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City Cheap Lumber Sas7i, Door s Blinde, Plaste? Paris, Grand Jiiver Piaster, Tl ater Lime, It'ails of all sises, Glass, Paint and Putty, t&c., &c. , D. DeForest, HAVING Incrcasrd Ut faoilities for dolng busl nee and enlnrgcd bis Yard and .Stock, is pre pared tho present reson, witti tr.r hps;. Inrgesl tud chca'icst seaeooed stock uverin tl;is mrlet to ■atiftfy the reasonable expectalionii ot' a]I. üui motto ia not u b iindcrsold 'or caah on delivery I wil! not undertaketolrlghlcuthe public liyaayinc thnt tb"wil) get 8hved tl thuy buy ulsewhere for we prrsume that othero wülsëllaslow aethoy 'can nftord to. All kinds of Timber, Joints, ml Scaulling. l'inc, VVliitewood, Banewuod , Hem Planed and Matched Pine, Whitewood ,Uh Klooi ing. Plancdínd roilírh Pinonmï Wbitcwood aiding.Koicc JPotu, Ouk ond Cedai Post andl'icket ui nll kinds. $uie f atlj, onb iUljitcwoob L. ,fl Ptne, Ashan-1 Whitewood Shingle, Biirn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, i BlaekWa-.iUt.and Cherry and thin stuft", Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and T0NGUE8, Hoxand Body ï.umbcr.Maple Log Timber, Hickory, Oak, Ash, 23Im, Beech, Of ■ilUhlcknece1widtha andlengthi.&c. &c, Piaster Paiis, and Piaster ■ ofallkinde. ISTifcïllSl Oí all alzo, ie, &c. ÜAS1I, D00RS, ds BLINDS, made by bHDtl to ordo j1 nslowas fnrtory p riera, on the sliorteetnotitc by the beet of workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. , : Rillp oíríI daACripttoü in the nbovn building line - furnishedontlicphortcBtor noticc, for We have Mi.Us Cutting Regularly. A ful! anda perfect ascortincct of the above anc otker kind of Building Materials , ConstanÜy onhandaLlhiloweslpossibleratei Cali and be Convinced. A few rotls soutli frnm R. R . Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arbnr, Mich. ROOPING, N.B.- I amnow operating Exlensivelj In the Patent Cement Roofing. LOOMIS & TRIPP, Succesors to 5 Chapin &, LoomiRndCh.ipin, Tripp & Loomis '■ - -O "1I1 ixHnve iirm of Iomis & Tripp.haring pqrchMefl the entire interest f tbc former compaui-s 11 continue t bnhu-. at ih pid st:;nris, they wíll bt: rfaiy( on thesLorttt uuticc, to üll all orders iu tliu line ol Castings and Machinery, In the most workm.tnlike mannor, and on ns Liberal terms as nny otner shnp in the Btate.Among the vart' ous avticltttnauufiict.iri tl bv us.wewould enumérate j STEAMENGINES of nll kinds; Mili llenring anl rixíurr?, wrongbtñnl cast; all the variuus CHstingrt for niüking and repairinjj ' HorRft PnwpvR iV Thvcshinir Machines such ns are nt present, or havo formerlj been in use ia this part of tbe State, as well as all the variou.s kinds of costinas and vork oalledfórby farmers amú % mcclianics iothi.s section of tíie country, of all the vartoua patterns, up in sises and prices. wil! be s kpjt constrtntly on hand, got the most modern and improved slyles. HUBBiRD'S WR0T7GHT IRON REAPERS & MOWERS. Ha ving commenccü m&nufscturing this BüperiorMachiny, single and eombinerA, the farmers are ÏDTited to r c;dl and .see K Bpecïmcta machine now in onr ware room, ■ before purehasingeisewhere, beboviiia that thi machine need only to be seen to convince thefanncr of ITS SUPEPJÜRITY B over theRenpers and Jlowers in this market. Thankful for fermer patronage to the old firms, we wouíd olicit a contimianci U-tnn oW fHendea&d atria! r by all vtslitDg foranythiug inour UnOOf bualnem. LÜÜMIS & TRII'l'. Aan Arbor,M:iy 18th. 1859. 