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FIRÊZFÏRE! WESTERN MASSA CIWSF.TTS Insurance Company , cash capital & surplus; O"7"JE2]E=Í. SQOOjOOO. ]W. N. STROPTG, Asent Ann Albor, Marcli,2n, 1PG1. 792tf I,IFK UNSURANCE. The Connecticut Mutual Life Insuranc3 Company. Accumulated Capital, - $3,500,000. ■ UTILLINdOBKUVES fpi anj amoont not cxcoeiT.njt ! W flO,0 ) fnr 1 1 ■ - uh.-.lo trun ol'I.lfe or for Urrm of , yrars, on the most favurnblo termi. H.B TUo Company l puwljf rautaland the policy holdm get all tlri nrplDS over tljeaxMit cost if iusurKnoa It acoomooatefl tha bunnKl In the Hftttlineml of thoir nrotnluow ON l.U'K ro;.irn:s, Ifduired, by laking i imlc f"r ng half tho aminint, boaring interest at six per cent, pw juinujn. Dividend are Dirhired Annunll;! :i:ul sinci' ÜOJ now iimiunt 10 nm pet cent on tho pre. mium, canil uid note, iind are moreastog tbev nrty be applicd to cincel the note. Tbc raten t prointumfi areaslow :is any othrr retnbnfbie Coinpany aftA the lafge iiecumulated Uw of &I.5(JO,000 is secuiely iBTMted, os may lip seen by refer■'luM- to the statement marie acoordlngto Utw, on file in tho office of the CouutyClom, at Ana Arbi.i ■.- „ ml JAMKS UOOOWIN", Prest. GütR.Pitïlp6,Sct. FtorparUenlanappl} to JAMES O. WAT3CW, Teavl Agent at Ana Arlwr, Süch. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accurnuluted Jan, 1SG0, $1,767,133,21 MORRIS FRANFvLIN, President, J C. KI5NDALL, Vwe President, PL1NY FREEMAN, Actuary $100,000 DEPOSITED wilh theCoinptrollerof the Stato of Kow York. Divi'icuds average 4Ü per cent. annually. ASSETS. OUhlnBuik, 31,366.49 Invi'sted in securitieSjCreaterl unöer the lawsof the State of New York and of the U.S., 268,?70,79 rteal Ktnte and Fixture, No. 11' and 114 Bmadway "2,450 01 Bondsa'od MirtaíejilrawlngTperct. interest S83,9H8 .a0 N'otes receiveil for 40 per cent.of premiuuiñ oa lifo policies, bearins intarost, 675j315.8& Qu.irtcrly and Semt-fiunual premiums, due suböequcut to January 1, lSfiO 20,550.38 interest accriied up to Jan. 1.1S60, 3ti.48S.77 Rents accruertuptojan. 1, 1860, 1.70S.34 Premiums on policies in hands of Agenta, L6,445.19 $1,767,133.24 Irs Wells and Limr, Medical Kxaminev. 743tf J. GH.BEl'.T SMI1H, Agent Insurance Agency ! C. H. MILLEN TS THE AGENT for the followinc Bral i-las comfanie.: HOME INSÜRANCK COSIPANY, of New York City.---Capital and Surplus, $1,500,000. CITY FUIK IPÏSITRAIVCE COMPANY, of Hartford.- Capital and Surplus, $400.000. COSTISENTAIi ISSUA!CE COMPAXY, of New York City.-.-Capital and Surplus, $100,000. Threequarters of the nett proflts in tliis Company is (iivitled anuually among it policy holders. C H-MIIXEN. Ann Arbor, December 13, 18C0. 6m778 Coinvay Fire Insurance Co., Of CoDway, Ma68. Capital paid up, - S150.000 00 Asnería (Cash), - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16,4-10 03 D. C. Rogers, Jas. S Whitney, Secretary. President. DIRECTORS. 