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A v njicitctit Sif-maoliic ji"cpar:it;fn Of IRON puttend in Oxygen and Carbon ly combustión in Hvdronn, ;ctioned by the hiiclir-t ilcsl utnorltfes, bothln Ba ropo and tho Cniled Staten, and prescribí in thetr practico Tl ie 'pct ii-'u'i f thotutandfl daiiy prajtro thni do prop ar&tionof Iron raii bc cJt pared wïth i'. ïmpuritJes onï of viiiil energy, nala nnd otlier wise siukly comp!exonM r&dlcatefl ít necowity in utmost ■■. i-r-, conceivable case. tnnoxlouij Id all inaladlea in whïch it has b?on trk'd, has pi-iivcij absolutely curativo in eaob of the fotloiring comphvnts, viz: In Di'blïïi y. IVervous Affect long. Rinnin1loh wyaptpaln, ('óiistlpaltoii, Dtorvhoea, Dytetitery, Iiirlplt-nt ( o}stiittllon, Scroftitins Tubércnlosu, '8aït Rm ?!, iiemenstrnati m. HTÏhi, Chlttranis, Liver-Complalnts, Chronic ffeadaeoM, Hhtw mat hm, íit(er?rj'í(yt JFetíff, Pinpies on the Face, Kr... Ii,c;im' oJ I Kiiil 1 1 V, wiici her tlü1 reduit Ofaoutfl (ÜHoase, or ut the cmitinin .1 iiiiuiimtion of nervoua and muscular energy front chronic comptafnts, one trial of thi. restomtive hu proved Bucceasfnl to nn extont winch do duoription Dorwritten attntatloD vrould rentier credtble. InvaJIdj long bedriddon as te have becomr fOTgofcten in tlu'ir nwn neighborhoodSj havosuddoiily rc-appaarodin itiebusy World ;iii iu-; retumeO from prutractcil travel na ilistiini lun.l; Suik very itul i;,-';, noes uf tlii.s U'inii iirr anesied oL female utfferm, emadated victima of apparent maraamaa, saoutneouB (xhaoatioO) critica) cimiifios, and that eompücal ■■: of uervous and dyspoptic avereion to and oxerciso for wli-h tlii' ihysi-i;tn )i:ts DO mime. Id NKRVOUb AFPBCII0N8 f all kinds, and for reasotu fa miliar to medical nnn, the op-i;i t ion of tïus prepara ti ou of iron must aecos tarïly bo lalularv , f"r, unlfke tlie Old "xidos, it is vií;onHi.-.;v ii-nic1 nitboai boiiiBf excitirijf and ovwheating; and gently, rogularly apeiicnt, even the mout obstinate cases of cobtiTeneas irlthoul even boing a cjastiic püiL'ati f. nr mlliting a disagreeiiblc Müsation. It is thisluttyr jirojjft tv , aiii'ii' (ithcrs, whïob maks it ro pmatk.tbly i-líi'itiia I auá jh-ihim in-ui u reinedy lor VÍU upon wbicb it also appenrs to ocert adistinct and Bpeciflo aotton bv disperslng the local tendency irhiob foi au thom. In DtSPBFSU, innumerable as aro its causes, A Bínele box of these Chatvbeate have often Bufflced ror the most habituiil case, inelilüüig thtí nttetident Costircncss. In uncheeked Dïarriiow, even whon advanccd to Dystn tery coofirmed, einiicijilinj; and apparently malignant , Ihe i icta havtog been equallj doefsiveana astoniuhiDg In the local palns,lOsii 61 Hu-Ij iindátreogth,debUitatiag COQffb, aml remi t tent bectlc, which generally indícate Iticiptent Consumption, in several vory gratifyiug and in teredtfng Indtancea. In Scrafulous Tiibcrcuafoiit, this medicatfil Iron h;is had fiir uiore than the {jood effeots f the must eaatiotus [y balancd pseparaoni of iodine, witliout auy of aoeir veil known liabilrtics. The attontiim of (emalCTcuhnotbefooCOTinfleBtly inviiiil tu this rrjitcdtiiati restor al :vc ín the oases peculiarlj aflecting i hei i In RheunuitUMf both ohnnlc and taflamniatofy - in the lattor, however.toioredeoliSe'lly - it has boen invariable wcllepocted, bvth as.atlevïatiiig pain and reducing the swellingsápd stifïnesfl f the joints nd mnpec[8. In littfrmttir.n! Tetfot ï must neceratriljr beagzatremedy and ener ■■! !.