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MOTHBRS READ THIS. The following is an extract from a Mter written by the pastor of a BpÜM Clumii to the "Journal and Messenser," Uncinnati, Ohio, and peaks volumes in favor of tliat wörld renowned meuicmr-- Kim Wixs(ow'sSoOTBnra Syxup fok Childbiw Twiutifl : ';We' -rmint in your columns af Slrs . Winsloxr'S'SoothingSyrap. Now n-e never said .1 word in favor of a patent medícale befrre in oir life, but wc feel compelledto say to your readers, that this is no bumbug - WK have tbiid rr, avd k.tow it to be all it claims. It is. probably, one of the most suecessful medicines of the day, beeatfse it is one of the Dest. Andthose of your readers who have babies can't do it better than to 1 y in a supply." fieea'ivertiseineut in ano ther column. Important to Ladies. Br. JOHN' IIAl'.VF.Y, hlving for up_wtr of tvrerty jeurE 0eYoed4t1a profbssionai t'mp ■hisivolv to the treatment of Feinale DiffioultieS, and liavin' auccreilcd in Ihousimds of cases in re.itc.rhiK the afllicted to a uud liealth, has now entire couüdence in offcrin" pubticly his "GREAT AMERICAN RBMEDY," DR. HABVEY'S CHRONO-THERMAL FEMALE PILLS. Which bave never yet falled (when thn ilireclions have been strictlv followeil,) in reinovinir diflicjlticsarisingfrum Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or in restoring the sy.stem to perfect, health, when suffering fron, Spi-cal AinraOH. Pholapsi-s ClWU, iss . br otber wcakness of the Ltebim; OïcUIU ',ü,o in all ranaor Iikbiuty or Xebvous, Htstemc F.u.mAT.0:.;,, fa., &c, M-hich rthe fWernrs ot more senous aiseMe. ma, Thm PUI, ar, ptrfealy harmUn on the constuuliov, and may bt taken by the most delicate femóle without cauiing distress: at the ame tin theïAOT hbk iauu iy' rtrengthnftig lnvigotatinpr. and rc-it .ring the to a h.-althy condüion and i.y tinnpruig on the monthly period wilh roeularitv no matter from what cause tlie obstruction.s may arise' They sbould, howerer, not be taken durins the' firat three or four months of prenancy, though safe at any other time, as tirtséatrage woulij b the result. Each box cootains 60 Pilis. Trice One Dollar, and when desiied will be sentby m iil j.ranaM by any advïr tised Arnt. oa rfecfflyt of the moripy. tíold by I)ruptíRtsn Ann Arbrr. J. MRYAX. P.ochester, K. Y.. General ,gtnt. H. & I.. S1MONEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agent for Michigan. gOOtf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 3VC. O. H. K. Pafiscnfor train non leare Pelroit .mi! tue WT6ra SUtiuiis 111 thia t'vninty. a.-í íollowy. ü 01 N G WEST. Day Ex. MaU f.x. .Wk.Ac. N'ight 1. ■ Pctroit 7.00 a. m. 7.15 a m.-í 10 i', u. l ■ J'pUanfl, S.02 " 8SÍ " 6 60 ' " 1.40 ■ : cir, 8.22 " H.55 " 6.61 " R.UO " " 0.17 " 6.4,-. ■ CheUea, " . " Ï-W " Ar. Chicago, 6.00 T. m. J .'CQ " 00 A. SI. G O I N G E A S T . N.:Ut Ex. J.-ick. .'..■. Hil Kx. Day Ex. Sholxon, JiM. 0.40 a. a. 2.40 Mí. r. m. i Desleí " 7,05 '.' 