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What Congress Has Done

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During the niño days ol the extra session oí Congruas just past, Congross has done the following work : July - The House organized, and clected a Speaker on the seoond ballot. July 5th. - The President's Message, and the reporta of the dcpartments of the treasury, war, and návy, wero sent in. July Gth. - Tho Sonate conmiittoes were declared, and six war billa were presented, vi. : 1. Legalizing tho past action of the President. 2. Authoriziog the émployment of volunteers. 3. Making provisión for the inórense of the regular army. 4. For the frppointnwrif of an Assiátant Secretary of War, and reorganizing tho army, etc. 5. Organing the volunteer iorce. G. To add to tliü efficiency of the nrmy. July 8ih. - Tho House committees wero announced and a resol ut ion adopted declaripg that the House, during this session, shall consider only bilis or resoluttons concerning governmental military and naval appropriaüpns, and flnancial affairs eonnected thorewith. July 9th - The Senate passed a bilí to retnit duties on arrns iniported for tho uso of tho Union ; the House appropriated six millions oí dollars for paymeril of back ducs to volunteers, and resolved tbat it was not the duty of Unitcd States solcliers to return fugitivo s'aves. July lOih. - The Senate passed tho bill aulborizÏDg the President to eall out five hundred thousand volunteers. Tlio IIouso passod tho loan bilí authorzing tho Treasury Department to borrpw two hundred and fifty millions of dollars, and a bil! empowering the Presdent to use the urmy and navy in tho collection of reven uo, and to close ports in rebellious states. July llth. - The Sonate passed the House bill for back payment of volun teers, and a resolution ex])elliiig tho seceding Senators. The House passed the army and navy bilis, wliieh, iu the aggregate, appropriates one hundrod and nioety-one tniliions of dollars, thus detailed : IVymcnt of troopa, . . . $GOOn0.000 Subaistenoe of ti-oops, . . . 25.00u (MU (iunricrmnstcr's Departm't, 14.000 000 Cavali-y t Artillcry Horsca, J0.500 000 Support of the Navy, . . .30 000.000 Transportation 16 000.000 Wjwtorü Qunbo.its 1.000.000 July 12th. - The IIousö passed the bill authorizing the President to accept the service of volunteers to tho number of five hundred thousand, and appro. firiating lor their expenses tíve hundred millions of dollars. . . Purther to facilítate the rapid transaction of public business, the House Gominittee oí Waj's and ileans has already preparad all the bilis atended for submission during tho session, and in less than a week it is espected that Congresa will be roady io adjourn. ïnus we see how imporativoly the will oí the people dotermines the action of the goverument. Party interests are forgotien in national Decessities; partirians become patriots ; there is no delay but that vvhich gives frej speech even to opponents of the war, and porhaps tho rnost important session of (Jongrest. in the hislory of the Union will be recordcd as the shortest and the wisest.


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