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IHsi&tiï ïmtftüïn. I. O. o. F. WSHTF.XW LODCK So. 9, of the Iniopfndent orlerof "i.ll Fellowa meet at their Lodg ■ Koum, every Friday erening, al 7. o'clock, M. V. K. JO.VES, N' G. J. F. SfAUHXG, Sec v. TG SÜÏHËRLAND & SON", ITTHOI.ES LK AND KKTAII.Ornocrsand Commission VV Morchants, Ss1 W Main Street Ann Arbor ' DR-UHESSE, PiiTí.cux & ScmOTOS Respcctifully tender liis pro. fesufoíal .-fi vires to the citizens of Aun Arbor and ricinity. ffS" PWcii i" Muck's N'cw BúUdiog, Mam tírrect Ann Arbot Klich. N. B. Xight culis promply attcndeiJ to. TWITCHELL &; CLAEK. A TTORKVSand Coun.-eliors ut lw. General Ufe and Eire Ioaurancc agents. Office in city Huil Block, BHnrrfhSt., Ann Irbor. Collecttons promptly made .ndreinitteil, and special attention paid to coavej t D.S.TWJTC1IKLL, [7gtf] ". F. CLAKK J. M. SCOTT. A muroty & PHOTOtflira ASTISIS, in the rooms i furmerly ocoopied bv c.n'.l.-y.over the store oïSperry fc Mooie l'orfec t wtiafacüon guarantecd. w.'n. steong-, Dualü in Dry Goods, Boots and 9hoe, Groceries, Bonnets.Fancy Goods, c. i-. li.jv Block, Am Arbor. WINES & KNIGHT. DUW in Stapte, Fancy Dry Uoods, Boots and Shoes, 4c. tte., Maü Aun -Albor. MAÉTIN &"THOMrSüK PüRsniRE Wiüï-Ro - .ükindsof Furniturc, F &c. Ne' Bluck. Mam Street. RISDON &HËÏsTDERSON, DEALEKS in Br4ware,StoTe8, bpuK furnishrag goods, ï'in Wnrif Kc. ia!., Ne Bloot, Main Street. A. P. MILLS, Dkaieb in Staple Pry Goods, Groceiiis, Boots nd bhoe aud Keu'":y 5!ade Clothiug, llurontitroet Ann Arbf.r BEAKEs & ABEL, A TTOESEYSi COVNSELI.0KS AT I.AW, aud SoÜCJtorS ÍD h Dluuwery. OKce in City Hall Biock, over Webster t Co's Hoor Sturc. Ann xhur : INGSLEY 4 .10RGAN, A ttornbïs. Counsellors, Soücitors, and Notarios Pubt lic liavpBuoksaudnitshowingtitlc.s of all Unda n the Lottnty,ndattend to conveyancingandooöecting, ad to paying taxea and school interest in ai.y rt of the State. Offlceeastalieofthe Square, Ann Arir. -- "TÁME8E. COOK, JrSTKEOFTuB FnAfK. Office ncarthelteDot, Ypsilt.nti, Michigan. . WTl.EWlTT, M. D., Phtsiciix k Smc.voy. Office at his residence, North Bide oflluron street, aDd2d house West of División rtreet, Aun Arbor. O. COLLIER, ___XCrCtCl ■■ in Boots and Shocs. F.x1.V1 cliange Bluck, 2 doors South of Maynard, Stbbin k Wilson's atore, Aun Arbor, Mich. MCORE & LUOMLS. HrixcrACTl'REis anl .lealor in Boots ui Shoes, VL Phoenix Block, llain Street, one door North ot Vashington. W_r. S. SAÜNDERS, DKAIKR in Boots, Shoca, and Rubbers, Ann Arbor Cash lioot 5: tfhoe Store, southside of l'ublic Square. M. GUITERMAN & CO, TT Hor.ESAiE and Retail dealers and manufacturers of VV Keady Made ClothiiiR, Imporlera of Cloths, Cassineres, Doeskins, ice. No. 5, Neiv Block, Anu Arbor. C. B. PORTEE,, _p Sübgïon DETnsr. Office corner of Ifain BS. &and Hcron strtets over 1'. Bach's store, THSnBbi Ann Arbor, Siichigan. --1-! II 7 y April, 1859, Wm. WAGNER, Díaleu in Ready Made Clothing Clotks, Cassimereü and Vestings, Hats, CapH, Trunk, CarpetBags, &c. Main lt., Ann Arbor. BACI1 & PIERSON. Dealehr in Dry (Joods, Grocertas, Hardware, Boots S: Öhues, &c.JMuiu stwet, Ana Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO., Dealers in Dry Goodt, Groceries, Brugs & Medicines, gitfiots ét Shoe,, cc, coinerof Uaiaana Ann strcets, ast bel w the Excbange, Aun Arbor. SLAWSON & GEER, "1KOCERS, Provisión & Cümmission Merchants.and dea.T lersin Watek Un, Land 1'lastek, and Flastek of Paris, one door E&stof Cook's Hotel. C BLISS, Diaier in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. and Fancy Goods, at thesign of the Big Watch, Xo. 27 , Phoenix Block J. C. WATTS. DEiLF-K in Clocks, Watches, Jgwelry aod Silver Ware N'o 22, Xew Block, Ann Arbor. T. B. FREEMAN. BiRBER and Fashiona'olc H.iir Dresser, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Froats and Curta kept onatantly on nand. SCHOFF & MILLER. DEALERS in Misccliancous, School, and Blank Books Sta tionery, Paper Hangiogs, &c. , Main Street Ann irbor. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, TEACHER OF l'iano Korte, lui'.ar, nnd Singing, being desirousof eularginglier class, will receive pttpUfi at the residonce of Prof. WINCHELL, which being near the Union Schoul, will be very convenient for sucb schol - rsattending there who may wish %o pursue the study ofmunicia connection with other branches. Terms$LO, half to be paid at the raiddle and the bal the close io Uie term. D. DkFOREST. ÏTholesai.e and Retail Dealcrin Lumber, Lath, ShinVV gles, Sash, Doors, Blind, Water Linie, Grand River laster, l'laster Paris, and Nailti of all sizes. A full and perfect aovtment of the above, and all othcr iinds of building materiaU conêtntly on hand at the (oweat possible rates, on Detroit Street, a few rods frono the liailruad Depot. Also oeratíng extensirely in the Patent Cement Rooüng. WASIITEXAW COUNTY BIBLE SOCIETY. IEPOSiTORY of Bibles and Testamenta at tlie Society prices ..tW. C. Voorheis'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., SUCCES8ORP TO UXT3NTI3, OHAPIWTcfc Oo NUKAC I "EL! ut Ixiixt. Book.. AND - COLORED MEDIUMS, ann Annnu Midi. Rifle F a cToTy! A. J. SIJTUERLAND TTASremotedhlaGunShoptotheNe.wBlocknHuntonnreet,6outli.,rthp(;onrHI,use,OBtne.econd (loor, wherc hc is prcparcd to lu ruish Guns, Pistols, Amnmnition Flasks, Ponches Game Bags, an Everj other article in bis Lino. On the mostrfraeonablc lerme.nnd to do nll h'nda o HEPAIRIWG ■ the horteitnotice sndinthe best mannel, IWfck.. JE3 "35T SHC m, ftill Miortmsot always icpt ca hjW. end restje te


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