humane and rnsooable causo, dem it necary to avoid an inurease of faraily, t-au do so without intuirring daqger to heulth or constüation by the une of M. J - Craitx's Prench l'rceentioe Pmechrt, Pnuc, M mail, $1 and two st&mps. Thestt X'ow-derfl can only bc obtained bv adiresaing U Oaeral Agent, as belnsv. Send for Dr. Oatks's I'ricite Mtdk-al Tnatm on Sexvui iiMe#. PaicB Tb Cbxu. Addr!-;, H. G. M1LL1IR A CO.. General Anti, LouiviU, K, For'' fc?V by MAYXABD, STECBIN3, BBOf. L. MJLLEIP8 " HAIR INVIG01UT()li. AN KFPfiCVE, SAFK AND ECoApiüCAL COMPOpfD fQR RtóTORING GRaY HAIR toiU (iVipiiwi ónldr :?ii. put dyem-, :mi;1 preVnW tbfl H:ur fmm turning gry. FOK niKYK.snv; BAliKjÈSal euritg it.when th-r, is thè Itwat RAÍttcle ui' rifalKj or recuptrative euer# uuoud affejjXüiUfi ,'V f'1-1 Seilp. FOR IIKATTIKVIN'í; TUK H.UR, hnpartliiffjto it an oneqWüed glossmnd brilliancy, insWog it soft an(i ailk' iu its lêxturo and cuusinj; it tocurl rt-tidilv. The grat celebrity uid the ipefcofiing dvtwtDd for thiii unequiriled prt'jiaiiili'Hi . conviiuit; 't'be prejfMof that oy'p trial i only ueoeMiary t satisfy i tiisjtii'íiin,'jub;íCiií'i superior ivuutifits over any other irejhVa'tlhn $i p'resf n in use.' ItV-lani the huad and sluip fioV ÏLaadruQ' a% oikcr cutantdM dtscastx. Causes JJie tmir to gruw lu uriántiy a'mi jivt's it a rich, soft, glossy and tk-xible ap. }i(i.nauce, aud, alsti vhtre 'lis hair is loosening aud thinninff, it vill "givi strengt h and vigor to the roota, in1 ïiistore the growih to thoso pnrtfl which Iiave becosav t'W, ausiug it to yieM arwA coceñug ofhair, TJort: are hundrtdt; of ladies and gent lomen it NVw Vork who have had their hair restoied by the uk f this Inviorator, whfii all other prcparationB had faüt-d. L. M. bas iu hls pooMSwon letteas imium?:ahlo têftiifrtaf to the above facts, from perrons of the Kgbest rt-spectr.bility. U will eiïectually prevout H hair from tuniiL #ratj until the latent period ftf ;ir6; and En canen wbr the hair has changed ít oOlor, the use Invlgoiwtcf will withjeertaint'; rtore il to Us oripa f( fiVmg il ll"rk,plc..,y appearance. As a permme for tn Hjl.-i ant. n .jajr Kestorative it in partie.ulaTly rt-conitoonÜd,1 LThig au CuTjioii nutl the great fAöilitit-s it affordá in ürLit.$ i.Vrftttir,', when moist with the laTigoratüf eaa bc dVKBd iu. $jy form no nu to preserve its place, whether plftia or iii curls- henr the grat deniand for it by the UffiM M a ;í :T(írd ío(í#í ariicíí whichnone ought to bo wiUinat, ■ iho pric iláceB it wïthiu the reach of all, beiïig . ONLY TWEy-FIYE PENTS per bottle, to be haJ ttf U reffpcbtikbjè rjiati' and perfunlfcrs.. - i '" ' '"" '"" 1 -h Mi (d. rt1' the r.Uuntion of 1'srpnti nnii GtAirdi;Vnfi i,i tRe útí olliis nviyora!or, in onsen wher Ihe cliil.nonü' liair iiu'liius to be weak. Theu?eofit hiys the foundation for a ffnftd httAd of hair a.s it rcmovfH any f snmrktot that my hura becom öonaected wfth the scalp. theremoval oL whiobi DeoeMiary boih for th health of the cliild iiud the fature appearuice of ita llair. Cattiox. - Xono gennine witlmut UipfacaimiV T.Ol'lS MII.I.KRheiiisr on the outer ivrnppt-r; ftlso, L. MIUJCR'S HAIR INVIGORATOR, N. Y. bkwo I" the p i( " P 7 and iold bygJl tbr riindpleMfi i iho worM, i.iocraMicuuiu to putart, by tljt uaptity, 1 also ücsirc io' prcat to the Ameriefts Public mj iew & Improv-ttil Instantanoous Liquid Hair Dye ■vïilcli afteï yi:iFs df pofentifle eotperisiratlag 1 1it biviught to [lerroc'Joii. It dyes black or l.rnwn inmt:v . without injury to thé RsjrorSfcJn arraoted tho btst artiole of the kind in elu-HCL. PRICE ONLY TIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 56 VEY 'ST-, JSJew Ttyts


Old News
Michigan Argus