■ i total Ire, and it.-t proresn in the nev settlements of the West, willprobably be une of high renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been iireovejrcd in tho wliolehistory of meiiclne, which exert sucli p'-ompt, Happy, %tih tuily restoratfre eiTfcts. Oood appehte, complete ñi gestiQU, n:ií'í ;L'"fu;.-iition of strcntli, with .'in uniiscal iHspotion !'■.'!■ -ui-I cUeerful exercise, immedïately {bllow is use Put up In neat flatraetal boxea containing '5 pflls, pric1 50 oe&tii per b; for xile by druggietsand '.leaiers. Will besont free to any ad;lrcss "on n-ceipt óf the pvicy. All letters, orders, etc, nhould oe aiïdresuea io B.'B. LOCKJE,&Oo , Gt-neral Agent', 477yl Go'j iVoai;iy,N. Y. For Snlc by GRKNVJLLB & KULLER, Aun Arbor. MOORE Sc LOOMIS Iliivo Removed to the STORE REOENTLY OCCUPIED BY C. MACK, PLicenix Block.East side of Main St., AND j HAVE In Store ■Jmj&j A UrSe nnd gQi? "NB TVÏ i'lcte STOCK OF BOOTS SHOES Of cvery dcseviplion wlneli will be SOIiD O LC 33 J. 3E 13 n THAN CAN BE BOVGH'J IN Tlns City. Also a large assortment c1 HOME MANUFACTURE, Of ali kinds oude in Ihe n.ost Fashionable Style EXPEPJENCED WOKKMEN, -OTJX.FRENCfl CALF BOOTS aro N'OT scrpasskd this uide of New York City, and are vrarranted nut to Kil. Our ?rOGASAND KIP Ss, are made of the bedt raatovials Our stock of Moirocco Bootees for I-ilit"; ti rhe the est in town, with heels orwithout We Mnkc to Order, and never misï of SUTtiSQ the lirst time n pivc usn cali and we will show yttti OUTStOCk free ofcharae Wehave -cured the servicis of two Kx perienced JournoMiicn who do ourmending in the IVeatct Planner, sind on shortest notice. Our inottois Quick Sales anti Small Proflts Thankful for past favors we hope bypayinij strict ittentiort to our business to merit a liberai sliare of yonr paironay for the tuturc. jfftf" Rememberwo are not to bennderuold. "öTflt MDORE & LOOMIS KTE3V O O ID S WLXES & KNIGHT Aro noiv recciring their SECOXD Spring' and ünininer STOCK Oï GOODS In consequence of the Great Pressure in the jvEOTxrasTsr markbt wo have been ennbled to purchase many kind ] i ] of Goods at our uwn piices. 'e can sell most kinds of DRESS GOODS for I ! LESS THAN WAS PAID FOR THE SAME 4 KIND OF GOODS in New York SIX WEEKS SlNCEi : We invite tha attention of all to an inspeolioa i i of our stock. WIIYES & KiVlGHT. May 10. 1861. i City Meat Markei. THEIR MARKET rO THE COKXER OF AKN AND JUIN STREETS And will keep C0Dst;iDtly on tiand a f uil assortment of 3E-r-o-s-lx 3VE-e-.