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ALLrEBASl'S MEDICINES. 'l HES E MEDICINES ARE eflecting auch ustonisliing cnres in multitudes oi' oíd caaes long sirice abandonad by Physicians and Surgeons ns uiterly hopelfcss, that no medicines, where ihese re known, stand so descrvedly high. They consist uf THE BLACK. OR ALLEBASI'S SALVE, PRIVE 25 CENTb. Which cures nlmost uni versal I y.. Fever Sore?, of ihe most mal gnaiu kind, Felons, Ulcera, Abscesse8, Tumors, Frnctuies, Cuta, Punctures, ilurns, Sealds. Sore Thront, Chilblains. Quiiiáey. Dr-opspy. lnflafvimntry Rheuiiíatisrn, iüfliininarions and twellings of every descjip'ton. Sc.iid Hcad, Agüe ín the Face, Nervous Tooth Ache, Ague in the Bietst. Broken B easis, &c. &c. A LLERA SI' S HEA L TH PILLS, 25 Cents. ■ Theso Pi Is have aequired n populnrity vvlt'hin íhe last year or two, whieh no other Piüs posses8. The rensons are obvious to nll wlio use ihem. aml may be learned i'rom ihe pauiphlet ihai accompanies thern. They cure Biiious. Scarlet and other Feveis. Fever and Ague, Dyspepsyy Dmpsy, Acid Stornach. Disordered Bowels. cr Stomach. Jaundice, Head Ache, Dizzinessin the Head, Wornis, Liver Complaint. Heart Burns. Cholic, Bowel complnint. General Debility, Costiveness, &c. &c. They purify the entire syste.Tin, le;ive the bowela in a vigorous and heakhy condition, &c. See pamphlet. ALLEBASI'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS, PRICE 05 CENTS, Will cure an ordinary case of Tooth Ache in írom three to ten minutes. For Nervous and oiher kinds of Tooth Ache, see-pamphle!. ALLEBASï'S POOR MAN S PLASTER, PRIOE 12 i CENTS, Areworranted to be superior to any other Plnsters n this or any other country, for pain orweakness in the Bnck, Side, CÍiest. Bo.w'eis. Loins. Muscles, nnd for Rheuinatisin. Lungand. Liver Complaints, Cougha. Colds. Asihma, &c. See pamphlef. N. B. Piasfi to nsk the agent for a pamphlet which givSsall tlio inforniotion necessary respecting the u?es of the medicines, the virtues they possess, etc, Picase to follow directions in th'e use oí the medicines, and you may rely upon all thac is promised. . A liberal discount mnde to. mordían ts nnd olhors, who buv t sell again. LY1AN W. GILBERT, Proprietor. VVh.ilesalc Diuggisr14Fulionst. N. Y. (CT For sale by the subscriben Who lms been appointed general ngent for iIic City of Detroii and i6 v-ïcinity. Country dealers supplied on liberal terms. C. MORSE. Mitinean Bouk. Store. The above medicines aro for sale af the Book Store of WM; R. PERRY, Ín Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9r 1844. lv" r. &jrT"ErAVÍbsoif, TTAVE now on hand a complete assortment o! FALLJJSTD WUVTER DRY-GOODS, GR0CERIE8, SUELF-HJIRDff A RE, tJ-C. tJ-C. which they wíil sell cheap for ready"pay. The highest market rice paid at times tor Pork and all other kinds of protíuce. Ánn Arbor, Lower Town. Nov. 20. 1844. 31 TññTarbor oilmíllT TflE subscribers would give notice that thev aré engaged in nianufocturing LINSEED OIL. and are prepnred to furn:sh oil of ihe besi quality to mcruhnnts and painters. chep as it can be obtnined from ihe Kast. Óil exchnni;ed for Flax seed nt the-rnte ofa gallon of oil for a busliel of Flax seed. Cash at all times paid for Flax seed. PÜLCIPHKR & JUDSON. Ann Arbor, (Lower Village,) Sept. G. 1841. 20-1 y. Aslics, Ashes! TO any ainount wanted by BECKLEY & HfCKS. Ann A rbo", Lower Town. 26 Grass Seed! WANTED by BECKLEY&HrCKS. Ann Albor. Lower Town. 26 FIRST rate Tea. Sugar ond CoíTee, at tht luwest niarket prii, nt RAYiVIOND'S CASH STORE, 148 Jen'. Avenue, Öetroit. Mny 20. 4 CuLORED CARPET WARP, white Cnrpot Wnrp. and Collón Ynrn. Irom No. 5 to ü, fors.nleat ' RAYMOND'S CASH STORE, 3á-if 148 JeiVerson Ave.. Detroit WOOB ! WOOB ! ! WE w,-int 9omc from suoscrihers immciíiatclv. Oct Vi. le -i-i.


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