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C. ü. IÏ. Pnssenger trains oow U-ave Ivtroit und the severa] Stations Ln this Cimnty ,aa follows. GdIXO WEST. Dy Ex. Mail Ex. Jack. Ac. Ninht .Ei. Detroit, 7.00 A. M. 7.1. 5 A. ai. 4 10 ,P. M. 6.30 P. Mt F pillan tl, 8.02 " 8 3.1 " 5.50 " 7.40 " Ann Arbor, 8.2S " 8.55 " 6.61 " 8.00 " Dpxtcr, " 9.17 " 6.45 ■ Chelsea, " 9.32 " 7.05 " Ar. Chicago, 0. 00 r. M. 7.80 " 6 00 A. .í. GOING EAST. Night Ex. Jack. Ac. SI.ul Kx. Day Ex. Shelsen, a.m. C.40.1. m. 2.40 r. ii. r. M. Dexter, " 7.05 " 8.00 " Aim Arbof. 5.15 '■ 7.35 " 3.30 ' 4.35 " psilantl, 5 35 " 8.02 3.55 " 4.55 " Ar. Detroit, 6.40 " 9.30 " 5.20 " 6.00 " Trains do not stop at stations wlicre figures are omitted in the table. PRIZE POBTBY. Let riiieftnins bonst if deeds in nar, And Minstrelg n' thcir pvet guitar, A nobler thomG mv hrarl ís lillod - In praise ui Hsuii'lCK'a opatchless pUk. Tlieir cures aro found in pvery lan;l - Amid RusKia'fl snows - and Afric'fl sands ; The wondrrms works - the papers iill, Produced by HüRHlCK'y matchleflfl Pilis. Does diseaFC aiBict yon ? never doubt This charroing compound WÍU searcli it out, And health again your ejstcm fili, If you fly at once to Heriuck's Pilis. Thcy'ro safe for all- bctb old and young- Thfir praisea are on cverv tongue ; Pisease, disarmed - no Ionger kills, Since we are blftfflcd wlth Hekkick's Pilis.. Put up witli Engüsh. Kpgnlab, Germán and Frenoh diretiuns. Price 25 cents ptr box. Saga' Caatcd. See advertiseraent on tlmd page. 8u4 THE GREAT ENGLISH B.EMEDY. aiii JAMES C!L ARKE'S Celcbrafed Female Pilis. PEOTSCTED SpbjJv& 1 E T Í I E P BY E0YAL %CÍlÍQr!X PATENT. Preparedfrom a prescription of Sir J. Olaf kt, M D., Phytician Extraordinary t the Quetn. TUis iuraluable medicine in unfailing in the cnre of al3 thoee painful and dangeroui diseasei to whicb th femal nnstitutlon is lubject It moderates al] exeew and removes all obitructiomt and a ñpeedv cara mfly be rlied on. TO 37.AICK1KU I-AD1K8 It is pecuJiarlj rmited. It will, in a short time, brtag on ïho roonthly periofi with rflürularity. Each bottie, price Ons Dollar, beara tbe Gorernnent 8Ump of Great Britain, to prevput counterfeit. Th f se PUli should not be laitn by femslsê daring Hl F1XST TH REE MONTHS ƒ Prtgitancy, aê tktf art ture to bring on Mitcarriagc, bv' mt any ethir timi tkef " "it. In VJ caaes of Nerroas and S]in&! AfTection% Pair. in :!. Back and Limbi, Fatigue on elight exerticn, Palpita liun of the Ileart, HjiUric, and Whits, theae PCli wiD effect a care when au othor menns hare failed, and klthongh a pewerful reniedy, da not contjun iron, oalam] actitneny, or any tbing hurtfol to the coastifutiun. f uil dtrectionj accompary each package. Sole Agent for the United State and Canada, JOB HOSE3, f Ut I. C. Baldwin Co. Rocherter, N. Y -$1,00 and 6 pO3tege itampa encloied to any aa Agens wül injar a botu of Vt HUU by rcton tv Sold be GKENV1I.L & FULLER Ann Arbor, and by Druggists inevery town. IMPORTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALTH AND UFE OFWOMAÏ Is contïnnally m poril if she is and enotigh to neglcct or maltreat those sexual irregularitics to which twothirda of hersex re more or less subject. DR. CHEESIMAN'SPILLS, preparel from tbc samo formula whicli the inventor, rORXEI.ICS L. CHEESEMAN, IS. P., of ï'orlc, has for twenty years usGfl successfully n an extenrled private pructice - immotJiately relieve without pain, all disturbances of tbe pot-iodical discharge, whether arising from relaxation opuppression. They act like a charm inreraoving the pains that accempany thfficult or ïmmocteratc merstruation, and are the only safe and roliabls reniedy for Flushes, Sick Headacbe, Paius in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpitatiou of the Heart Nerveus Tremors, Iïysterics, Spasms, Broken Blep and other unpleasant and dangerous effects of an unnatural condition of the sexual functions In the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whites, they effect a speedy cure. To WIVKS and MATROXS. DTï. CHEESEMAX'S PILLS are offered as the only safe means of renewinginterrupted menstruation, but. LADIES MUST BEAR, IN MIJVD TViere