-t-ai-, Thich they will alwavs &e founil o readiut'Ssto cut upon U1T CUSTOMEKS. No Pii.xs will bo sjmvcd to keep .beir marlet Clean, and Meats Sweet tnd patrons m.iy rciy upon grtting Ihe host roasts teakk, cnora, etc.,thatcaa bc fuund in thcCit v CAIX ". INDÏRY DS. S. PROCTOR , T. WALKER. " Annárbor.STíT i, 1S50 746ni6 GREAT. GREATER GREATESJ, BARGA.IKB EVER OFFEREU 1859. Q1859In tlii3 City, are uow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & J ox7 elry StoxOTHR Subscribo r woHMgtiy to the citizonsnl Ann Arbor.ii particular, Hïid thi) rest of Wnihlenaw Countv ín general, fliál liMiasjust l.UPOKl'ED DlRKCTI.Y from KUUOPK.s Tromendoas Stock of Watches! All of whirh ho hitirtshimseifto enll CBBAPER than can be bnuht west of Ni;w York City. Open Faco Cylitide'r Wntches Irom í to SlO ii do Lever do do H to 21 Iluntinj Cmsp ilo do !_ M to 35 do lo Cyündor do do 9 to 28 (ïold Watrhri from 20 to 15U I l.ave !-u tne i CELE BU ATE D AME W CAN WATCHES, whifh I will 3fu Itr SSS. EvfïryVvatch warranttd to perfora) well(orthe money iTtunded. Jewclry, Piated Ware, Ffincy Goot!, Gold IVns, Musical Iiiatriunents nnd ritring, Cutiery, &c., ;nd in fnet a varit-ty of everyttiÏDa uually kept by Jow elcrs cnn bw hnughtforthe next ninuty days Ht v"ur OÏÏN I'RICES! Persons buying nuything at thh welt known etablistiinc ut can rély upon rotting goods nxact'y as ropr'florit'"'d, or the moni'y rofutided. Caï!nrly and so cure the bost bu r galos ever u fie red in ihi Jty. One word in regard to Repainng : VV ;iri' pri'psrfid to mak e any rci'airs on fin e or comino WiuclicB, 'vpn to mrikiniío er thi eutiro wateh, f nfict-senry. Repidring A' ('locke ird JfwHry as usual. Altio tbo manufacturlnir oí RINGS, BROOCHS, or Huything des tred, from California Gola on hort ' tice. Ensrnvinfr in ailita brancheaexeented witlincnt ncaa aiiddiepntch. J C. WATT3. Anu Arbor, Jan. 28thie59. 7Hw IIORACE WATERS, AGENT 3 3 3 Iï r o a d w a y , X í w Y o r k Publl-slicr oíilu i itnl Muslc líooles AND DEALER IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martirrs celebrated aodóther Guitars, Violins, Tenor Yiols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutee, Fifes, Triangles,Clar roette, Tunmg Forks,Pipes andHammera, ViolioBbws, bcstítalian String, Btiss Instrumento for Baods, Piano Stuols, and covers, and all kinds oí' Musical Instruments. Sí 13. o o t; 1VE xx S o, r-Ynni all 1 he jmblishors ín thc U. S., Bërtfnfa Huoiin's, and .Mu'lcrn Sohool. anJ all kinds of Instrnction Books for the fcbove m.-ítvuments; Church Music Books; Muüíc elegantly bouud; llustc paper, and all kirnis of Music MeL"cha.mlisö, Att hcLowest P rices. é- N e w I I a n o s , At S1T5, $200, $225, $250. and up to $S0O. Seoond Ilaml Pianos f rom S5 lip tij $160; New Hrtddéoiw, $45,' S60, LTñ,$100, aiwlup to $200; Second Hand Mi'íodeons From Sí0 to SSO; Alexamlrc Orgáns, witli Bve stops, $160, -■. S185 ami S''ó; thirtoen stops, $650, 8275 and S300: liflüi-n Htoi-s.SiíOand $376; A liberal discount to dergynnn, Churcbea, Sabbatb Schords, Seniinurifs ; and 'l'faflKjrs. ïhe l'xade supplied al thc usual trade discounts Testimoniáis of the Waters Planos ñutí Uolotleonfl John Ilewett, of CaxtbaR, New Vork, who has had one of the üorocc Waters Pianos, vriteas follows: - 'A fricad of mine wjshes me to purcliiist.' a piano for her. [ikóa the ouO yoasoMi# in Peccn b r, '-■■' y.y piano .