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A. DE TOR EiT. Always ttheadin Low Prices H AVINO lll-.MOVF.I) MYfTORE t) lbo East lid üf Main stivet, on door mrrth of Guitfrmutvs. I nm now receirtagNw Goods, eosipraing all kindf of (jioceriea, Fruits, Exlracts. Ülaanware, Lamp, LouUing ülaflPs, Tablf Cutlcry, ti 1 pint ed (Joods, JtC, LOVVEK. jHANJSVER! French China TcaSets, from t SO to 18 00 Frendh China DinnerSet. from ao CO to 30 oo Stone China T i-ets, from 3 00 to 4 50 Stom China Diiinnr ft u, from 6 50 to 16 00 Bt'iiutifu] UUu OubteU, i 00 pr doun (üuss Kt'rft- nc Ijiiiips from 87 to CO Uaitda Kerosene Urnpi from 76 to 3 00 Flfcid Lamp froni 16 to 60 Kf.-i. -iie Oil, Bwid qimlity, 80c pergaLon All ottier (i'ttuls nt CorreBp1dlns pricoB. Lti üamps of all kinds altercdand icpaired. Feoplcs store, 799tf A.üiFOKEST. Summer HillfNursery. THEODORE R. DuBOIS, pROPRIFTOROFTHK SUMMKRHIU, NURSERY, ANNT X Arbor, Mich-, is now r-jndy to receive onlernfor Fall and Spring' Settiiijr, Ilis orders for Fruit añil Ornamental Trees, Vínes, ñhrubí,etc. , '11 be fi lied f rom tlie best Eastern Nurwriei, anfl bis personal atUntum will be given to the pelectinn and filling the same. Baring been regula rly educatcil n tlie Xuiscry busineí:R. he is confident thnt with piotnpt andelow attentiun, and strict honcsty and ntegritv.he wiil be able to give Katisfactiou to every one confidiug their orders to htm. All farmers or Fruit growers will do well to gire liini a c.i'.l h -lorft onlering throuph otlier parties. lic woutd refer to mwiy citizcns of the City and Coanty wlio purchascd of him the paat 8pnng for thequalityof trees brpught on by hiin, as w ellas fui tbe gool untor ín whichthey wert received and delivered. 804mS THE'.WASHTENAW COUKTY Lgricnlt-aral Fair, WILL BE HELD OX Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, The lSth, 19tk, and 20th of September D. L. W00D & CO , HATE UST OPENIP A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPRING fc SUMMER Trtde of 1861 Having purchased their stock at iuuch less tlian the usual prices, they are propnred to offer GREAT INDUCEMENT3 To Cash & Ready Pay Buyers. Thankful for past fuvors they x be ever ready to show their Goods nnd ly fair and liberal dealing hope to reoeivetheir fullshare of the public patronage. West side of public square. Ann ArboJ April 1861. FORT SUMPTER EVACUATED. o - '■ - Black & Schmid HEINPOBCED! with a Tremendo us Stock OF STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! GRO O33EVIE; S, CROCKEHY, SHOES, ÜA.TS Sc CAPS, GARFETS, &c, &c. ílosliüiks Cciumeflced in carnesi! Death to High Prices ! ! MACK & SCHMID are noy roceiving their SP E ING AND SUMMER c-oo ds: and wül sell them ior the NEXT 90 DAYS, Much Cheaper Than has ever been heard oí I3sr A.isrnvr arbor. Come One, Come All, and Sec. C. MACK, "05 f. SCHMIP 6 BEAT BARGAINS X xi C LOTHBN G ! ! .A-t tlio Cleveland Clothing House Hurou Street. fewdoora Wcat of CooL'jí Bottl, AlVN ARBOR, MICH., In consequênee of hord limes, and being comprlled to raise menoy ,n some sfonpp, we havo coneluded to iell every thing in our line, consisting of Clothing, Hats, and Caps, GENTS' FURNISUING GOODS, -c. At whntever priee thcy may be it ever bo little, Tliis is no timo to stand for trilles. Profits is no object at all ! Give us a cali, and get gooi Goods AT YOUR OWN PK1CES! O Remember the Place, Huron St.,ó doors Weht of Cook's Hotel. A, & C. LOEB. Ann Arbor, June, 1861. K04m3 SPRING GOÖDS; EICH GOUDS. QÜEA.I QOODS. BACH $c PlERBOfé HAVE just opened a large and well selected stock of Sl3liiig; Goods. latost styles and patterns iucluding POPLINS, CHALLIES, DE LAIXES, THIMMINGS, H U M MER S T ÜFFS. DOMESTICS, STAPLLS, all Carefully selccted, Wftranted to picase, and for sale chenp. OOMB JKTH SX333. BACH A PIEHSON March 26, 1860. 