697tf 1 SCHOFF & MILLER A RK STIL!, ON HAND at theireld Stand, No. 2, Franklin Bleek, witli Che most complete ais(jriir.-i:l of t Books and Stationery, 1 PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL aND WINDOW PAPERS, i SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GIJP CORNTCES, CURTAINS, ; HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! ' and they would suggest tothose Inpursuit cfanytbingin SANTA CL A US' LINE . tbat tbcy secure a I ! Doublé Christmas Present ! ' bypnrehasieg from tliis stock, as oacb purebaser gets ud auditional present of Jewelry, kz. , ' RaDging in valué írom 50 ets. to $50. 6ff Tbpytruüt tbat tboirlonsf expericiice in selectinj? ; gooas forthls market.' and strlct attention to the wants - of Cuvtomers, may eutitle tbem to a liberal sbare of Patronage. ) Ann Ai'bor.Doc. 5. 1SC0. "TTtf EYE and EAR WSjWy DR. F. A.7JA.DWELL, "I'KIÏATOB ON TnK KVK AXD EAR For ücafnoss, BUn'dnCM, nml all Itfccts or Sightaiul Hearing. DR. C. ItnNii A REGULAR Physiciin,irUb TWBNXJf YEAIt-í' exclusive pi-acíicü in tbe trcjitmentof disM ■ ofüie ÏYEAND kar. wil] be fonod qvalifiad to Kive relief or effect a cure in any oaH witLin tbc roacfa of human skin. L3 Tfo charge for an cxamlnAtlon or an opinión, or for vnsiwccssfnl serrticts. 's TBSAnsa i. tuk EtE and Eak} of 800 pp., containinpc rolercncon. Testimoniáis, Dpücriptionof IwK-fi. Cses, and ntlier iinportnnt mul wiih óuts, n ho htfígratis, by sending Tut kmu to ]:iv postage. Addrejs Dr. ('adwell 93 Kundolphlreet cnrinr l'oiiborn, Uhfoago,lll. lyTOS 1SÜÍ. 180 1.' NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! C. II. MILLKN&CO. llave removed to their Brick Store recently öecnpïed by A. DeKoi'OHt, and are now receiviug a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS roa Tin: S3?RI]Sra TEADE, Among which are Staple Dry Goods of all kinds, BEAUTIFUL NEW csTYLES , TRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BONNETS. RIBBONS, &c, &c. Choice FAMILY Groceries, BOOTS, SH0E3, & CROCKERY. Also an enlire New Stock of Carpets and Oi' Cotis, of New and Beautiful Patterns, THESE GOODS WERE BOUGHT AT PRISTIÓ PEIOES! Ana wo aan retlify M wbo wilt r.ill anl examine our Stock, tlmt Soodaare Cluaptld Spring fur CASH OR READY PAY. C MIIjLEN & CO. Aan Arbor, March 20 1801. 2bi733 Chancery Notice. STATE ( !' ifïCHlGAX, the ': fOT t ' i . ■ . v, 8] tenavv. in piancery. At n seutm of .;i'l Uourt, beid at the Courl House in lbo city Of .'■ i a Ai 'imi . ji, ;i;'i oonnt and LtaW, on tïie lUwuiU il.iv (.f .