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ARK Xov oíi.niní;. i;i.:im i' PBOM ruii.isHKlts ANH Sluriufuclurfrs.o N'cw and Cúmplelo tocl of LAW & MEDICAL 11OOK8, School Hooks, MisccUancous Hooks, Blank Books, aan STATIONERYI Wnüïmrt Wlridow Pnnir, Dra i iv Ti't UatliematfcalTngtriiincnt; Music, Juvenile Ubrarie, Ëurfelopés, Inks and C&rd?. [PfeS'':y'liivrtf;fiif-l i'tiv1'1; i' ";- GOLD And al oüier kinds of Peni and Penáis ' Wlodow Comice, tthndea an4FWture, POCKET CÜTLEKY! Aadererytfcmg pertninlng lo tlV ir:ili and more to whichtUev won ld ir.vife the attfcntïon ot tbc country. Ia oonducttng Aur businesa, we fthalldo ;t!l thai enn io done,sri thiit do rcasobeble man, woman ór SBItd süaïl find noy fiinli. Wo poudftfl faciütios whiuh will ünftblt' us to supply our stomer a at Uu; Lowest Possiblo Figures. Wc propose io wil for RRADY PATftttasmaUadruiee. V oxpfeta pnifit on our goodsJmt Cash Sales will Admit of Low FIGURES. Wo hnvl engagert tho KTTleea 01 J.Ml- I'. SI'ALDIN'G, herefore aro prepared to ftivnish Visiting, Wedding and all otlicr Cards wrilti-n to order, wiih neatness and dispatch, bj mai' or otherwise, Tbo "EMi'lRKÜnOK PTniiH." is mannccl by ftgood 'erfw,' nii tttsj wili alwAvs be round on th4 "q'n&rter deok}" reatly anti vflling to attend to all with iloa.sure, wko will favor tlK'in with a cali. llemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES R. WEBSTER & Co. Ann Arbor, May, 1860. "-"a ANTOHËIT A ARRIVAL AT THE éiffllíí 0LD AND RLLIA.ELE 8ffl CLOTHIWt EMPORIXIMü INT o . s PHCENIX BX.OCI5:, MAIN STREET. has just rctnrned Erom the Bastera Cittes, with a lirg aud dcsiiable stock ut' F ALL AND WINTER Gr O O X SI ! trhich hc Ís now offering at unuaually Ijiow x xix o es: Araong bifl Aflsortmont niay be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASS1MERES, DOESK1NS, & VESÏIKGS, of all descriptions, enpeclftllj for F ALL AND WINTEUWEAR! which he is cuttinc nnd mak 1113; to Ordor, in tbc la test an3 best Btylw, togelher wiíh a superior as.sortmcnt of READY MADE CL0TH1NG! TRUNES CABPEI RAUS, I,".MBRELI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, with numrrouB olhtr articles ufluall; Fouhd in sn:i:b: establibnifiits. As ANEMPOBIÜM OFFASHIOS, Ifaff sobsortber flatten bimaelf , that hls long pxpprimcc ;n'l renerfti nocoeiiSiifill enable him to glvfl tlw greaii -'. on ta!l who may trusbbimin the way of manufapturiiifr garmnta lo order. 769tf Wil, WAGKE8. Ho for the Mmrnoth Cabinet Ware Rooms, XATITIN & THOMPSON, TTAVK JUST OPBNED IK THEIRnow and Elegant War e-R O C JU s KART BIDEOF MAIN" STREET, A completo Pt.'tck nf EOSEWOOD, MAIIOGAJNY SKIS OF TARL0R PUENIÏURE INCI.VD1NT. Sofan,Tctc-a-Tete, Mahngany K%e-Woöd, lilack Walnilt, Platn and Marble Tnpppt ROSEWOOD, MAHOG.VN'V, BLAl K WALMT, FANCY ANÏ) COTTAGE CHA1RS, &c, fto., Jsc, &c: A JT SB L 9 Elegant MIKRORS, W'BEAI'? . prrnrrAlïIK. Complot" BEO-BOOM BEÏ8, 1N0LUD1NG LATEST SÏYLES, -OFftllllBABfti Of the best fjtiaüty nnrt Different Material In Tact 1 li. v Ilnvo Kveri'thing witb which to farnlah ' PABLOR, ' BOÜDOIR, BITTOTG HOOI!. OU KlTCHEN, AND OUR CITIZEN8 NEED NO longer go to Tclroit or elsewhrc to finl a largo aRsortmfnt . This FUR2STITXJRE niusul bc soll anri will be so'n! nt V E R Y LOW TRICES! ffgr I-ct orery man arvl ïii wifo or gnng to bc wifo COilK AND 8SE. ThoyaUo h:ire a HE A RSE O A RRIA GE, And ar ftlways rcady to attrii' to thé burla I of tha ei in the Cityanl aÖjofning country. Ware-501löi8eft8t fiide of Main rftreet, bet ween Washington and I.iberty O. M. MARTIN. 