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TRUTII HAS PREVA1LED. TTJKTERS' Vegetable Pilla have now heen ten IX yeai bt-i'ore the puSlic. I' :;eriou [j ie obiainod ; eeiubr;iz ! n ihe isiyry of ihe must popular ; . iein which liave preceded ihem or h:ivc tollowed in i!:ur track - i'iie happy coinl'ination oí" vegetable ingrediënt ia wIjil'Ií these pilla owe tiieir efiieacy, ietierejuii olyears oí eiifiiést study and experiuivut, di .cc:ed iiy long pievious experie;,: c in the prop♦riiesul medica-i substuucts, the pathology oí distase, ihe nature and uiuduscperandi oí ihc arioU8 iluida which minister to tho Mipport mui susfcnuftcc of the hu mail body. and organización y vviiich ihose HuiJs are prepáred, nnjciíicl and listribuu-d. The trimnpii " skill, and patiënt experiment has been eompleie. Throughout the lengih and breadtii ol our land. in British America and the West indiéa, and on ibe continent of Europe, He caraiivi: vir'.ues af Petèr's Veireabie Pilis, are grau-fully .'ckiiowx-iiirtd. Ttity iiiíiy bu called riiE medicina pak kxci.i.enck, ol tlve Somhern State?. Their eon.sumption souih ol'ihe Potomac is enormoiid, uw} cónttnunUy en the incren-s. Nu othcr pill "'goes down" ihcre, liuwgver sugared ojrer whli hired puiTaand home unhufrtcuired erfíñeotes. Poters' Vegetable Pilis mny be termeci a univfiraa medicine, fur liiere is scnrcely any derangeineu: or oüsiruuiioii of the org;uia anti 1ncl10n9 ui the liuinjn machine whicb tliey will iot ailevia'.e or rerwpyè wl.on admiñisterfd in ihc early stages y; congeeiion ol' tliestoinacliorbowelá. tiiey speodily relax ihosü orgruis. reduce the mendant iever. and restore thësuffettö health. Containing no irriiating or diaetic substances. lieir exhibition ís never followcd by thnt : ration ol the bodily p uvers wliich clinracterize ' Iiü opcratton of most Diher cythanics. and iJïcy nny be fidministered without ihetlilitest : ur oi' rodueing local inOaninmtion, so frcquently cnused by the purent compositions vended by lie quncksanci charlatonsot the dny. ín lmost nl! stages of 'üsea8e. Petes' t ble Pilis wilt be fourid of b e . ' eiïëöi, biu I they should always be resorted tu Ü-iftn the first synipim makes its nppfcoranee. The conquest jf'tiie complnint will then be easy and innnediite. In billious dUorder3. reiiiiuant or interiTiitant fever, dispepsia, dysentery. cholera, chohc. iiiihcEa. dropsy, sour or fceted eructanons, enargement of the spleen, sick headaclie, all cotnplaintsgrowing out of imperfector too rapid dijestion, torpórof the bowels. reinaleobstrueüons. ïabiiual costiveness. und all othtr disenses in which n purgauve medicine is proper. Peters' Vegetable Pilis will be foxnd unrivntled in the peed, certuinty and genileness of thcir operalion. Ii is.asked upon what principie these extroor dinary eifects are produeed? We icply tliat Peters Vegetable Pil) aels as a purifier of the blood. by putif ing the chyle and other fluidsof which blood is composL;i. C'hvie is a in'iiky fluid depsited by the digfeatlve matter on ihe coais of the intestines; and which when combined with the biliiriry eecretion, is concyed into the veins anj becotnes the principie o' iiíe. This medicine actsdirectly upon the chylel Irom which it expcls all acrid partidos, and al. huniors detrimental to n beal.thy i;ircu!;".roii. It cleaiises the juicos and öurds before the chtywcal change takes place which fits ihem for ihe iüimcdiutepurposbs ol vitnhiy. riiis is BèVinning at ths bcginning. 