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How They Fought

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The telegraph b:in the foP.owing compliment to our soldier.- who fuught at Bull's Kun on Sunday Inst : A spectrttor, r.n Englishmnn, who was present at nll the Grimoftn battles, saya ího öghting of our Iroops had been of the Rplendid kind, Such chargoa as the Fire Zou aves and thu Sixty-Ninth (Trisli) Regiment, he had not btoii ut liikermann ov tho Alma. -I ■■ I G The "Washington correspondent of iúo Tribune says, among íhe civili.ins who cntcred tho Fairfax Coürt Hóuee wiih Gen. McDowell's anny was : :i dmiíjliler o'f Thurlow Woed, Esq., who 'joro away a rebel Sag and other tro] hiüs. Tho alluded to was Mrs. Win. Baitns, oi' Albany. - Detroit Adfícriser. If the íilrove i;s frno Mrs. Barns was as rnuch out of her placa ns llio rantíng Lovi-joy and other njprnbere o! Qongress and civilmns who íollowed the ar my to Buli's Run to seo the :I Chivalrv run" or boat. She had botter have rcmained in Washington orAlbany. Wu can not for the life of us aeo why any lady should desire to follow np an army and vvitnoss cither its victories or dcIcaiP. And !d officnr who has ácen much service i:i tlio fíelJ, recontly re. rriarked to us that the camp was no nlace íor a lady, and thatofficersshould I be required to leuve tht-ir wives al home lio said it cost moro to transport and tal;e care of ono lady than a hundred soldiers, and that on the march and in battle they were always in the yay. It is bad onough to have members of Congress, and : sich, like" follow up an army and pret in their way ; ladies should f=ct botter exampíes. SIST Tho telegraphic details of the, battio at Bull'ts Kun are so conflicting that it is impossible to bring order out oí confusión and preparé any roliable, conriected account. Next weck we hope to givo tome eucb account. - Report saya lliat Gen Johnston is to leave Manassas and resume his oíd position at Winchester, thus guarding thal entrance into tho valley of Virginia. - Also that there are indications oi an entera evacuation of the Junction. Wo do not believe this. - Also that Gen. Lee has gone with a largo forcé to ntercept and cut oflF McClellan, Hope that he will have a good time. - Also that McCIellan has been ordered to V:is!)ii)gto!i to supersseáe MeOjwel!. - Also that the rebels were prevent ed fo!lwing up our retreating forces by a panic of thc-ir own. $-!L Washington letters, written on the day of the unfortunato dcfoat at Bull's Eun, informed the wholo reading public that largo nuiubers of Cotürress men and eivilians had gone out to Man assas to sec the ' Virginia races' to see an "exhibition of the fast footed Virginians," etc. Later adrices say that about 7 o'cloek Sutiday evening tho Same I gressmen and civilians vied with tho tcamsters in giving tho Virginians an öxiubitionpf their own running qualities. Hereaftcr civiliaus, including Congressmen, should be rcrnirod to keep at reapectful distance from the army whenever a battio is auticipated, and not be pennittcd to tempt troops to test their speed. No person should bo allowed upon the battle field, or within long range unless dresscd in uniform aud doing military duty, except such teamsters as are necessary to transport provisions and munitions. JS" Tiie Steubex Gl'auds Safe. - We saw on Tuèsday a dispatch from Oapt. Roth to his wife, in which heannounces tho safety of himself and company This was welcomo nows to our many anxious citizons. - Dispatches to the Detroit papers state thatWm. Seigle, of Oo. E,- the Steuben Guarde - was wounded, and is in the hospital. Not stated how severely. - Lietit. Parks of the Ypsilanii Light Guard is reportcd aprisoner; privates Contill and O'Neill of samo company killed; and five or sis otbers uiissing. - Maj. Bidwell, win) was in command of the First Regiment after Willcox feil, thinks that tho killed will uumber thirty or forty. t The Fourth Regiment did not participate in the advance movenient. but was held in reserve, five comprimes at Fairfax C. II., and fivo at Fair fax The Second and Third Rogiments were not in tho battle on Sunduy, but were held in reservo and gallantly covored the retroat. JJJf Report says that Congressman Marston, of New Hampshirc, who went out to Buil Run to witness the late üght, run back minus an arm. and also that Congressman Eh, of tho Rochcster (N. Y.) district is ainong the missiug. If these members had been in their appropriate place - in Church praying for the sucess of the army - thcy would have been out of dangcr, and would not havo aided in creating a stampede. gy Adjutant-General Robp.rtson gives noticothat by order of Gov. Blair tho Firt Michigan Regiment will be reorganized in this State, and that all the offieers and men now in service in the Regiment at Aloxandria will return home. This will prevent the forward movemont of the rocruits in Camp Fountain at as early a day as was anticipatcd. StSsT All reporta compliment the acI tion of the First Michigan Regiment in the highest term. They participated in the eclebrated charge of tho Firo Zoui aves and uever flinched. jfSf A large number of Colonels, j Captains, and minor offieers were killed in tho Buil Run battio oa Suuday, among theru Culs. Corcoran, Camcron, ku'I Wood, all of Xcw York.


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