is one condition of thefemale system in wJiick the, Pilis cannot be tallen wiihout producvng a PECULIAR RESÜLT. Tke con düionref erredlo is PR.EG NA NCY- the, MISCARRTAGE. Such is the irresistible tendency of the medicine torestors the serual functions to a -normal condition. that even the reproductive power of nature canüot resist it. directions statin g when , and when they should not be used, wilh each Box, - the Price One Dollar each Box,bntaining 50 Pilis. A valuable Pa uphlet, to be had free, of the Agcnts. Pilis sent by mail promptly, by enclosins price to any Agent. Sold by Druggisis genprnVy. R. B. IICTCHIXGP, Propriotor. '20 Cedar-,%, Fw York. Fr Salo by MAYN'ARD STEBWX8 & Wlf-SON, ftnd GRENVILLE & FULLER. New Medical Discovery. For the speedy and prTmanfnt cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges. Gravel, Strïcturc, and Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder y which ha? been used by upwards of ONE HÜNDRED THYSICIANS, in their private practice, wïth en tire succpss, suptrseding Cl-iíebíí, Copaiba, Capsules, or any compuund hither BELL'S SPECIF1O PILLS, are speedy in action, often efTccting a cure in a few daya, and when acure is effected it is .ermanert. They are prepared from vegetable extracta Ihal art harmless on the system, and never uausoate the ntomach or imprégnate the breath ; and heing ugar-coated, all naseous taste ' avoided. Vo changc of diet is necessary wkilst using them ; nor does their action interfere with business pursuits. Each box eontains six dozen Pilla. PRICE ONE DOLLAR, and will bo sent by mail post-paid by any advertisn'. Agent, on receipt of the money. Sold by Druggiats in Ann Arbor . None geuuine without my slgnature on tho wrapper J. BRYAN, Rocheater, N. Y., General Agent. H. & L. SIMONEAU, Detroit, Wbolesale Agenta for Michigan, 806tf MOTHERS READ THIS. Thf fo'lowing is an extract from a letter writtn by tbr pastor of a Baptist Church to the "Journal and MoBseiicer," Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes in favor oi that vorld-renowned medieme- Mrs. Wisslow'sSoothing Syrup for Childrex : "We 866 an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Wïnalow's SoothingSyrup. Now we never said a word in favor of a patent medicine bef ore in our Ufe, but we feel compellertto say to your readers, that this is no liumbug- WE HAVE TKÏED IT, AND KNOW IT TO BE ALL IT cuims, It is, probably, one of the most succespful medicines of the day, because it i one of the nest. And ttiosc of your readers who have babies can't do it bette r than to 1 y in a supply." See advertisement in anothor column, S3lioolReport3 aud Blaiiks, rpHE AXNUAL Report of the Superintendent of 1 InKtruction, and the Blanka School Inspectore and School district officers, have been receivcdat thid office, andaré ready for distnbution The proper officers SboulJ eend in their orders. R. J. BARRY, Countv Clerk. Ann Arbor, July 2d, 1861. 81)7 w3 Notice. THE MEMBEB8 OF THF, NEW ENG LAND SOCIETY wil! Bn4 copies of thflast annuaL addrrss delivered by Rev. Mr. Eldiudge at Ptrona'B Store in this City. W. Ñ. STRONG, Treasnrer. New Remedíes for S P E R vi A T O 1 R H (E A . HOWARI) AS?OC1ATION, PUIL APELPHIA. A Be nevolent Institutiun estahlishfd by special wdnwmevt, for the relief of the Sick and Distretieed, afflicted wUk ViruhnX. and Chrondc Viseases, and cspecially for the Cure of Diseases of the Sexual Organs, MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Lurgeon-. VALUABLE REPORTA on Spermaiorrhcea, and oiher of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REMEDIES employed in the DufHOMary, sont in sealed lotter envelopes, free of chargf . Two or thret itsrapfl f"i postage acceptable. Address, Dr. J. SKILLIN IIOL'GIITOX, Howard Association, No 2 S. Nmth Pt.. Philadelphla, Pa. ly805 -POR WHICH I WILL PAY GAüB OR GOODS. Cash or IV ooi not refuaed on jVbies, nnd accounts duc me. f o picase fetch on your Cash or Wool. A.P. MILLS. Anu Arbor, June 18. 1S61 . 805tf Oval Picture Frames A IX SIZE3, STYLES and PRICE3 just received and ij. for sale cheapat CHOFF & MILLER'S.


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Michigan Argus