8.00 " Anii Ar'bor, S.lft 7.35 " 8.S0 " 38 " fnsilanti, 6 86 " 8.02 3.55 " 4.55 " Ar. Detroit, 0.40 " 9.W " 530 " 6.00 " Trajín du not top al atatieas wlwra Ogaiea are umitted u tü6 taDle. PHIZE POETHY. LetCMftflH lioast ( I' n wr, And Mlnstrelí uní' thrir lörett pintar, A theme mj cdf ia Rilad - lo praise oí IIsrrick's ir.itchloss pilla. Tlicir cure are found n pvory liui'l- Amiil ;-!lov. ai:d AfrieM alldH ; Tlie womlr.iu-; wtirks - the papera ftll, Produced by Heiíjucira matchlesa Pilis. Dnps disoasc ftffiict yun ? nrvcr doubt 'i hi. ohfl i tning eompoand will seareli it out, And heatth agftia ifour yitni fill, lf yol; fly ai ü?ícé ío Hehkick's J'illa. ThevVe ufe for all- bi t'i oíd and yomig- Tht praises ore on evtrv tongpe ; Písense, di-.; ruad - no lone-r kitN. Sima ve ari' bl.-ssid wltli Iíekjuck's niU. Ti?" Tut uii with Englluh. Hpanilb, (crinan mi Frenoli directlon. ítítü M cents ii.rbox. Siio' Conlcd Sec advcrlisiüiont mi tliird page. 804 IMPORTANTtoFEMALES THE HEALTH AND LIFE OFWOMAN ís continu:tlly íq perll if she is mad enough to neglect or maltreat sexual inegularitics to which twotliirds of h sox are moi-p or less subject. DR. CIlEr.HL'MAX'ñ PII.I-S, prepare 1 from thc same formula which tlie inventor, HORNELlüS L. tlíKKSEMiN, Sí. D,,of Xow-roik, has fr Iwoi.fy ycars used successfully En an extended prívate y ra etico - immediitíely relieve wiUnmt pain, all áiatarbansea of the pwiodical discharge, whethor ansing from relaxali.m or suppression. Thpy act likc a charni i renioving the pama that accempany difficult or mmoderate morstruaíion, and are the only safe and rpliabld rcinedy for Vlushcs, Pick Heaáache, Pailia in the Loins, Back and Sides, Palpítation of the Heart Kervcus Tremors, llysterics, flpaams, Broken 819 and otñer unpleasant and tjangffrods effecta of au unnataral condition of tlie sexual funct.ons ín the worst cases of Fluor Albus or Whitos, they elíect a speedy cure. To WIVES and INIATK-OISTS Di:. THEESKMAX'S Pingare díTcrctl as tlie only safe means of renewinginterruntcd menstruaíion, bul. lé ADÍES BIUST BKAR I MIXD There is onc condition of the femnle system in which the Pilis cannot bc taken without prodncr,g a PECULIAR RESULT. Th ccov di' ion rej 'erredlo isPREGNANCY- the result, MISCARRIAGE. Snch ñ the irresistible Undtncy of the medicine to restors the sci ual ftwctions to a vormal condilion, that even the reproductive power of nature canñnt resist it. jExplicit directions stating when, and icheti they ahould not be uitcd, with each Box, - the Price Oue Dollar cach Box, r,bntaining EO Pilis. A valuablc Pa uphlet, to be had free, of the Agcnts. Pilis sent by mail pro?nptly, by enoloefyg pnce to any Agent. Bold br Druggisis general y. R. B. HUTCKl&GS, Propretor. 20 Cedar-St., New YorJc. Fr Sale by MATNARD StfiBBtN'S & WILSON , and (iREXVlLLÈ & FÜLLÊK. New Medical Discovery. For the ppeedy and permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges. Gravel, Stricture, and Affections of the Kidneys and Bladder, wliich has been used by apwdrds of ONE I1ÜXDHED PHYSÏCIAKS, in theïr private practlce, irlth entire sui;cess, lupcrtíftdingCiJBEBP, CoPAiBi, CaI'íules, or any compound hither BELL'S SPEC1FIC P1LLS, are speedy in action, of ten effecting a euro ín a few days, and whfn acure is etl'rcfod it i pertnanect. They are prepared from vegetable extraéis thai ar hanulesi) 1 1 the system, and never naiuseate the stoma ch or imprégnate the breath ; and teimj suerar-coatod, all naeous Li-itf is .