793tf 8,776,994,650 VOLUiNTEIRS WAOTED! TO ASSIST INT THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! iVliite folks, or of whntever colnr, enste or nalivity, whether ïiiunieJ, single ur of doubtful conntxion, will be enlisted in ihe noble cause of EMANCIPATING THE COMMUN1TÏ - FKOM TUE- THRALDCM OF HIGH P3ÍICES ! and will reoeivo iheir outfit at tlie Extensivo Furnishing Establisbment - or THE-G V ITER MAN' S HEAD QUARTEES! baving been establislied for the LAST TEN YEARS, our known rule of warfarc is an Undi s g-ui sed Des truel ion OF ÏIIGII P RICES ! FOR CLQTHIWG For all Jigos! Sex and Conditions f Lü consequenee oC'.ne very flittering eneourngement wliich we have rec-ived ince cur location in this ciiy, we have i ocrea íe d our Stock of SU MMER CLOTHING! To moet the demnnds of our cust Diners, and having bocoim; more fully eonvinced than ever, that our mode of deal ing, naiu'lv: at üie Inwest possible rates fur R.EA.X)ir-IAYi is the only trne plan; we will continue t: serve the public as heretofore durirg the coming fall nnd winter. Our Stock consiste in every variety of READY MADE CLOTUINO ! Plnin nnd Fnney CLOTHS, CASSIMKRS, SrLK, AND SILK VELVETR. A large lot of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, which :u-c all warranted 13ON"T FAIL TO O.XiXi.T Gr. 3EI. , For past favors we aregratcful to all, Tbeeame for large ones in proporties, And those vl:o see rit to cali Shall receive our best Bmiles aed devotiou. M. Guiterman & Go N. B. Students and all others who want to seo SONDHEIM'S new mode of eutt ing will do W(ill to cali and leave their measure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! iiinArbcr, -pt, ;', 1H0. (pjt LÜÏro& BItOOD INFIRMAR Y. I?!krs Bfock Wvodward Are Jhfroift Br. 8. J, C:UPK.TEU & ItAl.VABD. DOCTORS gm ?n'!y i ratead that Couaafrib f ic:MaW, U-wm. .■ il.. y cADDtït OM it ÜIMMby bat thi.-i doet ' '-uc. Jluny mee&aafet! wilt winki uu a jub all doy and aftr dorog Dutbiüg hu; upoi] the natertxi thty vill t yon it mm c-ui bc dome ín kks way you w; nt it. tïu i; applying tu a bftt-.T wcikmait - qim vrtxe Uw rougUJy ir, Is liis busmois-j f.t wiH jH ur Kon ■- eomplÍHJUd in hap?. In thi.s rfspect thcre U ILe pafte dMfrlijfir ti b# f'-tinitn mu trudn itnd prófornktam. 1)ic buaglnfft ül mocha tiism, in the art;, .in luw. in theologe, and tu phj Ie, will .-iv ittch Ui H : i anm t ï.j done. And it i truc that thev emild nét be ii all mm likc themselves. lïut fortuii.'iit.'1y tïiere ia anuther cass of men, und thi-.-f. wiii'ii they tak:; tuur enne In hand, 1o th jobas yoa want ítt or reitere yon to feutltk. accurt ing to de.sire. We have t nly to rvineniber tl ís act to airïtntand win one physici;ii sfaonld pfoncoSM thav Incurable trhich another can curo. In mccliuiiii-s. wtiMUüi limes fiad tliat by I poMi' # of superkr ineens, by tome new inventHiu, f whirh lm h&a the tolQ ue, or by the srrpater ingwiily of hi# mimi, one person wïll makc or do what no i tin r can. Exkotly it may trt so in physic. And tMa in th V ry i'-:wn why T have such greM RUCCCHfl otr II uthers m thu trefttiaviit of Cuijrutnption. ]ïy hi ving; the origina] geoduH, by ing th Ï.ung-Metr, which soiAblei tne tu ri'.