ï!ini',.. I. lfifil, ITeseni Hon. ivUin Ijiwrrare OrcnH Judge. In the snit ot' Botert MeCleUand, Conj! ptainant, Against parluis tfl Umi uuknowji, wlicrein ]& I ra Cnr pnriiifr.n 'if rcrtafn lftnds nml pri'mises in hw liiU'i:1 e'.niM.i.:.i describí k, and in wbicb he qlaimg „ i; Bfttisfactorily appearing to saii Court thal the othcr jmiti' liltoïOffted I sai-! iMdfl arni pïOSilVia :uv tj thfl Mii'l l'ompiainnitt un!inmvn,-oa motten of A. Folch,Soluitor for satd Cvinjlainant,it [s tbat all partii -int. re&tedin said lanis and prem; Isëa (i arittii n of vlii-}[ is ftougbt in cause), nppcitr and rtïisivrr the lil f cnmplaint tilcd in thia cauM Inthe lirst ilayof Octobor, A.I.,l8fil, or that snchbïfl of oomplaint be taken as confensej y i 1.i--,u S.iil lnnds and premisas are sitúate In the county of Waanton and St;ite of M:ohigaa. nnd are descrlbcd aa foUovs. n wit: the Köuth hall of Méwn tfceoty -foux, and ulö wesi half, and the cast half ot' the nnrtb cast unarUir, of ,-i''ti'.n Iwi'iitv Gvj, in ttnvr.sliip four south "f range seven east, n the district of lands formerly aubjecï Eo s:iU'i Moaroe, in-:, látate, cootatning in atl wWq hundrcl and twtnty atW) MMMMg tj the l'atent tnerefor, And il is Curther ordercd. Lliat gritbtn twenty days from the entryof tbia uider, Uie coiuplnïnant caus'a a copy of thia ordt to !.■ (MiblisHsd in tlie Michigan Argus, a tiri,]'a)irr ]irintc( nnd published En Raid clll pi Ann Arbor, an-t (hnl Buch ímmlefrftóí he continue at 1-jubt once in each weel RucceveirUy, fir si weevkii K. I.awkkSci;, Circuiï ïuBge1. A, FKi.fii, Solicitar, and of ConuMl foï Cmnphunaut. Chancery Sih. SÏAÏE 07 MICIlKiW. TUE C scriT Court ron tur Ci.r.viY ofWafhtksaw, tïïza .1'" lVrkins vs. Sebn h P kini- In Chai:ccry; - Iu pursuance i a decretal nf tlio Circuit Court of tin County of Wasbtennw, in Chancery. in tbé abore ñaue on the gecond day of Deoember, A. Í). elgbt hnndred and litiy uuo} and a furtbcr order of tliis Conrl made on tbc sixth 3ay of Fcbruary, A. T) elgbteen Iihuilred and Bixijrone, wjll be 8oM, undx t)r dlrtction o the Circuit üourt Commtssloner for tho County of Wash(eiuiw. at public auctiou, at the tonth r front door of the Court House, in city of Apn Arbof, on Saturdaj the tAxïh l;iy óf ll-uly, etghtoén bundrod ad Mxty-omnt twclvo o'clfjck. nooo, 'f ï-;ti'i day , ail tbose certain tructi or pare ol land lying añd belog Ín thé towJishfji . s. ',i]:i. In the i'imnty of Wnshtcnaw ftforesald, and tto si:iii.iL'i in paid decree is fotlowsylz: The west Imlful tbe sorrth-easi (yaartèr of section fiftecn, nnd the. wt half of the noriii-ca-.t rjuartrr of section tvvtnlv-tw.i.iii townabip one south, of range &evu eást, or so mud therpol iikiv ).- rtccessarj r tttiftiy tlic amount dut upon snid Oecrtt-, together witb interest aad costa 1'. S TWITCHEIX, Cir. C(urt Coin. for the i'..uuty f Wahmun O. HAWKlNS,SolicÍtor í-r Cumplainaut and Assignee Ann Arbor May '0,1801. ' SHERIFF SALE. BY virtueof (in oxecution ifsoM out of and inn!r thi scal of tho Circuit Court for the Connty of WaiU j tenaw, aml ítate oi Michigan, beanog date the 2M ! day of December, IStíO, ainl w m directcd and deurered against tbe goods and chattel, uv] ii.r want thenoi land anti tenements ol John D. Kiif defeudani t)i-m: nanted, I did on the 29th day