-ivoidod. Vo chnnge of dkt is neecssary tohilst us'vng them ; Dor croes their action interfe:e with bastness pursarts. Each boxcontains six dozon Pilis. PKICK ONE DOLLAH, and will bc sent by mail posf-paid by any adveitisnd Agent, on receipt of the moncy. Sold by Druggists in Ann Arbor. Ktme genuinc without my aignature on tïie wrapper J. BRYAN, Rochester, N. Y., General Agent. H. k L. SIMONEAU, Ddtrolt, Wholesale Agents for Michigan, S06tf W. UT . STRONG - WITII - NALL, DÜNCKLEE & Co., WHOLSAI.K fcnd PJTA1L dealers ín Dry Qooda, Carpetmgs, Floor Oil Cloth=, Feathere, Paper Ilangins, and a gtneral assorlment of Faratahing üooda. No 74 Woodward Avenue, Corner of Lamed st. , - - - I IETROIT, Mich . -ÖOrders solicited and prcraptly at'.cnded tO'ft 8031 To Rent. A New Two Story Brick Dwelling On tlie corner of Lawrence and Streets. I'ossuiiion givcn immcdiatcly. P. BAHI. Anu Arbor, Jii)y lüth, ISfiï. 809tf SEWIWG MACHINE FOR SALE. IjlCIt SAI.E CHEAP a new flrst class Family Peuing 1 Machine. Warrantod Be bcttcr in markut. Terms . E. B. POXD. Ann Arijor, Juty lih, 18Ö. $2.5,00 REWARD. IWILL give S25,00 roward for tho detection and conviction of any personor persons pt-rpetratingburglaries within tho City of Ann Arbor ; and any Information conceroiflg property taken or saspïcii us characters will receive prompt attention. ■ 0. M, MARTIN, City HftMfaa'. AnnArbor, JulylSth, 1861. 809w3 %W OLD FRIENDS J IN THE RIGIIT TLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis. THEBXÍAMILY Car fe- in the world. TvW,I.AlIASSE, T.KOX COUïTÏT, Florida, July 17,1860. ƒ ToDr. Hkrrick, Albany.N. Y - My IVar Docioi :- I wriïe this tÓioftHnryou of the wonckrful effect of your Bagar Coated Pilis mi my eider daugirter. F.rthrec years sbe has bjMn nífiieíed with a billious derangement of the system. Fiully imparing her bealtb, which bas been steaiïly faílin during that periorl. AVIm.ti n Xew York in April last, a fi icnti adriwd me to test your pill. HaviDg the fuilest coufideoce in thpjudgmuri ol mv friend, I obtained a stipply of Boeesra, Barosg & Park, Druggists, Park Row, New Vcrk. i)n returning home. wo Jceased ill otlior treatmeDt, and administred your Pille-, une eafih nght. 'ile improTemeni In her feelinga, r.omitlexion, ciigesiinn, etc, surpneod us n. A rapiÍ and'permanent lestoration to hcaïth has been Ui e result, We u.seil less than boxes, and ooa&fclerher ent'ry well. I consider the above a just tribute U yon ib Physici-1!!, and trust th;itit will he the nicans of induciug many to adopt your Pilis as their fíiinily medicines. I remain, dearsir, with many thanks, Your obedient servant, S. G. Mohrison. Hen ick's Kid Strengthening Piasters cure, in (ive bours, palns and wenkness of tbebreast, side and back , un d Uheumatic Coin])lain'Jf;iu an equally fihort period of timi'. Spread on heautiful white lanib fildn, theiruse subjects the wearer to no inonveniece, and each ono, will yqax from one weck to three months. Price lt$l ceniè. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pilis and Kid Piasters nre snld dv Druggiatfl and Merchants in all parts of the United Btates, Canada and Pouth America, and may be obtajned bv calling for them by their full name ly05 T-JUK. L. B.llERRICK, k Co. A,b;iny, X. Y. Surnmer Hill KTursery. THE0D0RE R. DuBOIS, PROPRIETOROFTHEgrjMMERHIIX NT'Iísk'íy, ANN Arbor, Mich., is now ready to reoélre orflarn for Fill and Spring .Setting:, His 'orden for Fruli and Oriuimcn'al Trees, Vines, ■ Shrubs,etc.,wülbeiilie,dfrom the best EasternKurseru'S, and bis personal attention will be given tn the selectim and liihng the same. Haring been régnlatly tri i the Nursery bonnest. he is confident that with prompt and close atlention, and strict bonesty and intprity,lie will be able to givo satisfactlon to every one conQding tlirirm-ders to him. All farmers or Fruit growers will do well to glyc hirna caHbMorebrde.ring throiigri otbcr pavties. He wouMrefer tomanycitïzensof tbè City and Coi:nty wlio purchased of him the past Spring for the quaüty of trees broughton by him. as wellas for thf %ri4 order ín rh'ob iypy rri-n-r. ■ fot] ' 804 mS 1 gg, ROSINSON & LftKE'S Si CIRCUS & MEM6EBIR Snperli Firmament Pavilion, f on:; hundhrd and sbtintt hen AN; IIOItSBS. Splendid a:d immenidy liberal design for tho amusement and inBtruction ufthe people, In tho woudurful coinbinatiüu of these TWO GREAT FAMILIES, Aidcd by a great number of Lady Mi'l 8 tnflemin Professionals, choBon from tho IIighkst Role or AbtXSTIQ Excellence. PROPRIETÖRS, ROBINSON A, LAKE. MANAGER, COL.T. U. TIBMARSH. V f%è ADVERTQ' A0ENT H. RUGÓLES, ESQ. xyjyy" Fin? Lady Iïider3 and Danseuse. - wPmüJfmiJL Three N. 1 Clowns. - Completa fáii3ñ& Troupe of Tulfnted Equestriuwt.- JSlr G-rand Operatic Brass and Siring hjt uifÊËk of Uring Anímala. - Spfandid -_ Sfudof lilooded Perfarmig Horsen, "Tv VL iWi'es, and EdiiccUcd Mnles, JES" 'tn a Hstïnct Troupe of exnulKjSSffwnw bitcly trainod J aven Hos, for lbo KPJrJPO prodiictlüii of Ballet, Pantomime, 2"3ËÏ uoiaedy and Faroo, to be substig-j. tuted during the season for tho oíd, T(f Torntmt and wearisomo arteria'" BL TTTG NADIES. (StHS MADAME ROBIXSOX, o re. flgWji nowncd evcrywhero, will load n.i -y]Ti usual, Ín hor delightful ecienco of BtJBSojjfa Lady EqncstrianÍ3m, exhibí t Ing . jSjgwWL pon hor beantiful and high metjjSfapy tled horses, the graceful yct confVBrEr trol ing power which all Indios TT may, with instruction and pracffr- I tice, obtain over this noble aniw iMko ma' a"d tho high pÓlnt of excel jpoöÖ lonco and slcïll which may be ■ff'ljr achii'vcd in th3 invigorating aud ASLtS. ugreeable oxerciae. Í MLLE. ALICE, LpJ Tho very incarnation of Beauty, ■-■■■o J in Grace, daring, dad hing effect, vJLJUk iA m Btyle .nd fascination. To attempt -jC Tfry &; any thing liko adoscription of thia L. B ..r wondêHully brflliont Equcstri-y&ff.y' i enne, within the limits of a eenW fijv tenco in a newspapor advortisey ment, would bo absurd. "Vo must aJL , refer tlie public to the Press of tho =ZB3: Unih-d States and Europo. Notices will be found copied from tho taw leading Journals, in each paper iu which this advertisement appears. ffWkk