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Scrofula, or King's Evil, 13 a eonsíitutional discase, oorruption of (hc blood, by which tliis Huid bccomes vitiated, wenk, and poor. Being in t!ie circulntion, it pLrvculus c wliolc body, and may burst out in on any part of it. TCo organ is freo ÍYoiu its aUacl;s, nor is tlicre onc a liicii it may not dcstvoy. The scrofulous Wint s vftriously enuscil by rncTCttttal disenso, low living, disordeved or unliealtby food, impure air, iilth and íiltliy habita, the doprosaing vices, nnd, above all, by the venereal iriféetion. Whatever bo its origin, it is hercditnry in the constiUition, deseending " frörh parents to children vmtu the third and i'jurth goneration ; " indeed, it síttr.s to lie tl;e rnd of Ilim who savs, "I nill vfsit the ünquities of the ïathers upon thcir chüdren." Iu efi'ects commorice by deposition from the blood of corrupt or vdecrous matter, which, in tlie lungs, Iivcx, and inUTnal organs, is tenncd tubexclos ; in the glands, swejuiwrs ; and on the stirliice, eruptions or soros. xnis foul corTuption, wiücn genders in the blood, depressea the energics of Ufo, so tliat scrofulous constitutions not only Buffet from scrofulous complaintí, but thcy have far less power to withstand the attocks of otlicr diseases; consoquently vast numbeia perisl by disorders wMch, although not in thcir nature, are still rendercd fatal by this taint in the BTstem. Host of the consumption which deClinates the human family bas itss origin direetly in tlii-4 scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kidueys, brain, nnd, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or nre aggravated by the same cause. Onc quarter of all our pcople are scrofulous ; thcir persons are invadcd by this lurking infcotion, nnd their hcalth is undcrmincd by it. To ricanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate it by hcalthy food and c-ercisc. Kuch a medicine we supply ia AYER'S Coinpound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remcdy vhich the medical skill of our times can devise for this evcrywhere prevailing and fatal malady. It is combined from the most active remediáis that have been discqyered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from the blood, and the reecue of the ■vgtem from it,s dc&tructive conscqucnces. Hcnce it should be employcd for the cure ol not only Scrofula, but also thosc other aflections wMch arise from it, such as KurruvE and Skin' Disi'.ases, St. Axtiioxv's Fihf., Kosh, or EuïsirKi.As, Pimples, Fitstules, üi.oïciies, Bi.aixs and lioii.s, TiMOits, Tetter and Salt Rnscs, Sr.u.n IIi;.u, Ringworm, ÜKlDliTlsil, SVWHLlTICardMERCUHIALDlSBASE8, DnorsY, DïSPEPSIA, Dbbhity, and, indeed, at.i. (Jompi.aixts auising tiiom Viïiatf.d on Ijipvkk üi.ooi). The popular bclie: in "impurilij of the blood " is founded in trulh ' for BcroTula is a degencration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenérate this vital fluid without Which sound henltlf is iinpossiblo in contamijiatcd constitutions. Ague Cnre, FOU THE SPEEDY CUF-E OF Intcrmlttent Pcvcr, or Fever and Aejue, Rt-mitteiit Peyei', Clkïll Fcvcr, l)umb All , PMiA1Ial Uendothv, ujl Dlltuufl ii,..,,in,iw. -T p.Iqwi p"i . lurlecd for the wliole clns of disiiiscs oriinat i ti u; in billary dciaiïi;; int nt , niust-d 1y tlic Malaria of ütliusmatic Counti'i s. Wo are enablod here to ofi.T the oommimity a remedy wlftobj whilo it cures tho aïxive