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What Will "concuer" The South

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Tlie XF. Y l'vening Post has been in consultation witli a " reliable " gentleman ' just arrived in Now York from the Gulf States. As a result of the conference, the Post concludcs that tho South is illy prepared for a long struggle, haring r.eithor men nor moncy to sustain it; that ouly the lindera desiro separa tion from the Union ; and that thcre are largo numbers of Union men iu all tho Southern Slales who only wait tho nianifdstntion of the powCr of th(r government to array themsclves opcnly in ils defatlSó. And tlic leaders of the great rcbellion have made up their minds that " t!ic North will fight," or in otlicr words, that the govcrnuicut is a Eelf sustaining one, possesstd of all tho real elementa of power, and is noi to be put. down by gasconade or a mudendo share of gunpowder. Tl1 view of these facts, the Post concl1-fes 's article with the following pa'-c1"11?'1 Finally, our informa" thinks if the North eould uiuke k "'" tj tlld South, in sonie unmist:,k;ilA y, 'thn l' e !tot make war to efclük shuery, the toar nwjld be con&ider as almost over. Tho seces sionist ieel al!'i know they have entirely miMkcn their case and the reraedy, and ae leaders tremble for their own personal safety If the war is thus easily to be terminated, a peaee to be conrjuered on such just terms, and the power of the government not only made manifest, the geverument itself re-established in the hearts of the southern masses, what is the duty of the governmeut ? It is certainly to make iu an emphatic form the declaration that will restore the deceivod people of the South to their allegiance, conquer a speedy peacc, and compel the leaders in this unholy crusade agaiust the government to run or hang. If the President, and the Cabiuet. and the Cougress do not mean to effect the downfall of slavcry by this war, if they mean only to sustaiu the government in all its functions, leaving the " peculiar institution " to no new compromises, for God knows that we want none, but to the compromisos of the Constitution itself, theu, in the language of the Post, and in the opinión of its informant, they have but to declare that the government " doei not make war to alolish sJav" ery,'' and " the war tnay Ie considered as '■ almost orw," If this is so, and we have tio reasou to doubt it, let the doclaration be authoritativcly made. Let the government cut loose from the Lovejoy's, the Greeley's, the Sumner's, and all others of that Ik who are lauded by Garrison, and Phillips, and the rabid abolitionists, as friends of cmancipation, and as engaged in urging on the war to effect it in the Union or through disunion. There should be no compromiso tendered to rebels in anus, but the loyal men iu the South may certaiuly be guaranteed in the possession of cvery right given them in the Oonstitntion. The commanding Generáis as tbey advance should carry the sword in ono baud and the Constitution in the other, and not a rcsolution to ropeal the fugitivo slave law and disregard the Constitutional requiromeuts. We have seen no intimation from the President that he contení platos, or desires, or will engsge in any crusado against slavery. We do not believe that ho designs any ; but ho needs to annouucc his iutentions and the inteu tions of the government in tho most positive terms to counteract the evil influence of such men as Lovejoy and his supporters iu Congress and out. Will the President and the Congress give them, and " conquer a peace," a speedy, and an honorable ptace ?


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