-ailv tlot rn ;h" nature of tli diseaseanl by h;iv'n lüch remedies for Comnmptln no olhiT Phvsician ever liad, make bold tt :iy tl. at I have, a:id oan effect a curo of this di.-e.ase beyond tb reach of finy other man. To pror# ttin to have he-u the cast', I might gïve yoo n-imbeis upon iiunibtr of ccrtiflcaiBS ftini eai ■ Itw uvt-r to t grave, w ] itféuH and rc.itoicd to Iica)tii by tlic pc-r-icverinp; use f ray r medU a for Cjnsumptim. lïut it ij ïifl neet ssa" y fur me to do 1=0 bere, for i h fiMrt of oneman dong ïurt iinother cnnot eaMtnt, in eviJt'nt t" ah inrn of cotnvrocx ttjns. lf the Ooamint tire wífcUei furiiier j-rouf tha tkir 1 onn onlv ujr, ccrae aiiJ fattafy yourulf by ut -.y tkiU in the cure of yoar complait doctor Carp ;i!cr rftl tIsH TptiTinti. and Ann Ator, during lSbO-til . Ann Arbor, ut (.'uok'w HoHl, idf Höfl 4t,b of each inmith; üawkina House, VpftUavtj tS and 6th of éach mrmtfa. ïl i ■■ maindt r of tb timp, U will be found at his LuDglnfirmaiy in Dttroit lyTTi. Mrs. WINSLOW, An experien-ed Nurse and Fcrnale Physician, r --pi.ïa to the attention ot methers. lií.r SOOTHINü SYRUP, FOR CHlLDREN TEETHIlfO, whicli greatly faciütittfR tho prncemi of teethlsg, b often'O tbe gums, reducinj: all inilammatiou- will allay ALL PAIN and ifriumotUe acton, and is SURE to REGULHTE the BOWELS. DepcnJ upen it, nvlleetsii wiil give rc.-t t'j j-our.olir, an! i ' Relief an] health to your ftrrnht Wc luive put ap !j{ ind 1 tlils itrtiple for ov ten j-fbj-1, umi CAN 8AY, JN" rOMUlKSCP AM rHTTH of t, wfaftt wc iiic i..'er bo n ab!r to y f, njf otiiermedijine - KfcVCT HASITKAII.ED IN' A SCSGLE INisTANCK, TO 1)H.(.T A, t-U;i-:. , wlwa t'rafly used. Nt-vtr din e kbow : n in.-t rivf (.-f d-afi;!ctioii iiy ait.v ( w!i i:(-l it. ('n tltf f irtMtr.", „I.' 'TO dehgh'ted witll ita opo ti' n-. nnrl sji-nk in Unú of coiünTïnfliiti'.n o! it-. majkfl] efffdn .in-1 nu-dir virtuPS. Vi'e (.cak n tlii.i r' ■M)AT WK I KX0W,''aUr ttn year1 exptrience. Np l'J.KI'i.K OÜR Iti TT"]AT'i'N FOR THE FVU'lLLMlHT -ÖK WHAT VL BESS i;:f'I.Al:F. In almost ctry intnco whtrr tha mffmt iï snfFei ng from pain and t;autl' n, relict ill b! lounl in UtttB er twmiy BJWtci ,af.,i tlie syirup is niljnlnisUrOfi. This viiluüljH' ;t. Ik the precl tiuD of mui of the most EXPEKEENCED and ÍKII.I.KL'I. KVM in Novv l-nu'liiirl, and bil bcu u.-fii witli Nl.VKiï FAIUN'i BUCCESd in THOUSANP OF CASFS. It not orly relieves tbfcthi] ' Erom pam, out invigcruto tha ftfinacb and bowols. c i r.- acid ty. a&a(fvM r tnd energy to the whulu .-vsuui It will almost intatl ( relieve GRiriNG in the r.ovri5, and wind röiïo p.n1. '■■, T'-ome convulfiiin-, whïch if n' t npOWj m died, end in Atath. We btüeve it tftc ]J.1-T nd SCREST REMEIï 1 1HK WitflI.P. in !1 emam f DYAEKTERY and fUARlUÍCBA ÍN CHILPRl '. rhthr it aniiea from tecth'n or (r m trny otht nonti X (uild ay lo everv nu t!itr ulio h s ; cbiM "ufffSM from anv of the frri'gofn? cnmp'n'nt3 - HO NfT i.yi YíJCB FRKJOÍ-ICE.S, NOIÍ TUK l'HFJl 1 HY t OTHERS, otsnd betweenyou -nl volt suffer nt rhil( and the relief tbatwill be HUR- TM. fH.r;TELY to foilow the