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PEINILNG OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE PREPAUED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LINE OF PRINTING AT TUE MOST KEASONABLE RATES. We have recentty purchnsed a BTJGGLES ROTARY CARD PRESS, and have added the lafst styles of Card Type, which 'euables us to print INYITATION CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the nentest ftylcs, nnd ns clienp fis any otlier house in the State. We are also preparcd to priut POSTERS, ÏÏANDBILLS, BLANKS, BILL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPHLETS, &c THE A-iR-G-TTS BOOK BINDERY is in charge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINDS, RTJLED TO ANY PATTERN And il.inufactured in best sttle at Ne-w York Prices, Feriodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop r. Office and Bindery, oor. Main & Hurón Sts Ann Arbor Marble Works. I_ AS on hand a fiuo asaortment of Amorican and 1 TA L IA N MKRBLE whichhei3 preparcd to manufacture into T O M B Nip? JVsg TABLES in alltheïr Yarietie, fvnd in a WORKMANUKE manneT Having had copfiiderable experience in the buswes ho flatters himself thnt be will be ab!e to pIB all who raay favor me witli their on' erf. His prlcfl LO W AS THE LOWEST thoso wishlng any thing in roy line nre renpectfutlj nited to cali. - BATCHELDEK. Ann Arhor. May 20,1861. 801tf N 0 T I C E. ALL Torsons indebted by note or sccount to Micliao lampión are hereby requested to cali and mítc. th kim with J. 1). Irish, one of tho assignees ol the sai ilicbael Canipion,aud thereby have coKf . rated.AjjnArbc-Iune 10 1SS1. ..801, J, D IKIfH. Hangsterfcr's 131ock. DEA IM Mfe CO-, ! TNVITE iittcntïon to thoir new stock comprising all _i_ kind of Crockery, Glassware, Lamps, Gas Fixtures , üiKlIIoust'-rurnisliin good-,all of wh'ch they are offer , ing At ihe Zowesi Possible Rates. Frenoh China Ton scU fif.m $5 00 to 20 00 : Fronch China dinner seis from 28 00 to 70 00 Stone ohina To tets from 3 -"0 to 6 oo ' Slone cbina dinner Sf ts from 8 50 to 2 U0 Glftu Kerosene J.ampn completo frnm íí" i to 62 ( Hai ble Kt rn-eii" ÏAmps completa frütn H) to 10 O Fluid Lampa from 18 to 62tf TaT" Lamps of all kinds altere! and ro]p&irod PATENTED November lst,1859. ■yTHE MEASÜRBi -- lJ-i"-w n ir TC roun'i tho Neck. iN. r W B to B the Yoke. ƒ tl i i around the Body IJB _ __ ÁM Uic Arm-pits. VJJ ■ ï ■ ijB E to E, tho Patentad lm pro ved Frcnch Yokc SHIRTS. PATENTED NOV. Ist, 1859 A New Style of S :irt, warranted to Fit By lending the abovc measures per mail we canguar unte i perfect fit of our new si vlo of Shirt, and return by expresa to any part of the United States, at S12, $15, $18, S'24, , C, per dozen. No order forwarded for loss than haïf-a-dosen Shirts. Aluo, Importen and, 1,'ealers in MEX'S FURNTSHIKG ÜOOPS. tíw YVliolesale trade supplied on thi nsualterms. BALLOU BROTHERS, 60 "tf 40) BroatUvay, New York. lT OLD F.RIENDS L& IN THE RIGÍIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coatod Piliss. THE DKST FAMILY Caj w'k fc tliartic in the ■vvorid, &iksi'jLj "se(l twenty years ty K-jf vrL -- five millions of persons satisf'action , contain jAll ing nothing injurious ; i', 'Í' ƒ.'■. v L- " .'. ■ -A r:i'i-oT)'i-il by the prin$i bTIKS Jrge Boxea25 cents; xjfS ] ' " X'; ftr% boxei for l dollar, EZ-Z Fulldirectionswitheach Tat,t..iiask, TtlBOS Cocnty, ) Florida, July 17, 186-). ƒ To Dr. Hkerick, Albnny, N. Y. - Tfy Dear Doctor : - 1 writc this to icfoim you of the woncierful effect of your Sup,ar C'oated Pilis on mj' eider daugliter. Fcrthree yeara ihe lias been afflicted witli a biliiims ilerangement of the systcm, padly iraparing hor heulth, which bas been steadly iailin durfng that pertod, WheninNew York in April last, a friwid a4rlsea me to test your pill. Hnving the fullest confidence in tli judmeot ol my friend, I obiaincd a supplvnf Knm, Iiirni-s ft Park, Druggists, Park Row, New