coinplaiuts with cci ! tttinty, i still iH'rfectly barmless iu any quantity. Snch a remedy ia invaluaMe iu clistrict's where thce nffliettiig diöonU-rs prevail. Tuis "Cure" expela tho mltumath poiaon of Fbtxb and Ague from the system, and preveuts tho tlevelopment of the discase, if taken on tho first approach of its premonitory symptouis. It is nol only the best rt-medy yet discovered for thi.s cines o comphiints, but also tho chenpest. The large quantity wo supjily for a dollar brlngs it witliin tho rrach of every body; and in biüous districtSj where Fkver and Ague prcvailB, cvery body should havo it and use it freely both for cure and protection. It is liopcd this price w i II placo it within the ï'cacli of all - tho poor as veil as the rítíh A great superiority of this remody over auy other ever ■ discovered for tho speedy and cevtain cure of Intormit! tents 3, tltat it contains no Quinino or mineral, conseqiuntly it produces no quiuiflm or olher injnrious efTocto whatever unon tho constitution. ïhose curell by it are lef t as liealthy as If they liad never had the disfase. Fevcr and Ague is not alono tho eonsequence of the miasnmtic poison. A great vahety of disordeva hvíbo frora lts irrltation, among trhich are Neuralgia. Jthcnmatism, ;■■■'. I'idach") Blindncss, Toothacïie, Earache, C'atwrh, Asthma, Palpitation, Vainful Ajjection qf thHysterie?, Pain in the IJowds, Colic, Paralysis, and Deraufauent of the SUmach, all of which, whon originatiug: in this causé, pul uu iho iW i'VViif i;p, or brcvuio periodtcai. This "Cure" exptls the poison from the blond, and cousequontly cures Üieni nll alike. It is au '■ InviiUiablü protection tü imruiianis ;ur.l perqona travel , ling or tomorarlly resTdiü In tho maloriona districta. I t&kén octasioiially or daily while exposed to tho infectioiij tltat wlll bö cxc-ietcd from tho gyfftom, and canno: anuiimliite in snflïcient (umtity to rtpen into disease Ilenco It is t'veu niorts valualjle tor piotcotion than cure and few wlll ever suffer from Intermittents if they avai themsolves of the protectiou thia remedy aiTords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWBLL, MASS. MAYARD 8TEBBINS WILSON. and by all Drugists and Dealers everywhere. M. BURiULL Trftveling Agent -' -■ . ' ■ ■■ . . : ftPdV nriííhd ill i ana Carbon bj combustión in Hvilrot1. i c tioiied by the uigheM Medical Aulhoritica, both in Ku rojio and the Vnited States, and pres er i bed in their prac tic.' Thfl exprnonci1 "f tboosandfl ilnily prove that no prep aiati.iii oí Ivon can bc cinparel with il . [mpuritie of the blood, depressrtöna "f" tal energy, pale mul otbfer wise fiickly coriiplrxii:i-; imlicatcs iia necessíty in almos .'i ry conceivable, Innoxinus in uil maladies in wiiicl it has been tried ed aosolutely curativeln each of the followiuj COIlipljiMlts, vi.: In l)l:'il-. Vcrvoiis iïVcl ;,iiis. Uüiuc'iitlo oyspepsln, ('oiixtlpnl ton, Uiai t hi n, Uysciitc ry, Enolplent Conanmptlon, Scrofuluu Tu bercuioüls, Sa!t Rheum. Mi'smnistruatwn, White CfiloroHia, titocr-Complafnto, Citronic Hèadacktê, Rheü iruitistii, I}i!tnii"t?i' FevêTBï Pimples on the Face, &c. lnV;i tfi of ' ;-:vi:i! ai. I!Kint.iTY,v liet lier tht' resul t offtCUtt Usiai-, Qr of the contimu-ü dimipntioQ of nervous urn mu aula? energy from chronic complalats, onc trial o tliU restQrar baa provod Bucceflsful to an ex tent wliicli no ijbescrption nor writtm attextation woulil ren Jer crt'dible. Invalide bo