of tHis inelic uu. if tin!; iw-ij. Full difct'ons fur usini; wITl aco npny molt boltl, N n pcnuini nnlem tj e fac slmi.e 'C rbuiri .t TKlt-, KINS. Nuw-Yort, nn the outsMe wrappir, Bild by V;u-j,_i:-, ilir ugi.t t'.'1 wrid. Prlnrlpnl ('flleo i:ï Ceflar Siifit. bT Y. p;acE on:. y .:, centí r:;. butile. Forvale by I '■■ ,-' ■' .V Co. :, 1t7T1, For the Speedy and Permanent Cure of Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal and Diurnal En,i$xionêt Nervous and General Dcbility, ImpoUnce, and all Discases arisingfrom Solitary Habits or Excessive ïndulgcncc, rpHERE are thonsands of Voung Men, ivs wcll a MinnLi X Aged and Oí.d Mb.v, wlio are suS'eriug to ome -.xtoni from the above disoasoa. JNIany, perhaps, hic uut annri of their true condition, or when assiatance is rcaliy uecde-l. For the benefit of such, we herewith give a fw uf the ïnitirt common symptoms, viï; Wmkntss of the Bark and Limhi, Pain in th Uead and SUte, Dimness vj' Siyht, Dl mid trA before tha Palpitation of the ffatrt, Dyxjiaia, Lo o Memory, Coiifimon of Ideas, Vepressiun of' Spirit, Annéom to Society, Distrust, Timiditi, etc. For each and all f the above symptoma these remedies will bc found a "Porw eign Balm' These remedies embrace Uiree prescrlptions: A box r Pastéis, a, box of Kercous Tnic Pilis, and a box (-f i'iriU Tonic Pilis, all of which have important office? tu ptrfwrM, aud should be used together ia every case. Thcir lupcrtorit ove other modes of treatment may bo brlftfly stuteá ai follows, viï : . jBjéÏ" They diminish the vlolence of scthhI xcitcmnk. jgfjT They imuiscUately arrest aocturuai and alumni omU■ioos. 4"Thoy remove local wsalitie's causls tlie organi U assumo their natural tone and vigor. j6S They streagthen the constitutiou hy overcoming nart - ous debility and genoral wunkiitiss. ]$& They enliven the spirit, which nre nsually depresieo. by expelliog all exciting causes from the syetein. jS" By their iuvigorating propertics they restore tS patieat to Iiis natural health and vigor of aunhood, JSLf They cure when all other means hv faüod. fl" They contaiu no Jfarcurv, HO Ojtui, nor anythlas that can in any eveut prove injurious. && They are easv and plea&ant to use. and will nd intxfere with the patieut'n usual business ot pk-astire, $L&" They can bo used without suspicion, M kuwwiedg of oreu a room-mate. That they may come within the reach of aï), we hnT fix#á the price of the Pastrts at $1 por tax, aud the Vills At .W cents per box each. Ia onleriag by mail, in ddition to th price, twalve ceuta in stampa shoald be iatlowd for return postage. jfSs+s. T.ADIES in want of a Bafo and effeotual iLX remcdy for Iirefjttlaritie, Suwmttipn of th ÖÉ;- Jl Ilienses, or anv disease peculiar to their ex, M"? fihould use Dn. Gatess Femai.e Mo.xthi.t MuÊk 4; &■■ . Pills. Trice, by mail. $1 and one mi. BL' C'ACno.v.- These Pilis should not fco usM P 'jSl during prffnancyt as miscarrxae will b th LADIES ivho, from ill -health, deformitj. GT any other humane and reaonable cause, doem it nioeiary to avoid an increaso of family, eau d- M withuat incurïing danser to health or eoustitntion b the use of .V. tt Craxtx's French Preventiva Potcders, Price, bj mail, $1 s,ud kwo starups. These Powders can only be obtained by addressinj th ' General Agenti, as belowr. Send for Dr. Gatks's Prívale Hedical Treatu on .ftní Uwsa.'M. Peicï Ten Cksts, Address, H. O. MILLEIï t C0.