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ISTotloo. rlIK MEMBERS OF THE NEW EN3LAÍTD SOCIETY willf.n '. coplea uftbolasl anuual addrca.i delivereil by Ruv. Mr. Ku:ulCE at Sprong' Store in this (Ty. W. . STRONü, Tnuntw. l Wahted for the WAR. W The " First Regiment ffl jL gan Infantry" Haring hoen tooepted Ibr the full term, 600 ABLE B0D1ED RECRUITS Ofgood moral character, are wanted Toaerve In satd Regiment ffirTHRES YEAR3, or DUIUN(j THE W.R. The Genera! Kendczvous for tho Becruita trill be at AJÍN AR BOK, ti which place ttie men wUI tw? sent bv the officers ín charge of the severa! recmiting siatiors, as soon aa sqiiaafl "f eight ur ten meiiaic cullected; when they wïU I-t.' jut on a Tliorougli Course of Iastructlon, to flt thora as apeedUjr u posstbl for active serviré ia t&efleld. Itis hofed Ut the officers in charge wilt iv. ■■■:'■ the Iiviirty co-operatinn of the citizens n thir immediate vicinity, nnd tliat this cali v.-ill be promptly responded to. L. L. COMSTOOK, BÓ8wl Lt. Col. lst Mich.Jnfantry. Mortgage Forcclosure. DEFAVI.T baving been made in the condïtion of a Mortgage execuledhy WUliaro Walker, and CylL.nia, hl8 wife, to 'Villi:ini S. Mavnard, dated the twéltlh dav of May, A. I). ÏSÖO, auá recorded in the Register'" ■Jflice in Wafthtenaw County, in Liber 26 or Mortgage.1, al pago 736, on the daj of ris date at twenty-fivo mlnntw past eight o'eiock.p. m by which default the power of s;t!e contained ín said tn trtgago oecame optT.xtive, ani n toci-vth:z haing been instituted at ïaw to recover the !cbt sejuret? by sad inortg-ige or any pait thereof, nnd Iho sum of one hunrlrcl and eleven dollars bomer ncw claimcd to be due Iheieon as interest and costs of insurancr, and furthor sums to bicorne due. Kotioe tliercfoio bereby giveu that sid niortgage wrtl bE fo.tclosod by a sale oí the m-ir-gaged premiaos, towit: All that certain tr.ict or pared oí land J.-nown and describid s follows, to-wif LyiDg ani bing io the citv of Aan Arbor, beinj; five roda wide on the north sidc f blnrk Xo.two, north of IJarnn strect rnne one eat, to es'.end the whole length of said block est ani west, asfiTcably to the rocu-ïert plat of the vifUge (ij Ann Arb'ir, ersorac p-irt thereof. at public vcih" ue,at the Uourt in :h, ciy ' Arbor on the flfth day of October, next at nooa. W1LLIAM S. MAYXAFD, Mortgagee. E. W. MOKGAN, AttT. ♦ate;), July 9tb, A.D. 1861. SCStd Chanccry Salo. STATE OF MICHIGAN, tbm Cbcvit Coubt fob thk CoCXTï of VtAStlTtlUW, Elizs. A Pt-rkins vs. Sebrah Perkinf- -In Ctianccry; Iti pursuuice oi'a decretal of the Circuit Courtof the ol ''Vn-httuaw, ia Chanc-ry. made in the above caii.í.' i;i tlü' Becond day of l'ecember, A. D. eighteen bucdrod nd fifiy nlue, and .i furthcr order of this Conrt m;ide on the sixth ia.r of Kebruarv, A. I eiijhteen hanone, wïll besoH, undèr the direct ion of the Circuit üoort Coxftmlnioner for tbe Connty of Washtcnaw. at publio auotion, at th soutb er frout dnor of the Ccnrt House, n the city of Ann Arbör, on ?aturciay ihi sixih daj of 'uly, eightej) bundred and sixtv-one,nt tw-f lvc oclt'ck, nton, ol" aid day, ail tho?e cei iain tracis or parcela oí' luiid lyinj; and bel&g in the towhsbip of alem, n tiie c-niuiy f Wa&htenaw aforesaid, and deseribed in said decree as follows, vía:: The west half of the suuth-east qunrtcr of section fifteen, nd tl i balfof the north-CAst quartcr of sectioc twenty-twó, in townaliip one south, of raoge seven east, or so much to satisiy the amount duo uponsaid accree, V 'gether with interest and costs. 1. ií TW1TCHEIX, C!r. Oourt Orm. for tho Ccunty of AVasbtnkw. O. IIAWKINS.SoHcitor íor Coniplaiuaiu and Asignee. Ano Albor May L0 18G1. Tbe above sale is adjotirncd until the 15th day of November next, at the same hour and place Dated, JulyCth, 1801. 