long b 1 rïd len as to bavc become forgolten in their own notgbborbooá} havosuddeuly re-appearod in the busy world asif jtist returse from prol racti'il travel n;t distaiii l;iu-I. rery i na! instaurrs of tbis kSnd arè atiestéd of tbmale üuffoTors, nnacfatod victlmfl of appareot marasmuS] sauguineoiu exhauni ion, ritical clünges, and that complica tioc uf nervona tSMÚ dypptlo Awvftlón to air mul extffbiaG for vhlch the physiolan hafl noname. In N'khvocs Akkkctm.ns of all kinds, abd Tor n-asons familiar to UMdio&l men, the opttrattoa of this preparottOD-Of i ron mu.stnccesvariiy be salutary , fur, nnüke the oíd óxidos, ii is viorously tonio without bmuiï awitblg and overheating; and geut lyf rcgylarly ftperieut, evon the most oUsiinatc casos oí cnstiveníflB without even bciog a gastrif puriTutivo, r Ihnictfnff a auagreeable BOnsation. It iritljishaer propcrtgr.aniong others, which m o BQutrkably flecl unl aufl permanent a remedy fbr PUer upon which it algo appïarB f o exért a ■lisüiu't èüd Bpeciüc action by dUporsug Lhe local teudeucy which forma thoni. In Dtspbpsia, Innumerable as are its causes, a single box uf thío Chalybeate Pilla have often su ! Un the inor-t habitual cafiesdclbdlngthe atteudent Costivcnesi Inunchecktvl DiaURDqcA1, evon ivIkh nlvanfcd to Dijscnittij oonflrm ■!, emaoiating aad apparently mallgaaatj theeffeota baring beop Moallv doptsive and w r oUbing Ín I he l'n;:i! inins, n - t ' ii, ;ukí -.í:Tti;M n , dvlii !t:i 1 in' courh, and rcmiueni bectic, which generalTy indícate Incipunt Consimp'ion, iu sewol very gniUtyidg an.L iuteiesiinif inntaucos. .'n $erofulou$ Tuhercuolsis, íhís mediated Tron has h:il lar moni than tlic good efTect.- of the most cauttousy balancee! prepara! tone oj iodiac, itbout any of aoslr well kñowh líuDÍIities. riifattention of Témales c:tnnol be tooconfldently 'uw'trtUíhrc?ned!:inú rettoraliccin Lhe cases pL'cuUarly afbcttn.c; tham. [n IiU(.:.matism, bothclironic :md infiammafory - n tne laiter, hwvftver more 3eol tódly - it han héen invariably wll reportad, Uon as ftlioviatiuR pain and rt-.iueing the svellingsand Btinneasof tliejointa and rot 1 1: lrr?niti(!tl FevcraW must BeeessarUg bt-a u'i'fatremedy and energotto restoialive, auil its ptogKss ln toa now settlemcnts of [b West, w probably by onu of high reDown and uefulness. No reme 'y oa ■ ever boon dtacoTered m the wfiole history oí nii-.!u-in wi,i,'", i ■; .n; i;.t . happy, and iniíy restorativo onwraí (joodWppc-hfo, ooxnplebe digMtiOli, rci-i'l arqui.siíion ofstrength, with an unusual dispoaitioa foractiv&ajid checrful exeiciso, úpuac foTTow its uso. Put up in nent flíiti.ipfrti boxes coninining '50 pillj;, price 50 cents per box ; for sale druggists aml clealers. wlll be mdí i'i'"1" to any addroas on recoipí f the prioe. All letters, orders, etc., should beaddressi'd to B. II. LOCKE,&Co , General Agent. 477yl 339BroaJ'v;tv,N. Y. For Salo by GRENVJLLE & FULLEIl, Ann Arbor. 1000 Fine Overcoats ! For Sale Ch?ap nfc GUITERMAN& GOB CARDS! CARDSü CARDSlü BaTiofl pwroi UBsBouBï DuacoTTfi Cara 'n-ss, uil h a tinc i-om-t nimt of Card t-pt-, Íh4 .i. i :. üilioei.s prepared to print Carda of all kinds in the u'atest pos3ible styië atíd at a groal reddci ion from onner p rices, includlog Buninesfl Carda (ormsn of all rVocations andprofessions, lïall, Weddfilj, anl Visitïnff ?rlü, eto., etc. CaU, givc us yours orders aad Bee how it i ci.iic


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