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F 8 RE! :FIRE ! XWSTERX MASSA CHUSP.TTS Insurance öonipany . cash capitana surplus; ovbr ] ,v. f. strcn ;, Agent Anu Ai-bor, Marcb, 20, 1861. 702tf JL1FK lNiSliitANCË. Tho Connocticut Mutual Lifo Insuranco Company. Accuinulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. WUjLIHSURK 1.1 VKS fat nny amount not exceedlng $10,0 '0 fur the wlmle term of Lile orrot tl nu "f vit'S, fjll tliemnit f;ivoi;lilc ti-riu-í. N. ; Tht Cöinpany te pnrely mutual nn-I the pbTiCy holden get all the surplus over the exnet coat uf insurnnce 11 iiccomodates Inunred in tbo ottïement of Iholr premiums ON I-IFK POL1CIKS, tfdeavrod, br taking i d , :. i . . ofte tiUI the minuut, beariog interest at six percent, ]ht minuto. Dividend are Dedarcd AnnuaVy! ml ptnee ttoey now antount to nrnr por cent on the promium, cash and noto, and are ïncreasit.g they ma; bfl appHtKl to cancel tin' notos. tfijT The rAtéfl Of premium" :rea low s ny othor rctpondlblo Conipny and the largo accumulated fund nf 10,630,000 U ■eourèly Inveêted, as maj bc bshi bj roforoncf fco tin st:i'.-m-int made aoeording to law, on file in theofliccof the Cuunty Clem, at Aim Arhor.-tfft JAMES GüODWIN.l'rp.t. Gcv Tí. Phblps, Soct. Kor particttlarsamly to JAMl-s r. WATSON', Tt'tvl pent nt Ann ArböT Mii-h. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accurnulated Jan, 1800, 1,707,133,21 MORRIS FRANKLTX, President, J. O. KEXHAI.L, Vire President, PLINY FREEMAN, Acluary $100,000 DEPOSITED irlth th Comptrolter of th Stato of Xew York. Dividoaln average 40 percent. anruMÜy. . S S 33 T S - CMhlnDnk, 31,355,49 Investwtl n socuritios , createii under thp law.sof the Stilte of Vork nnrt of the ö. , 25S,S"0,79 liral K.--I:itc and Fixtures, Nos. 112 aud 114 Bread tra t 132,450 04 IViils and HoítfeageídrftVlng 7 per et. interosl f83,908.39 Sotea racatoed fir 4Opr ccut.otprenrinhMi to Ufa policíes, bcaring interest, 675,315.85 Quartí-rlv and Semi-annual premiums, duc subseqnent to Jannary 1, 1S60 20,550.38 fntaieni accruedup to Jan. 1, 1Í60, 36.4S8.77 Rnt ccrueduptoJañ."l,Í80, 1,70,34 rrcmiura.s on polioiea n baadfl of Agenta, 26,I4.Ï.19 $1 ,7 67,133 .24 Drs WmlB and Lewitt, M'!ical Exmlnfl. 743tf i. G1LBBRT aURB, Agent Znsurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN IS TUK ACJFXT f'tr the (toUowing BrM class companies: HU.1IE INSVRANOK CO3IPANY of New York CiTy,- CpiUl and Surplus, il ,500,000. CITY PIRE IXSUKANCE COBIPANY, of Hartford. --Capital aml Surplus, $100 000. COXTISKNTAL IXSIRASCE COMPANY, of New Ynrk Cilv.-Cripi! il mul Surplus, $100,000. Tliree quf.rters of the nett prolits in this Company is divided aunually auiong its poiicj hokler. CH MII.I.ENAnn Arbor, December 13, 1S60. 6m778 Conway Fire liisiiranoe Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capical pak! up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Cash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. O. Rogers, Jaa. S Whitnoy, Secretar. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WinTNKY, L. 71OPMAN, W. ELL1OTT, H! I1OM,AND,D r. HcOILVRAr.E.D. MORHAN VVAIT BKMENT, JOSIAII Al.LIS. A.H. BU'-I-EN VV. H. nlCKINSON, W.T. CLAPP, D. C. RÜGKRS. Ann Arbor Referenccs! Dr. E. WELLS, L. JAMES. L. DODGK, BNOCII JAMES. CAPT. C.S. OOODRICU J, W. KNIGHT, Atcent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. T" HE PEORÍA MARINE & FIRE IXSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - $500,000 nne oí tho HEAVIEST, SAPB3T and BEST Insurance Co's. in the U.S. iDSures on r?asonaMo torms, and al vays paj promptly. There is no better l-'iro Iusuranc Compauy. Mo ney Wanted, VVlio will LeiulMoncyi IAM RBQtTÉS&í n' PEVKRAL l'ERSON'S to obtain money fnr ütem at Ten Per Cent Iaterest, (Or More.) Foranvone wflUng ttei,I ca" t onee invist on good u"nenciiml)cre(l feuiidant REAL ESTÁTE CCUfity any urn of money and sec lliat tb? titlc and security are all MOOT. ü" TUft borrower paying all expendes, Including rerdrng. E. W. MORGAN', AnoAxbor, Gct. 7.1859. 715tf General Land AgencyPERSONS wanting farms, o rrcstdencetn o rneaf AnnArbor, can by callingonme electfroma list of over IOO Farms For Sale! Ofvarloun slzes trom 3, to 1300acrctoach (sorao ai goodannytnthisOonnty.) Morntliau 5O DwelliiR Houses n'-hlaClty.fromtwo !iundred to fourthousaD doïareach:aDd over 2OO BUILDING I-OTSI Am.ingthorarmsarcthe Blshcpstarm, 1300aorn, the Potter farm, in GroenOait, the Placcfarm, aai ■la) acres, theBIandon and Jenksfarm, in Webster; the StubSs, Michael Clancy, Newton Beegnn, and Fal!ahr. farm, in Ann Arbor; J . Kir.sley'4 farm, inPittstiqd-the Hatch and Hick tnrms In I.odi;tho PatrickClayufartn in Freedom; VV. 8. OarUon, B. f). Bakers and Buck'e farms inSylvan. Mostnl these and many otbers can be divldcdto suit l)UrClla9Cr' E.WMOJGAX. AnnArhoJ. Jan lst 185K 6 EV . MORGAN, Agent lor Mutual E.tfp la.surance Company, New "V ovk. Accumii latea Awota, - 6,360,000. tlift lf'u.iing Life Insuranco Company in the U. S. Knickerbockor Life Insurance Company, New Vork, - a flrft class snfr Co. - tormB rasonnblc. HumboWi Fire Insurance (Jompauy, New York. Ctapfta.1, nitta alarge surplus, - - 200(000. Peoría Marine & Kire lusurance Co., Peoría 111. - hot . No. 1 Firo Insurance Cos. 707 tf Capital, - - - 500,000; L. F. RANDALL, PF.A1.1NG IX PIANO FORTES, MELODEONS, SHEET Music 4" Musical Mitrchandise. JACKSON - - - MICH. PIANO FORTES from the manufacWy of A. IL GALK fz CO. of New Vork, for ffhom I am I will warrant inferior to none, ín siyle of finish qtiantity oi quality of tone and promptness of aciion MELODEOJSTS, maniifacturei, by TRKAT & LIN8LET Xow Haven Conn. k. ESTEY k OREEÏï. of Brnttlohorn Vt. I will warrant Riipcrior to any in the mai ket in cvery respect tlint pertains to the goofl qualiíiesof a Melodepn. I have oa hand and am cimtantly receiring from the pubüshers Iftfgfl quantif s of the most popular SHEET MUSIC whicïi I wi]1 send by mail to sny purt of the country , on receipt of marked prïcen. A good assortmect of GUITAKS, VIOLINS, PIANO iStools, Bows Süings, Instruotions Bookx for all instrumenta, CHURO MUSIC BOOKS Glee Books êfc.j $fc., Spe. The u&ual discount to tho Prnfe-sion. Musical Inftniment tiincd ati' repaired and RatiBfactiongunrantFe in rvrrv respect. T$U1 I. T. RAN'PALL


Old News
Michigan Argus