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Major George B. Mcclellan

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M;ijor Gen. Georee JLJ McClelhm whosu bnlliunt exploita in Western Virginia havo sent a thrill ihrongh the loyal ritates, is not vet thirty-üvo yéars of age. He was born in Pbitadefpbia, ijeeember 31, 1826 Líe grnduated at West Point, in the daag of 1846. The tolioning account of h' imlitary eareor, will bu refld with geat interest: 1 Uutil tbdMexican war, he had no opportunity oi distinguisbing himself, ti 1 1 cl t heit lor gallantry and ineritorious tonduot in tire baldes 6t Co.itreras and Cht-rubiisco, he was brevettod First Lieutenant. For his gallant conduct at the battle ol Molino Del Kay, on September 8th, 1847, he was offerod i Brevet Captainoy, which he dechtid,hut subs quet.tly was udvunced for like gallantry displayed iti the battle of Chepultepec, and received the command of a couipany of Sappers and minera and Pontonnicrs in May, 1848. "At tho close ot the Mexican w r he roturnud lo West Point, where he reinained n dnty vvith the sappers and niiners uutil 1851. During this timéi he introduced the bayonet-exersise in'.o the anny and translated and adapted a nianucl wlrioh has Mnce boconio a textbouk for the service During the ?umnier and fan of 1851 he snperintended tha construution of Fort Del a ware, and in the f ueceeding spring was issigned to duty in the expedition fur tho uxploratioi) of the lied liiver. Then he is (ji'dured to Toxas, as senior engineer on the staff ol Gen. Persiler F.Süiiih, and was engaged for somo months in surveying the rivurs and harbors ol that State. In 1853 be was ordered to the Pacitic Cont, in comrnand of the western divisiou of thu survey of the North Pauiñu líailroad routd! " Hu rotuxiitíd to the East in 1854, on duty connected with the Pacific survey, and wai engaged also in secret service to the West [dies. The nest year be received a commission in the First Regiin.ent of C'avulry and was appointed u inoinber of the eoinini-sion whioh went, to tlie war in the Crimea and in Norihbi'n Rus-in. injor McClelluu's ll.'portou tho organization of European ariuiea, and Lhe operations ol the war - a quarto volume, embo' the result ol liis observauons in thu Crimea - greaïly erihanced his reputu tion as u scieiHiiic soldier. "In Januaiy, 1857, weary of innction, hu resigned lus positiuu in the anny 10 beoome vice-president and engineer of the Illinois Central Railroud, wliich posilion he held lor three yoars, when he was oflered and accepted the Presidcncy of the Oü;o and Mississippi lïailroad. ol which ho was also Goneril riuperintendent. When our doraestic troubles a.-surnel fotmidable diinensions, Mujor McClellan's services were at once called iiito requisition. Ile was ofiered md accepted tha command of the Ohio forces. ün May 14ih hö received a commission as Major General in the United States anny, and now has command of the Department of Ohio, I which comprises all of tho States of j IUtaoia, Incihns, arri Ohi, and that part of Virginia lying north of th Groat Kaoawha Kiver, ind west of (iruen Briur Iliver, and the Marylumi lifce, wíth ñfJ much ol Pennsylvaniii as lies west of a line drawn (rom the Mafvliind 'ine to the naf'theast coroer of ilcKean connty." - - - - - B--4 4b é ■ III


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Michigan Argus