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The New Virginia Ordinance

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Tho M'otrhrg s the ameitded ordiliut presad :. the oóuvetitwu oí' Y ! Vlii:i, lf WuÓdiing, on W" uilm.sil:i-, .May i:), by a uuaniinous voto ut iLe eouvoutlbti : AN ORDIXaNCK XOitniK I1E-0IU1 AXIZAT1UX Oí' 11 IK StATÉ i;.. B8NS1E.ST. The j.unplo of tho State of Virgin, y thotr delégalos assemblod in conven Hun at VVlwölii g, do ordaiu as follows: 1. A üuveriiur, Liculenant Governor, and A ttorney -General tor tlio .Stato of Yirgiuia shall bj appoiuted by this couveutiou to discharge the dutios aiid exerlise t-io powers wuioh per tai u to thoir. respective cflices by the ex is t ing laws of ilic iStato, ar.d to continuo in office lor tix nicmths, or uutil iheir successora be tlöötod and quaüüod ; and tliu General Aasoaibly is bereby requirod to' próvido by law lor the u.eetiou of Governor, Lieutonaut Goveruor, and Attoruey lien oral, by the peoplu, as s ion us in (In ir judguteut such etuotioa eau bü properly Held. -. A DOtmoil) to consist of five mom bors, shall lie ajipointed by tliis couventiuu to consult with and advise the Govoruor respecting sueli malters perlaiuiug to his official dúties as he sliall submit lor cou Biduratioo, and to aid il) the execution of his official orders. Tlio term uf office ehall expiro at the sanio timo aa that of tho Goveruor. 8 The delegates oleoted to the Gencr al Asseuibly, on the 'S-id day of May last, nnd the Seuators cntitled, ui.dor uxisting laws, to seats in the üoueral Assuinbly, who hall qualify thomselvcs by taking the oath or UÍniintion hercinafter set forti), shall constil-ufce the Lcgislature of the titatc, to discharge the dutietf aud cxeicise the powra pertaining to the Otnerai Assembiy. They shall hold thoir offices frdin the passage of tuis ordinanee uutil the end of the term for uicli tlity were respeclivelj elected. They saall assemble 10 the city of VVheoliiig uu tho - day of aud procotd to organizo thomsolves, as prescribed by existing law, in their respective branches. A niajority of the mcuibers of each thus q ïalitied voting affirmatively, shall be colupetcüt to pass any act specified in the twenty seventh section of the fourth ar ticle of the eonstitutiou of the State. 4. The Governor, Lieutenant Ciovernor, meiubür of the Legislature, aud all officerá now iu the service of the State, or of any county, city or town Ihereof, jr hprfi:itto.r to ba elected or ann;)inted .r viuli sorvice, iucludinc the judgea and clerks of the several courts, sdentts, couiniissiouers of the reveuue, justices ot' tue peace, oflicers of city and municipal corporations, and oflicers of militia and offioers and privates of voluuteer cotnjianics of ihc State, not muatered iuto the service of the United btatos, shall each take the following oath or affirmation beforc proceeding m the discharge of thcir several duties : I aolcinnly swcar (or affirm) that I will support the coustiutiou of the l'nitcJ 8t:ites, and tho laws made iu pursuauee thereof, as the suprome law of tLe land, anythiog iu the ordtnance of tlio convention which asscinbled at liichmoLid ou the 13th day of February, löül, to the contrary notwithstandiug ; aud that 1 will uphold aud defend tbc governmeut ordaiued by the couvoution which asso ublod at VVheeling ou the llth day of Juno, 18G1, and the Legislature, (ïovoraor, and ll other oüicers thereof, u tlio aischarge of their several duties, as prescribed by the last, moutiouoU oouvoutioa. ff anjr electivc officer who is rcqui red by the precediug sectiou to tako Baid oath or affiimation, fail or refuse so to do, it shall be the duty of the (iuvernor, upon satisfactory evidence of t!ic fact, to issue his writ dcclaring the office to be vacant, and providing for a special election to liü such vacauey, at soine convenieut and early day, to bo designated in said writ, of which due publicaüon shall be made fee tho informatiou of t'ie perbous outitled to vote at such eloction, and sueh writ may be directcd, at the discre tion of the Governor, to the Sheriff or Sheriffs of the proper conuty or counties, or to a special comuiissioaer to be ordered by the Goveruor for the purpose. If the offioer who fails or refuses to take such oath or affirination be appointod otherwiae than by election, the writ shall be appoiuting power, rcjuiring it to fill the vacancy. pringan Jrps.


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