0m7Ö3 C. B. THOMPSON MANHOOD How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhshcd in a Sealed Envelope, A LECTORS ON TUK NATURE, TKHATHENT AND RADICAL CURE OF SPKRsUTOüUIIOKA, or Bmlul Weakneíis, Sexual üebility, Nervounefia and InvoluDtary Kmipsions ifiducing lmpotenc, aii'l Mental and I'hysical ïneapacitj'. BV ROB. J. CÜLVERWELL, M. D. Author of the " Green Itook," fC Thf worMrcnntviic-'l áuthor', ib thíe admtra6le Lectura cloarlv proven f rom hiu ow n oxtfrioncfl tliat tho awful con?frnenc.s of felf abuse may be offectually .removed wtthout medicine and witliout dangeroussurgical operatioos, bonetes, intnimcut. rin;s nr cordiaN. jiointinfr out a modo: or cure at once certain and cfTectual, hy wlii.h èvory miíTV-rrr, no mftttèr wbat hit; condttlon may be,mny cure hïmself chf(tphj,privat.rly and rudicoUjf. - This Iecture will prove a boontD thousauds and thowiandtt. Sent nnder seal to any .iddreps. post pnid, on tho receipt of two posÍHge stflmpfl, hy ftíl(lrí-(;iii? Dr. CJI, J. C. KLINK, 12? Boivcry, New York Post Box, ,5S6. 786 New Remedies fok SPERMATOURll (EA. HOW ARO A8B0O1ATJON, PöfLADÖLPHIA A B ntvolrvt TnMttutfon establliieH ij Bpectarhtddi&rfettf, for thr re'irf of the Sich and Distresëccd, ajjif.ic! ui(h V'rue?it and Chronic Disease, and enpt-ctaily for t!u Cure of Distases of the Sexual Organt, MEDICAL DVICE given gratis, by Ihe Acting Surgeon. VAIJ'AULK RKPORTS on Spermntorrhoeo, and otlirr nf tho Sexual Organü, and on the. NKW KKMEDIES eniployed in the Dispensary, sent in neated Irlteí envelopes, free of charge. Two or thre gtarapw for postare acceptabV. Adren, Pr. .T. SKILLH? TÍOCGH TON', Hou-ari A i platico, No 2 $- NinthSt., PhilaHlrVii.i , Ta, lj80$ GBEAT BARGaW - AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. TK HAVEAQAIN REPIÜNISHED 0UBSTOBEW1TH i r üm ijjiciulid Stuuk of tliat WAS cvor olfcred in any oue establishment ie tliu Statu, all of whicli we offer for Oa ffö p-H r río r&) r) T rR n n i r? Ai íL) uu Vyus ir ui vi iW v) lL aslow ns can be found In tl;c Cnion We want Money 1 md will müke Great Sacrifices on Anylhin wpjiave to obfain it, not exccptlng OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS We OOHH&D7 invito ALL CASH CUSTOMERS to i":ill anl examine our Goods and Prlccá. Wc altu invite our Prompt Paying Customers to coma anil buy thoir mppjte fnr the Winter. To tboM Buhfn-1 fiK's that are ;l i;ú'L to cali, we say to tlu'm, tak. courago SÍjEXjIji Your "7?7IX33--T? without Iungcr waitii.gfor highor pricSConic in, oM genre.-', and then al such prJCQi M WÍU 01 ikfl UB all It is harll; neccessary to enumérate our Goods, for We have Every thing ! A lorge assortment of CARPETING, CROtKERY DRY GOODS, MEDIINES, GEOEEIES, TAINTS, OILS, [IAT1, CAPS, BOOTS, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c, &c, &c. OIL(L &0Ï1 OHl yO? (71510 MAYNARD, STMiBIXS it WII.SO Stoves &. Hardware 1 ryi 'l'lliiJlrnTr f RIS'DON &, I1ENDERS0N H.ivf dow in Stores targe BSiPortnicntof ís tt m je: sp 9 Hardware and House Furnishing O IE ff. All t o t-U will be soM is ('iliAI' ïsat any other JS$tHilislnnent in Michigan, Best Assortment of Cooking PAR LOR AND l'LATE I3NT TUIS jSrr-TIÏ, And will sellthem ChGaper ilian Til E CHE AP EST, Pïeafto cali and fleo. AU kinds of tin w:ire kept on hand. Tarticulnr attentionjiai! to all kind of wbleh 11 bc rtone wlUi NEATNESS AND DJSPkTCH. Nwe ca'.Uud si-c thi'ir STOVE ROOM in 2d tm-y of New Hlock. RISDON" & HEKDERSON. Ann Arbor.Jan. 5, 1861. O . BJjISS BiMBiHoiiBiaininiiïiiEiniiinmRUiiïiinïïiicKiwiainjiiimimiir-üi Still in the Field! TITH A LAKGE STOCK of GOODS in mv line direct f rom New York, Boston, and Ihe Manufacturera! I have receivod a 1-irge and well selectedassortment CLOCKS, WATOIIES, ar eï -XTsr des x. dei. -y. SILVEK & PLATED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And a great variety of Yankco Notions, to. I woulrl cali particular altention to mj Urge stock of SPECTAOLES, of Gold, Silvcr, Steel, and Plated, witb PER SCOPIC GLASS A superior article, and a great variety of articles in the "10OHEa.I jTor CASH. TorHone havpng dilïcult walrtiop to fio withglassps} can bo aceommodati'd as my ttock ín targ nnd cotnpktoT I" S, l'articulrr atteDticn ]iaid tn the EEPAIEIXG of all kinds of Fino (Tatcbes, sucb as Making & Setting New Jewels, PINIONS, STAKKS and CYLINDERS, ftlso CLOCKS, AND JEWELRY, Xoatly Kepaired and warranted. C. BLISS. August 2S, WO. 7C8(( Ayer's Agüe Cure,


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Michigan Argus