( Gen-ril Acent. i.ö'iisville, K, Fori S-.,;e by MAY1TABD, STEBBI.XS. J.if.soir. VROt'. L. MlLLKieS HAIH INVIGOKATOK. an srricriTE, save axd ixoxomicai. compóüno FOR RESTDU1NÜ GRaY UAIR Ïo Ita orfginal clor w.i.;. out dyomg, ml prevent the Hair froia turning gray. FOR PREVKatTt2ll BAUiNKaSaud curiag t.wben ihtr. i.H the k-at partiële of viUlltjr or recup rativr currjjy remainin i. rOE ÓQKïVnra SCCRF ANC DAKSBCFF, wÍ all cutaneiïus aíK'ctluiis oí ïraip, FOR BEAÜTÏKY1XG TÖKHAIB; fmpartinfto t an uneqaallod glou aod briUianoy, makiog it cuftaudiilkr iu ín loiure and eausing it tocar) i-.-u'ülv. The rftt eèlebrity aud the inon tslng dtn ;nd fcr thi unou;iil,''i preparatjon, oöovkide tlie pvopi Mot t ita t out trial i.s only ucceasary to satisfy a discernipgpuWíc l;' ' loperior qqaïities nvt-r any o t lier prepaiatioo t (.iren iu añ It cleane.' tlie head and BOÍ lp frow dandi uff an othcr aitnit coa (tacases. Causes the hair togrow ln u riant ly, and gives it a rich, sott. glossy and Gcxtblf ppcarance,;uid alfiowbert +he liair is looeing and thiti uinf, it vrill give trongth and vigor to iLc ruotft, and rrstore tbe grewtb to thosc parta irbich have becon: bahl, causiu it to yieli nfrsh r.uct'ing of hair. Tdcvearo aundredf o!' hidics and gentfi men iij ?Crw Yuik wha have had thcir hair rêetared Uy tho cf Ibia Invigoratnr, when all otber preiajq,tioB8 had f,ild% I,. M. has in hfs poasession ietfM iununu-.ahle totifving to the above facts, trom persons ofthfl liihest respeotability. It will effectuully prevent the hnirfrayi t'rr}irL gray nntil the latcst pénn1 f. f Jifc; aod jn cases whpri' the hair has cbangeri its color, the oftbe luyiornlor Bril] wttMeertainty rectort it to ic3 origival hy% givi'.ip a dark, glossy ttppaponw. Ac ft pmfuma for the fnfM and a Hair Kestoratiw il k pftfiwlarjy' ri'coj.ní.artcl,1 having au igreeable fr;.ffmD?e; knrt the great facilHfrt it affords in árcstin? thehir, whiöh, When moiKt wjiti tha tíiin dread in any. roauir fofï 50 aa ' to preeerrfl its place, wbether plai'n or iu eux] hrne ' the vrreat è$mmA for it by the ladicft na a 'Hdiühird tnilêt article xi none ouh,t to bo witjiout, aa the prica placed it within the reach n' all, bom OishY TWENTYFIVE CENTS. fv bottlf, to be hal at all rpupeclabje druggiti' tnê j)crfumers. I MILU;!! WOttldoaD the attcnlion of hldtl and GuardtftDS to tbs use of hisinvigoraror, n cn.sefi wlif-r ' the cbildnoa' Hair inclinps to be wenk. Tb-u.eofit ays Mm foanéatiftn fnr a soort hrail of hair asit rmnrn iiijy impurltieti tbal maj h:vc becone cfnnicteil witb' tho RCalp. tho rrmoval f.f v uio'i is riPcésFnry botli tor 1h" boalth df the cUild and the futm appéaraacé nf it Hair. Ciution. - Xor.e frainnp witl r.i tl;( rs-h!niOf 1 OITS MU.LKR hpintr on the outer wtnnper ;.!-.. 1 MiïllF'S HAIR INVIfiOKAÍOB, N.1 ifcViS In' 4SÍ iiuï Wbolesale ,o ., ,,, ,,, aii ti.cprmelp Merobant tt thrnngbimt the wrtrld. Vibeiai.liscor.llt lo puxchjl tori by The .jnintity IUoae!rétOprjcnl to the A merlán Public nr . ■. New & ïmproved Instantancous Liquid Hair Bye whicli aftcr vearR cf Mlgnfcdi cxj-it inentirtr 'T hTl br";; ■ "■ ' I rfeclion. It dyes black or brown inirtjinfr without in.iury to thp Hair or .'"kin warraottd tbc beiit article of the kiud in eistlE(-p . PRICB ONTjY riFTY CKNTS HE POT, M DET $T-, Fne W V


Old News
Michigan Argus