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The Fourth In "old Virginia."

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The First Michigan Regiment duly ce'.ebrated the National Anniversary, we presume ruuch to the surprise and anuoyanee of tbe " F. F. Vs.," if any were thereabouts. The following programiue waa observed on the occasion : At sunrise, a natioual salute, or feu ie joie, with the national air by the band. At 9 o'clock A. M., a dress parade, followed by prayer by th Chaplain. Musio by the band. Reading the Dcclaration by Lieutenant Horner. Singing of the " Star Spangled Banner," and chorus by the Regiment. Oration by Col Wilcox. Music by the band. Doxology, "Old Hundred" Benediction. Naticnal Salute fro:n the Fort at 12. M. L3C" The Houso has, ,by a rote of 92 to 55, passed the following resolutiou, offcrcd by Lovcjoy, of 111.: llesohed, That in the judgment of this House, t is no part of the duty of the soldiers of the United States to capture or return fugitive slaves. We think thiit it deponds entirely upon circurastances as to what ia the duty of soldiers. It is just as much their duty te return fugitive slavcs to loyal niasters, as it is to aid in coinpclling disloyal raasters to returo to tlieir allegiance. The House would have done wcll to have kept quiet, and left tho offiaers in comniand to act as circumstanoes might dictatc. If it is to follow the lead of such rabid abolitiouists as Lovejoy, there wil) soon be no loyal citizens in the seceded States to welcome the approach of our " grand army."


Old News
Michigan Argus