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Wliether nnv serious attempt wil] be made to annex Ttwns nt tlio present session, cannot certainly be surmised from any dalti before us. There are many obstacles in the way. Tbore is no prospect of invasión of Texas by Mexico nt present, if at all: many of the leading Texans had rather bc at the head of a nat tonal government of their own than be meresatullites scarcely distinguishable in a vast national confederacy: the President elect of Texas is said to be opposed to the ircaiy of Annexation formerly proposed, if not to the project in all its phases: the Northern YVhigs in boih houses will oppose il, while tho friends of Mr. Polk would like to have all the glory of such au achievement reserved tbr him. On the olber hand, a combination of Southern Wliigsand Dcniocratsmoy tnke place, j strengthenedby a portion of the'Northern Demoeracy," se called, and the measure be imrnedialely tried. Mr. Tyler's consent, of course, could be readily obtained. Devclopmen.ts will undoubtedly be made early in the session. In tlie meantime, there are various rumors afloat, that ihe President of Te.xas has received Communications from Santa Anta which look towards a settlement ol difficulties between Texas and Mexico, and that President Houston intends inimediately to convoke an extra session of the Te.van Congress.OJ5 A correspondent of the Boston Cbronjcle recommends the scienco of Phonography to reporters. He says: "As a means of r'eporting, it compares wiíh any other 13 a steamboat to a mudscow. VVhy cannot the school teachers all through New England be induced to learn it at at once? They can do so whh a little application, without instruclion; and when they have once tested its ttierits, ibeir uniied lestimony in its favor would at once eáiablish it as a regular branch of educaticn. Those who are firsi in acquiring a knowlecge of it, will be amply repaid lor iheir eiiterprise by the profits oC teaching it. J fully believe t hal 500 young men and ladies, qualified to tench phonography, might linda lucrative employmentin doingso."


Signal of Liberty
Old News