- becoming popular in thin pLice, and i thiuk I can introtlucu one or two more; thev will be more popu lar than aoy othèr inake." "We hftTO two of Waters' Píanos in uso in o'-irPeminary, one üf which has been se veré ly tes ted for three ' v-;irs. and e can testify to thelr good qunlitv arrl durability." - Wood &Gre;oryf Moun Carroll, IÜ. ")I, 'ater.1( Esq, - 1í;ak Sir: Having uscl onof your PUtno Fortes for twoyears past. I have fonud 1 a very superior Instrument. ÁlOSXO Gk.iv, Principal Ttroohhjn Hrights Snnhtary. í;The Piano I reccivetl ft-om you continuos to gfve s;itísfactíun. 1 regard it as one of the best instrumenta in the place. '' James C:.aï;kk. Charleston, Va. ' lThe Jliwlcon has saft-'ly arrived. I feel oblijío.1 to ron fory our liberal discount.'1' Uev. J. M. McCORuick. YarqituvilUS. C. ''The pino was duly reccivel. Iícam1 in excellent conditiou, and is vc-ry rnuéh adinired bj my numerouí family Accept nw tbftnltfl fr your pruninliiess." - IíoiiKítT Cooi'KK, Wárrcnham, Brndjotd Co. Pa. "Your piano picases us wèll. It is the best one in ouv county."- TiiOMas A. I.atiiam, Campkdhon, Ga. , We aro verv much obliged to yon for havinp sent , inch a fine instrument for $50."- Bra.ykJIeld h Co., Bafiáto Democrat. "The Horacc Waters Píanos are known asamong the very best We are enabled to npeak of these in.sirunw.o i n Ith conftdenco, from personal knowledffe of their excellent tone anl durable qualíty." - N. Y. Evangelist. "Wc can speak of I he merits of the Horace Waters " anos from personal knowleileje, as boing the very ünt:l quali-y." - Christiati Intetligencer. "The Horacc Waters pianos are ouilt of the best and most thoroughly (wasoned material. We haie mi doubt thatbuyerscan do as vcH,perhaps better, at thisthan at anj' otherhouse ni the l'nion." - Advocate aridJourttal. Waters' pianos and melodeons challenge eomparison r wltta thfi finet made anywhere ín tho country." - fióme Journal "Horacc Wators' Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich and oven tone, anti powerfiïl-iV. Y. Musical Return. (iOur meada will flnd at Waters' stort the very i best ftflSortiñeni of llCtsia and of Pianos to be found in J the Unitöd States, and we ure our soathern and western frcncl to givt? him a cali whonever tïiey go t.o New ( Vork." - Graham'8 Magazine. I Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b ba t h S ch ooi Bell, a 100,000 isseed In ten Months. The unprecedented Fale of thisbook lias induced the publistierto add sonie 30 ncw tunes and hymns toits present 5ize, withi-iit extra charge, except on the chcap l tion Among themauy beautiiul tunes and hymus addcd may be found; - 'I oupht to love my mother;'1 UOI'U i be a íjood child, indeed I will." These and ofght others J from the Heil, were ung at the Sunday School Anntversary of the M. E. Church at the Academy of Musie, witli great applaiiRe The Bell cottains neariy 200 tunes and " hvmns,antl is one of the best collecüons ever ísrucíI. a Price 13c; $10 pcrhnmlred, postale 4c Elegnntly bound, embossed gilt, '5o, $20 per 100 It has Ul-cu introduccd ] ínto many of the Public Schools. The O is publifihed in sniall numbera entitled Anniversary and Sunday School Music P-ooks, os. 1, J, 3, í; 