1 S.WHTTNEY, h. BODMAN, W. ELI.IOTT, SA HOM I.AND.D C. McCHLVKA Y, E. D. MORGAN VVAIT BEMENT. JOSIAir Af.I.IS. A.H.BU'l.EN VV. U. DICKINSON, VV T. CLAPC, D. C. ROGERS. Ann Arbor Refercnces: . Dr. E. WELLS, L. JAMK? I.. HOPO E, ENOCHJAMES. CAPT. C.S. OOODR1CH J. W. KNIGHT, Afre.nt. Ann Arbor, Michigan; The peoría marine &Tfire INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 ono oí the HEA VIEST, SAKEST and BEST Insurance Co's. in the U. ñ. Insures tn rvaaOBAble terms, nd al .vays pay promptly. There ís no better Fire lusuranc Compauy. Mo ney Wanted. VV h o w i 1 1 I e ii d M o n e y 1 T AM REQUESTED BY SEVERAL l'ERSOXS tu obtaio 1 money for thi-io at Ten Per Cent Iiterest, (Or More.) For any one wQlfnfl to lend, I can at once invest on good unencunlbered abundant REAL ESTÁTE securiiy auj umi of money and seo that tlie title aud uecurity are Al-t. RIGHT, tor The borrower paring all expenses, inclmling reeording. MUKGAN, Ann Arbor, Gct. 7.1859. 715tf General Land AgencyPERSONS wantlDgform, or resldenceMli orntd) Ann Arbor, can by cnlllngonmp cleclfroma list of over 1OO Farms For Sale! Ofrlon Jlze trom 3, te 130 acretoaeh (tome aa goodnnTnthlConnty.) Morcthan 5(1 UweliiiK Hotises nïhltOlty.fromtwn liundred to fourthomanddo - aridoh:and OTor UMI RtlILDING I-OTS! Amongthefarmsarethe Blshcpiarm, 1300acrc, the Potter fnrm, i n Green Oak, t'ne Place t arm, r i 4.1) acre, the Blandón and Jenks farms, in VVebtcr,th Stub'is, Mlchael Clancy, Newton Beffgan, and Fallnha. farmê. In Ann Arbor: J.Kingsloy'4 farm, nPittslied-the Uatch and Hick tarmi In Lodlithe PatrlckClaynlarm In Frefldom; W. S. Dariton, B. O. Baker and Buck1 farm inSylvun. Motf thnsft and maay otbers can be dlvlded to uit purohater. K. HO JOAW. AnnArlmj. Jn lit . IBSfi " fi w7M O R G A N , Agent lor Mutual Ufe InsnranceCompany, New York. Accumulated AsseU, .... $6,350,000. the leasing Life Insurance Company in the U. S. Knickerbockcr Life Insuranco Company, New York, - a ftrt class safe Co. - torra reasonable. Htimboldi Fire Insurance Compauy , New York. Capital, with a &t% surplus, $200,000. Pftoria Marine k, Kire Insurance Co., Peoría 111. -hntv x No. 1 Fire Insurance Co'f. 7O7tf Capital, - - 500,000-, L. F. RANDALL, DEALING IN PIANO FORTES, MELODEONB, SHEET Music 4' Musical Murchandise. JACKSON - - - MICH. PIANO FORTES from the manufactory of A. H. GALE fz CO. of New York, for whoni I am agt. I will warrant inferior to none, in style of finish quaotity oi qualtty of tone aud promptneas of action MELODEOKS, manufacture by TKKAT k IJKSLEY New Haven Conn. & ESTEY & REEX, of Brattlebor Vt. I will warrant superior to any in the market in every respect tbat pcriains to the good quailtiesof aMelodoon. I have oa hani and am consia.ntly receiving from the publishers large quanties of the most popular SHEET MUSIC wbich I will send by mail to anr part of the country, on receipt of marked ircen. A good abBortment of GUITARS, VIOLINS, PIANO iStoolö, Bows Strings, Instructions Books for all insirument, CHURO MUSIC BOOKS Glee Books ty;., fyo., r. The usual didcount to the Profesión. Musical Instrumenta tuned and repaired and satisfactionguaraoUe fn every respect , 771 L P.RAS'DAÏX


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Michigan Argus