Diffcring entircly in Btyle from 52JhB al1 others, thia Child of Genius Q iJSLAridfis with tho most perfect aban''SSws. w011 :in fcwlBMioai lier magnifi Qi cont form assuming naturally tUo ffS' y most graccful and classic positions, CJmsf hor face Ht up with a eweet sratlo öJS sr of modest confidence, and her fine 4f1lt-Jr ey0 sPiirkliïK with gcniu8 ftnd HS H pride of her daily euccesseB. Her ttEi mJ0p noble horso knows his mistresa, u gjjKZJ -an scema to enter with all the '""ÏÏBJjinspirit of his gonerous nature into 'jytho general excitemont which Iior _ m immense achievements universally BBltoBa créate. As tlicv dash nrouud tho HQ arena thero is a splendid harmony BPBHw" of daring style and grace, and SJdeafening cheers proclaim another j triumph won. SLA FAIRIE KATE. From tho Principal Thoatpr.% and Pike's Grand Opera House, " A gem fit for an imperia! So accomplidhod ntid fascEnating is thia protty Young American ■ - Danseuse, that sho has been coma . A pletely idolized by the elite of 00k tlNJ Uïi A ciety, and Btyled iu complimeut n YNjMIE l TorjWcfidreMi MTinityi It h-yf TS may be truly tmid that "Grace is li '" llL'r steI)'" aut tie muSt esteemIjpjtfnjf ed masters hnve pronounced her ■KVylSjíH' dancing fauttless. Bold and vigjj ) y f V-ja oronfl in execution, Ihough pymwfül'i nit'frically petite in eize, lier form, lr$2sTÊfr& at3'e ant Sül lue l'ie very "Poetry WRTlMi'f motion." Artistically correct ViMj ViiJin every niovcment, yet with a i r_T natural freedom of air and effect -J-JJ "JJ which bespeak genius andself refgn Manee. A comliination of art and v talent 3 observed which make her ' mWIfm} l'ie cytl08ure of every eye, and the 4gfy Wol of the audience. She will apJpS1 pear in all tlio role of the iateet gsJS H Ballet, and in conjunction wilh ''mHKt ' "- Alice in several eplendid R yiflSTflBMa doublé dances. 'MmXs MLLE. AGKtS, jrS ƒ " l The charming magie wirc figu "y Jrante, whose astonishing peiibrm mak" 'nncG3 have of late created so in tenwe a furore, will oipear upon B J lier mysteriuiia Invisible Mire, in hor ch-aste, bcautiCul represen taA tion of "The G races." This deV A lightful Parlor Entertainment has éL& v tm'S ')een recevw 'n the cities of Jr& ïËL ue Union and liurcpe wltli tluit XJCÜ $Li laating delight which so graccful a ! gMj8 Posea could not fail to command, r ip vP'-. and 31 lio. Afínes is tho recipiënt ■■..kiiüiHft rt thousand genis of well-merited compliment from the cities, towns ]P and liamlets in which ühe bas had së lO e 'luIlür to appear. H 3 GRAND ENTltANCE L O Into the Den of Wild Bcasts, and Vff Terrific encountor with a ferocious, i untamed lion, by the lovely, fascifflT natiug, graceful yet daring ' EUGENIE DE LORBjE, jR í? lato from the Theater r'iancais, & &s Parle, and Theater Iíoj-hI, St. jH6 A Petersburg. This thrillicg nnd ïï l intensely ín te resting Performance LJu'f is also one of rlassic effect and his-fl tur' ral remin iscenco, being inHfc tended to represent one of thoeo tJ terrible scènes in Ancient ïlistory, ; Tíf when the lioman Emjieror Kero, íáil has the Christlan ladies cast in P&xj, rii.4v alllOrg tn6 Monsters of the