1. S. HViTCriELL. Circuit CnurtCom. Washtónav Co., Mich. SUEIUFF'S SALE. BY viriucor ftn executiou isEuea out of and undcrtln of tLe Circuit Court for the County of Waahtenaw, and State A Micliian, beurirg date the 29tb (tiy of Docemjfe, 18Ö0, and lo me directed and delivered, agiiiust tbc gouds and cüattels, and íor want Ihereof lunds sin' tenéments oí John V. Kief defendant thercio n:im,'d, I did on the J'.th day of December, 1860, levy upon and setxe all the right, title and interest of the talé John i. Kief, in and to the fbttowfng doicribed l.tnd and premffloS] tc wit; Tlic outh % of north-east W oí feecliou N". 'i als. all the land lying noi th of the Villago ,■■■: [u il' -on: ii _ of seetloo 2, (reserring a iot sold t Ha ruabas Case);also north-weet J ofsouthnrflstJsnetion9;'lsÓDOrthteá8t of south-east bnd suuth-east % of north east J; also 2 acrei off the ofthe north west yv oí south east H ; also 10 terci tift' the east side of soathweet ';i of oorth t-Rfit }L of sectkm o y town 4 south nnge o Mfit. Also all t.i;;! pi ce orparoelof land in the townshipof MnnchcstT being the eat.t ■' aerea of the north part of tne Dorth-eaM fractioaal y of sectuu a, cniomcncing on tho Dort lïïi'j of caid seotton at a poiat 31 chains 37 links trom the north-east corner of said eection, running thence west fin tMA sectïoa UitO 28 chains tuid 67 links lóthe noith west cuintr of tho north-eaat }i of tho Dörth-west Ji oï saW . sevtión, theupé eooth'erly on the quarter line U the south woal corner yï the Rortli-east of the north weit }i of snid sectlon, thence eastcrlv So cli;iin-i Sftd87 línká parallel with the said section line to the south-west corner f ana asigned to and betong1oLto Lorenzo Higgins, thenc norther.jrop the west line of sid Higgins1 land to tbc place of boginning, Including also the right of way in an easterly and woetêr ly dlrectíob across said Higgins land, rc-erving the right of way an easterly and westorly direct ion across the aid40 acres lutnwnship 4 south of r-inge 3 east. - Alsu WoctsNo. 1,0.7, 8. 0, 15, IS, 19, 23', 24, L5,26, 27, LS, 20, SD, 31 ,'35, and 31; also Ion NTo. i, in block Xo. 'ó, lot -■". . ■ , of lot 2 in block 5; also MrNV '., 3, 8, 9 11, 12. li, 14, 15, in block 11, (eicept from the abuve description a landa deeded to the Mich[gaa Southern aml Northern Ind'anaRail Hoad Co. for i No. 5 ín block 24, and lot .k l'iowuod JjyS.R. Spenoer); also lote 3, 6, 9 I2,andwes1 ' . ■? lot 5 in block 12; lot? 4, S, and t, in block Xo. 22, (excypt tUat dt-etled to Willi ni Baxter) ; alo bloeit Xo 16, [exc-ptlotsXo. landJallto th villiipo rf Hanthester; also a part of H u northf p4cöonNo. 11, In Town 4 south mn 3 eat bogmuinc; at north-west corner of tsid lot, lUeucp orlh S0 degreèa east B chains and 97 liuk to sfake m nort%west Koundary oflandi owned by uèssra, Carr and Freeman, thence along the aamc eouth 51 degrees and 30 ■ Uinkatoaïtaltc (n themidTerritorial Kcad, tlienceaione the same, north 62 degre 3 and 60 minutes west 2 chninA and 7 links to ■ inning coniainingoS-UO iicros of ïund; F, W, 14 and 15 in block No. 18 of the VUttrge of Manchenfér; also block Xo. 19 and lotNo, 8 in block IS in Jlauchwter; also beginning at a certain ttnk on the west bank of the river Raisin and on th ,,i block No, 0 ín the viUage of Uanchestor, tutfa 'ji dftgreea 30 minutes vost to a Make iu & line between blocks 10 and 0 in snid village, thenco along aid (Ine north 20 degrees '0 minutes to tho River i ce along said River to the place of beg.n ning, containin; { of an acre, in the counly of wasntenawand.3te,ti of Michigan, all of wblcli prcpiisos l flhiill e] uctlon, as the uiwdirects, at the ín ut door of tho Court Doom, in the City of A uu batbeing the place for h.old{ng the Circuit Court for the County of War-htenar, on Monday the Sth dav of Ju] neJLt, ü eleven 'clock in th forenoon of ;id day TiOÍAS F. LEQNA&O, late Siiprifï". l,May 16, 1861. 800td The above xnl is hc :eby postponed to the ZZ$ day of July, 1861, ut ■ . and tloieofday. ' Ano --v - v ' ■ l"fl


Old News
Michigan Argus