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SPECIAL NOTICES. Important to Ladies. Dr. JOHN' IIAKVKY, hartes ft upward of twer.ty years dcvoted his professional time exclunively to the treatmentof Female XJiiHoulties, and haring Bucceeded in thoumnda of caes in restoring the afllicted to soand hcalth, haa now cntire confldence iu otlering puulicly hia "OREAT AMERICAN REMEDY," DR. HA-IfVEir'S CHRONO-THEBMAL EEMALE PILLS. Which. have never yet failrri' (wlim the (Strectioaa have been siri'clly followed,) in removing üfficiltira arising Qwm Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or ín restoring the sy.steiuLto perfect healtl:, whon suffrnnp fmm 8PDUL kïïtÖEnom, Peolapsvb ÜTïM. THI A jiitks, oi otbor weaküess of the Uterine OaOAKa .]sn ia all caseH of I.iKnii.iTY oiiNicnvocs pRosrttrrtox Hybtkrics, Palhtatio-vs, &c„ &c, which the fbrunnM"i of more Rortoui dfoeaaa. These Pilis are, pcrfcctly ha.rmle.iiB on the cfmthv(inn, and tnay be taken by the most delicate f eindle without caxising distress; at the saino Hmo they act UU a guabm ly strengtlioning, invigorating, and restoring the Bjtt&to to a healthy condtitlon, anti by bringirijj on the monthly pcriod witli r-':gularity no matter from what cause tlieostructloDS muy They fthould, however, nol be taken du ring ihe Brn three nr four moni lis of pregnancy, thongh safe at any uther lime, as mtseftrflafl;fl ïvould 'b& the resUlt Kach box cODtatül CO Pilis. Price One Dollar, and when rlesired will be fientby mail prcpaiii by any adver tised Agent, on ieceipt of the money. Bold by Drugistsin Ann Arbor J. niïYAX, r.ochester, X. Y., funeral Agent. H. t I.. EIMQNE.AU, Detroit, WhoVFale A prent frr Michinn. LW'.''f


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Michigan Argus