'i'o en:buc' the strerinis of üfe with health, it is necessary to purify iheta al their sources. Such i-3 the radical mode ín which this medicine -performs íis. cures. Tesiimcnials which would hil voiumes (mony of them frojri high scieniific nuthoruy) are i;s vouchers, and it is usedin the practice of the first Phyaicïtrn's here and öbröad. For sale by F. J. B. Cranr. W. S. J. TV. Maynard. J. H. Lund, Harris. Piirtridgcs & Co S. P. &. J. C. Jevetr. Dav'.dson & Becker. H. Becfcer, Chrislian Ebcrbaeh, G. Grenville, D - D. Waterman'. 0. J. Garland, E. T. Williams, Ann Arhor; George VV7arner & Co., D. C. Whitwood. J. Millard Sc Son. N. H. Wimr.; M. Jackson, Ltoni; Paul Raymond. Jackson; Brothorson & Kief. MancliesUr; D Keys, Clinton; D S "Hny.wood, Saline; Stone, Babcock & Co.. Ypsilanti; Scattersood & Co, Phjmovtii; Pierre Teller ard T. H. Ëattrn &.Co. Detroit; also in Adrián. Tecumseh, Brooklyn, Pontisc, Chicago, and almos: every vhere else. Ann Albor, Jan. 15, 184-1. 27-ly Keady Made C?lothing !! l TiiE LAivGr,ST and best assorinient ofready made elothing 2 er before offered in this Stnte now opening, and fer rala. Wholesale or Retai!, at the CUahing Eriiporium of the subscribc-rs, eonsisting in p:n i lí ilain and fancy Beavür, Pilot. Broad CIolLs ar.d othcr sfyks of Over Co;'!3. T weed Cassimere, Beaver, Pilot, Domestic Cloth. üriioh Ciiss'unere end tSaliuuti Frock and Business Coats. Fine, Plain and Fancy Cassimere, Bl;e and Black Broad Cluih, Tweeds and other style3 of Pantaloon3. Plain and fancy Sill; and Silk Velvpt. Woolen Velvet Merino, Satín and Oassimerc Vcsis, &c. &c. &c. togetiier with a very targe stock of eommon low priced Over Coats. Business Coats, Pnntaloons and Vesis. such as blue and black Fhishing. Satinet, Kentucky Jeans, Comnion Tweeds, &c. &c. Also, an extensivo assortmont ol Hosiery. Stocks, Scarfs, Handkerchiefs. Collars. Ijamb's Vool and Merino Drawers anti Shirts, Coniforters. Gloves, &c. &c. nll of which will be sold very low for Cash. They wou'.d respecttuüy invite all in want of rendy made garments to cali and examine their sfock beforc pnrehasing clsewhere, as it bas been selected it'i great care in '.he Eastern markets, and mnnufnc lured in the hjteststylesnndmost dttroblfi manner. HALLOCK & RAYMOND, Corner of Jefiersou and Avenues Detroit. Oct. 10. 1844. SmS5 _riRE ! TIBE Í ! XSLS ! ! !'" PHOTECTION INSURANCE COMPAXY. HAPvTFORD, CON.X. MÍÍOWARD, AGENT, fö tho Protec (on Insüranpe Cornpnny. of Hartford Conn.. oiiers to iñsure flouscs, S'toics. Milis. Barns, and their contente, and all rksrip'ion of insurable property agawjst loss or rlaii.rto by f'.ic. The rates of prcniiiim oflered :n e ns low ü- thoso of arty other siniilar instituyan, ntul every man has now jm opportunity for a rrifiing sum to protect himselfagninst thu ravages of this destructive ctenieiit. .which Qfjon. i:; :i single ho;ir, sweéps oway thèêarrrirrgs crwiviiiy yeats. The course the office pursties in1 trnnsactioc their biii-iness, nnd in adjnstir.g nny payment ■'. loss'"s. is pronpt ar,d lüera!. For iernis of insuranee, applicattoii may be ma Je to ihc abovcnatned agent, who is authorizt-d to issue poücies to npplicañts without delay. D. C. 'CLARK, President. Wm. Co.-.xkh, Sec'y. Persons ata distanee wisliing to get propciiy insured, by sciiding their oppli'ca:ijiis by mail, will be prompily attendcr! to. direcily opposite the ;Bank of Washtenaw" Building. M. riOWARD. Ann Arhor, NoV. 25. I41. 33-Üw F 0 11 sule by BECKLEY & HÏCES. Oct. 4. 1844. 24-1 w.


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