of iJect-mber, 1SC0, levi upon an.Uoi.c slktlKTteht, titlc nnd interest of tlii Eftld Jolni 1). Kiff, in and (o the following desqribed lam and premises, tó wit : Theftouth % of nortli-east ', o scclion No. i alsoall tlieUnd hiñg northoftüQ VÜlam of Uanchester on the souih % of uection '2. (reserriñ a lot sold to Bamabas ('aio) ;also nnrlh-wcst'; ofsoutU west ,',, fi-olioii i': als.j ix.itli-Kist ;., oX Bouth-eat and sotflh-east Sj bl nortfi eást '., ; aleo 2 acres oS tí t-astside oftíie north-wcst of nouth-east ; also H acres ofl' the Qast side of C9t }i of north ea& i of seetion 8, i ówn 4 south mtvjf ' east; Also al that pi-cc orparcelof landin the township of Jlancliejter being the east 40 acres of the north part of tn( I north-past fractional 4 of section 3, commencinp od tl nort i Uneof Kiiil svetiuuata jioinlUl chains 37 ünki j ! frum the nqrth'-cost corner of said sectioit, runnin; I thoncc west on said soetion liijo "2ri chains and r7 Ijnki to the iiorrli-e.-,t corner of the north est l of t! north-wcst '.i Of safd sectlon, theuce souiherlv r.n th iUarUT line to the south west corner of the north-eai' of the north west of said Bection, Qicnce 28 chains and:!7 links parallel with the said section lini lollie snutli-west corner of and asnigned to and be inimiug to Lortuzo Higgins, thence norfhi-.v :i vel line of said Higgins' land to the piace of beirminf. in dading also right Bf way In aa esiterly and wesKT ly direetion aeróla said Higgins7 land, resenrlng tin right of way in ant;;ci ;. and y irerly direction acr&s the ui'l 40 acres Id totfúship 4, Bouttí of range ■" blockí No. 1,0. 7, 8. 9, 15, IS. 19. :), 24. 25,SI 27,28, 29, SO, 31,36, and 34; also lot No. ). n bict No. 3, lot No. :i and wi-st ', of lot 'Z 'm bl..:k S. als' lots NTn u,. s. 9 11, iu, ïo, t-, jo, in diock 11, (excepi ! rrómthe above ocscxlption ,ill lands deeded to th( Midi 7 as Southern and Northrrn Ind'ana Rnil niad Co. fm U'I 't grounds, and also lot N'o. 5 in block 24, and lol 12 in block 12owned byS. K. Spencer); also Iota 3, 6 9. 12, and west i of lot 5 in block 12; l.,ts 4, 3. and 6 in block fío. 22, fdxeep) thal O-cI.i i.. Willi m liaxter) a lo block No 1B, (eic.-ptlots Xo. 1, 2 and 4.) all in tlii villago of Uaneheaterr, also a part of cast ; of north . of FOCtinji No. 11 , in Town 4 south ranjre 3 easl bËglnnlng at north wefit corner of aid lot, theuce north rees cast 3 chains and 97 links toa stake In nnh west bónndary oflnnds envned bv Messrs. Carr and r'rsman, al.,nr the same ïöuth 61 degrees and 30 miuules west ï chains and 69 links to a stake in the mijdie of the Territorial lioa.l, thencealone the snnie, north ' 2 Hl roes ml :;0 minulvs west 2 chains and 7 Hnlti t Che place of beginning containing 38100 acres of land: also lciaNo. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15 iu block N". 8- the Viliage of Mmnhester; allo block No. 19 and l'.tN'f'. 