4, in order to acc(mmodate the milHon; jtrice $2 & $3 per g hundretl No. 5 will soonbe sucd - commencement of another book. Also, Revival Music Iïooks, No. l k , V prlce $1 & $2 por 100, pojttAge lc. More tlm.i 300,000 copies of the nbove books have been iftsned the past eighteen roonths, and tbc (Iemand is rapidly iucreasiugPublished bv HOU ACE WATERS, Agent, j 333 Bruiidway, X. ï 13'%7V 3Exxfsio, Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broadway, Tiew York. , Tocal'Kind Wordscan neverdie;" "Thc Angels told rae so;" "Wilds of the TVrst;" "Thoughts of Gocl;ft ei Giv9 me back my MonnUiin Bome;" "Diiy J'renms;" % 'Dandy CockRobin;" "I'm with thee stilUPetname;" ol 'Thcro's no darilng like ruïne;" "Sái&fa Jane Lee;1 'Kv?r of thee;' tIïBB loaving thee in Sorrow;" "Binï of ' iïeauty;" "Home of our birth;" "GtaTO (-f Rosabel,' and Wake, lady, wake,.' price 2&c oach. '' Instrumental, - ' 'Palace Ganien, or Pinging Bird Polka," 40c; "Swinging Schottiache;" "Mirabel Jsch;:' 'Thomas liaker's Schot ÜKche;11 "Piccolomini P' i'olUa, 35 cents each. The nbove pieces have beautiful c Hgnettee "Weimer Polka;" "Arabitin Wai cry March," ■ :ho very lat; "Vassoviarna Doniclls MazurUa; "Real: nx Polka;" "Crinoline Waltz," and "Lancéis Qua Irille," 2jc each. "The Empire of Iïoich's Quadrille;" a lew dance, and "Tho Hiberntan QuadiiÜo," Söceach. Hanv of these pieces are playeo1 by Bakeï'f oelebnite"! rahoitt ra with great applrue.49" ll;u)ed f roe A argolot of Foieign Music at half pricfl. Pianos, Melodcons and Organs. , The Horaco Waters PinnoH and Melodoons, for depth, mrity of tono and dmabÜity, aro unsurpassed. Prices "ery low cond Hand Hunos and Melcdoons from $25 to J150. Music and MufícüI Instructïons of all kinds, atthe tT owest prices. IIORACE WATERS, Agent, a N'o. 333 Broadway, N. V, TESTiMoyiALS;- "The Iïoract Waters Pianos are known is araon? thoviry best.' - EvanfelUt. C "We can speak of their merits frora personal dge." - Christtan Inteliigcnccr. "Nothingat the Fair displayed greater exceUcnce " - ?hurehma-!i. Waters' Pianos and Melotieons challengocorapariaon ?tth the fiuest made anywhoiein the country."- Home Itmrnal. 719tf [rving's "Works - National Editiou S PlIIiS Fine Edition of tho Works of Wjni-0T0N Ia t Vún (mcluding the Ufo oí Washingt.iï will bo pubhhcd for 8TJBSCRIBERS ONLY T In Montlily Volumes. Price $1.50 Puyablo on Dlivery. iifïntifuHy Priuted on heavy superfino paper, of th ery beit quality, and aub.tantialiy bound ia hoavj evelled boards. ZTEach Volume llustrated with Vjgnettei on Steel and Wrood. j Kuickerbocker's New York, Sketch Book, ' A Colurobui, 3 vol. Bracebridge Hall, Antoría, Talesof a Travcler, Crayon Miscellany, Capt. Bonneville, Oliver Gotdmith, Mahomet ÍÍ vol. r Grenada, -i Alhambrft , Wnlfert's Roost, Life of Washington, 5 vols. Sti Palma tïuii'li. This edttlon will be sold EXcirsivT.LY to Subscribcri nd wjjl bo great ly superior to any ever beforo issued,- . vcy Itaudsoaie set of thoo univorally popular work. i tbus rluced withln the rn'-uns of all. v p. PüTKAM, Agt,.,Pubbiherf 116 Nassu 8reet,Kew York An


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