York. On returninp home. we ceased all othsr tratraent, and adminiaterd your l'ills, one each tight. The improvement in her feelings, complexión, digestión, etc., surprised us r1. A lapid and"permancnt reatontion to liealth has boen the reault, We used less ilian iive boxea, and consider her ent'rely well. I consider the above a jut tribute to you as a riiysiei'.n, and truiit tfaat it will be the mcins of ijiducing many to adopt ytmr Pilla as thoir fiimily ni'.'dicinea. ] rtmain, Ouftfsir, wlth many thankfl, Your oböd ent servant, S. G. Morhison. Henick's KJd Strengthening; Piasters cure in five hours, painl and weakness of the breast. ■Ide and back, nd liheumatic (omplaints in an equally short period of time. Spread on beauüful white lamb skla, Ideir uso subjeets the wearer to no inconvenícee, and each ono will wer from one week to three months. Price U%i ccnls. Hcrrick's Sugar Coated Pilis and Kíd TlasirrR are aftld oy Dnigfíi-st'í and Merchants in all parts of the United States. Cunada and South America, and m.iy be obtained by calftng for thom by their full name. lySOS VU. L. B.HERRICK, & Po. Albany, N. Y. ÜJ PARALLELLE D SÜCcÉsS SECOND ARRIVAL -OF- Gt E E X Si -AT THE- Banner Store A. P. MILLS, PROPRIETOR. Goods boughuinder panc prices, And sold at prices tliat willmake hard iimes come again no more ! Facts for the People -or■WASHTENA.-W - .ND- ADJOTMNG COUNTIES! And tlicir numorou questions nnewered. Whj is Eterybody trading at the "BANNER STORE? ' - Because A. P. MILLS, he Proprietorof tliat Establishment hnsjuBt retornad from the Eustern Citieswith the Largest, IIa?idsomest, Cheapest, and Most Attractive Stock of S TAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS! ver brougut to this part of the State.] Why is Eoerijbody pleasca with his Stock? Because hisstyles are more beautitul, quality better.and prices lower than at any other store ín the county. Why has he always Somtthing New and Chcap to SHow? Becanse h; has a friend connected with one of the largest DryGoofts HouswinNew York, who is cootlnualy '" ftOBBlWQ IIOUXD" for cheap barga i ia and the latea stylea, aa they appear from time to time and inthis way keeps hlm aupplied with ylea, and consequnüv customers eau always ftnd somethiLig l'reh, KEW CHEAP and DESIRABLE Why does 'at sell to much Cheaper than the resi? Because he has a buyor in tho city all ihe time to take ftdraatue of the coïitinuiil cljange of the niurket, and in th:it way buys his goods much cheaper than othera can, and ther he marks thm down to the IjO'TO'BST FICS-TJRES1 Why does he sell Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes so much cheaper than was ever heard of by the oldest Shoemakcrs? Beoausc he buys his stock in the lani of .iliopmakers, of the manufacturera, fully 25 per cent olKapar tliiui the New York Jobbers sell them, and much botter work than theygencrally koep. Tliis courso enables hiin to sella bettor Gaiter for 35 Cents. than otherssell at 50 cents, and a better FOXED GAITEF at 50 cents, than others soll at 75 cents. Has he any Hats and Caps? Yes, T ihould think he has stacks of thenl, ennugh to ■npplr the Stat, t piiccs lower than was ever hoardo round these parts. Wliy is his Tea so much better for theprict gou nay than you gel al other ptacetf Beca uso he takosgreat care in selecting it, and giveshi cuatomers the beneftt of a real good 75 cont TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It is a way ho hasgot Where shouhi you go to get your CLOTHS ar.t have them Cut or Made? Tn Ihe BANKER STORE, wliere tho People's Bannor unfurledfor the Peoplerspood. South side of Public SqUüre, a fewdoors west of Cook' Hotel. A. P. MILLS. Jun? IS, 1501. lOOtf Notioe. ALLPLRSOXS indeb'.ed tn the umlerslgned are re quested to cali and pay,as lam closing up niy busi messtomovoet. eAT-NDEPP. Ann Arbnr, June ï?, 1891. bOC.v4


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Michigan Argus