8 in block 18 in Manchester; also bezinning at a ccrlsiii ■ n the west bank ..f the river Ralsro (ind 00 tin eaetsidei! block No. 20 in the village of Manchester, thence soutfc M iegreaa 30 minutes west to a ■ line between blocks 10 and 20 in said villaje, tbenec along said line north 20 degrees 30 minutes to the Kiter aroresaid, thence a!ing.aid lüver to the place of lwgin nlog, eoDtalolng ;'.,' of nn acre. in the county of Wasitenaw and 8tate of Uichigapj all of whicb "premised shall for sale at public anction, as the lawdirectt, at the fnut door of the Court House, In the CityorAno Arbor, that beinfi the place for hold'ng the Circuit Tdiirl for the County 'f Wasbtenaw, on Monday the 8thi)lj of July next, at elev n o'clock in th? forenoon of whí day ïllo.M.isr. LEON'AKD, late Sbcriï. Dat?d, May 10, 1861. 800M Mortgago Foreclosurc. DEFAULT haring been made in (lu condttion of i MortgasfCcxecutcdby Patrick SuUlvan and Joaititl Sulliyan tol.uther James, dated April eighih, A.O. 1Í5S nnd reconled in the Reiste{-8 Qflice in Waühtensi County, in IJbej 21 ofaorígages, at pnge ;■:■: - ■ Oth, A. I). 185-i, at half pan. fhrec o'clock, I'. M., !■■( M'hich defuulttlie poner of sale centained in saü mti gage became opir.itive, r.n.l nosuit or procecdüegbaTM 1 been inslitutcd at to recover tbe dobt seiuri mortffriKe or any p.iit thewof, and rho ah) óf ih lmndredand tlire dollars and tiinety-six cents ($'"0;i 96) being iiciv ckiiiiM-ii i„ be no IhiroQD, NVtice ii therefore hereby given that said mortgage will be foreclosedbya sale oí the bortgaged prèinises. to-wit: TIn tooth-wost tfnarter of the norih-east qonrter, nndth EOu'.hcast quarterof the (uarterof section No. tn acres of the aonth-ivt quarter oj the north eaatquarterofsection number nios. extending fcvertyrods cast and west, and north anl south faronough to conto tn ten acres, all in towii'liip No. cm' routh of range live east, being in Webster, iu County of TVashtenaw and Slate of Michigan, i r lonl part thereof. at public rencue, at the Oourt Home in th! city ofinn Arbor on the fith dav of Julj next at noon. 1.1 THER JAHES, Mortgiigee. K. w. Uomun, .Uiv. Dated, April IS, A.D. 1861. City Meat Market. --rmrf ' he undorsignod THEIR MARKET TO THE CORXKR OF ANN ANT M.UX STREFTS And wil] keep coustnutly on hand a full aitortinent of "r -e-s-la 3Vt-O-a.-t-s-, ?}!}?'■':}};: .121íi'ra? oc folmd '" rcadJusl(i cut upoo STOMERS. No ïuiNs will be spared to lotp their market Clean, and Meats Sweet and patrons may reiy upon gettinc the best notsn STKtKs, cimfs, etc, that eau be fouud in the Ut f CA1X ANDT1ÏY LS. 8. 1ROCTOR T.WAI.KEI!. AnnArbor.May 4, 1860 745m6 2a"3E3"7V" O O I S . WLXES ft OÍGIÍT Are uow receivingthoir SECÜXD and Slimmer STOCK OF GOUDS Iu couseiiucnce of lbo Great Presaure in ths aiOTWEY 3VT .A. 3Ft ET 13 T we have been enabled to purclinBe many kiud of Goods at our orn prices. We can sell most, kinds of DRESS G00DS for LES THAN WAS PAID FOR THE SAME' KIND OF G00DS in Xcw York SIX WEEKS SIWCE! We invile the attention of all to an nspctioa of our stock. WirVES &KIV1GHT. May 10, 1861. O val Picture Frames A LL SIZES, STYI.ES and TRICES just rectived aod X for sale clieapftt CHOFF & MILLER'S. 25, ■■"l'1 1000 Vests. Shirts and Drawer For Sale cheap ut GUITEHÜAN &


Old News
Michigan Argus