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The Proposed New Tariff

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Wu can find room for only a synöysis of the new tmifT proposed by Soeretary Chase, btit this ill enable the reader to comprehend the principal changes likely to be mado. Ruw sugar ia to be tased two and a half per cents p ;und, instead of threofourths of a cent. as at présent, when ad'vanced beyond thatstuto,ihrce cents, and when refined, four cents; oandies are to be ohargod six c nts. On molasses the duty is six cents, and on sour rnolasses four cents per gallon ; it is dow two cents in each case. Confeetionery remains at thii'ty per cent., ad valoren, Brandy advances froni one dollar to one dollar and fifty cents per gallon, first pioof; on other distilled liqüörs the duties are to be sixty and seventyfive cents per gallon, insiead of iorty and fifty There is a long schedule ot duties on foreign vvines, which aro taxed irotU ten cents to one dollar a gal Ion, according to valno. On bottied liquors there is a separate duty of thirty per cent. ad valoran. Ikon - In bar or hammered of the first description in the present tariff is to bo fouiteen dollars per ton, instead of fifteen. The others remain as they Wëre, or undergo a slight reduction. Pig iron is to be reduced frpm six to five dollars per ton. Bcrtp rises from six to eight dollars. Bars, hoop and sheet ron rom ai n 8 without any material change. Stee! is to i:e one cent: v. hen the value of the import does not exceed four cents per pound ; frotn four to gevet) cents, one and a half, from Beven to eleven cents, two cents per pound. Bituminous coal remains at its present rato. Lead advances from one dollar to one dollar and tif'ty cents per hundred pounds; in sheets, pipes or shot, leid is to be two dollars and twenty-tive cents per hundred pounds, instem! of one dollar and fifty cents as at present; pewter advances fifty cents per hundred. Copper undergoes no change of eonneqi:ence. Speller, manufactureu in blocks or pigs, is to bo charged one dollar per hundred pounds ; on zinc one dollar and fifty cents. The same in sheets are to pay one dollar and fifty cents and two respectively. Whito lead ground in oil is raised from one cent and a half per pound to $'2,'2b per hundred. The other kems spucified in the ninth seetion remaia as they are or advance slightly. Black tea w;ll pay ten cents, and green tea fifteen cents per pound ; coifeo ünd cocoa, five cents each ; r.or.oa leaves, three cents. Salt rises from four to fifteen eents per bushei, B] ices and tropical fruits will be assessed with S(jrn3v:at hcavier duiies. Wool, woolcn cloths, carpeting,deUiines, worsteds, blankets, oil-cloths, remain substantially as thoy ure. Cotton rnariufacturers ulso continue to pay the same dulies. Jrleinp manuiacturcd is to pay forty dollars per ton. instead of thirty-five. The other items epecificd under the iifieenth seetion rem aio uearly as at present. Sük will be admitted under ita present ratos. On glass there will be a slight reduction, the rates exiending from eiyflit)' cents to two dollars per hundred squarefeet on plain glass. On olher descriptions there is no alteration of consequenco. A duty of five per cent. is henccforth to be levied on all acids used for chemical manufactuiiug purposes; philosophical apyaratus, books mapa, stationery,, paintings, cabinets of coins, rnedals&c, unless when irnported by incorpo rated societies; also animal and ani" mal substances used in manufacture of manures; rags; Plastjr of Paris, and a variety of other substances now in the free list. The ton per cent. list will be considerably enlarged also from the I freo list. The fifteen per cent. list comprises all books, periodicals, pamplets, &c, as at present. The iree list consista princi))ully of articlos impörted to tbe United States, and books, charts, &c, imported not as artilles of merch&ndise, but for aesociations or individuáis as objects of taste. The Dumber of seciions in the new act is thirty it will be about the same length as the present tariff.


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