Forost. -rfS Mdïte. Eugenio enactment of the i '' v tragcdy is euperb, aml her eontrol over the aniniüls so complete, ns to mcnable her to go througli with the great Act in perfect eecurity. GRAND LESATION FROM TKE COÜRT OF KiOIViUS. BILL LAKE, the Southern Clown. SA3I. LONG, the Universal Jt-stcr aud einfrinp; "Motley." AHCHY CAMPÜELL, tho Rural y Joker and " Fariaer's Almanac tSp$JÉ WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. J5ÍC_;,ár Tho great Eussian Elk, 17 fcet ?S lÜSiaBlJ l''.?'1' capturcd in the wlldl ot' Siberia, trained and tamcd by Mr. 5?s5iï55a Jofin Robinson, the only one ever íÍ seen in this country. Hl THE HORKED HORSE. SÜSStlKfi, jfo Supposed to be tho last of hls & pkê 'r' '■'% The perplexity of Naturalista. WW&M THE WONDER OF TKE AGE. ?J Lions, Tigrrs, Monkcys, Birds, 'ivl üstriches, etc. ■ HASTER JAW.ES ROBINSON, v S Tho principal Equestrian of the fBBü. world, just returned from hl MWSMb miRhty triumph abroati, will exH SH hibit thoso daring fesita upon hii SHL barebacked horse, vhich ïiave bo jB astounded tlio woiUi, and placed 'nimupon the pedestal of equestriaq 3S. farao. fel ■ MA. JOHN ROBINSON Ltx1i t$S $ M HfiHj ut cach entertainment, perMüM&Èéf fr formhies naudsome, highly-trained aFÊplf n intelligent j and beautifully-spotted Uiak A rabian horsc Abdallah, and also flHfW $%mÍs ríde liis great four horee Demon llMESÍB$ WM the Preat tt'tyt&a& 1, .i,: iti j. -i 1 1 ui, l'-iiMi SumV ersetter, and Leaper. L W MASTEB JOHN IïOBINSOX, & il eecond aa an Equestrianto none in I V Ñ?fF Á T'llí worl 6ílV0 Mastet JAíIES, í wIÖvï Piasters Du Crow, Angelo, Jcn'rSwi i i "i" Darrell, Hice, and a num V58 i'Í ' ber of others of cqual mprit, make ry (f up lbo list of thie Mapimoth EqucsWw jA As the Prico of admission ís only Ir (as? that charged fora Circus alone, tbe -L .rfC whole of tho animáis may be emari' i'o nhatically consMerod, and are, a J3kVQ FRKE ÉXHIBITION to all jurJQS-MRUchasing a Ticket to tho entertaintrjIlF ment at BOBINSON & LAKE'S l% _ Pavilion. O fZZfS ALL UNOER ONE MAMMOTH TEHT. HQfc 73r other Bills. Will Periorm U PLYMOI l II, ïliursday, August lst '61. " ANK ABBOR, Fritlay August 2d, '61. " SALINE, h'atui-ilay, August 3d, 1861Roorfl opon at 1 and 7 o'clock. ADM1SSI0N- Boxes, (0 cents ; Child ren to lioxes 26 cents; PiU 25 cents. 809w2 XJJE? HEAD. A. DEFOREST, Al"vays aheadln iov PrlcesB HAVIVUrJ-.MOYKI) MY iTORE to the Eíist sido of Main Btreet, one dodrnorth of Uuiterman'.s. lam now recL'ivinK New Goods, compnsii all kinds of Oro ceries, fruite, l-.Ir;u:(t. lagsfvare, Lampe, Loolíiug Glasgcs, Cutlory , WPrftr-pïatéa Ooods, &c, LOVV ER ;i HAN EVER ! French China ToaSctR, from $4 50 to 18 00 French China Dinner Betï, from 20 CO to 30 00 BtoneChlna Teaöets, from :j 00 lo 450 Stone China pijjnerSefei, trom 0 &0 to 1650 I Beauttful Uktas Gbblets, 2 00 pr dizen Glaas Kerosene Lampa from 37 to 00 Maible Keronece Lampi f torn 75 to ü 00 Flui'l i,anps fri'in 36 to 50 Kerosene OH, goodquafrty, 6üc per gallon All othor (j'"'ni.-i ;i t üoneipesding prier. Isiinps of allthnfib altercdand w? pairad. Peoples store, 799tf A . He FOREST. New Rhmebes pok SPER M ATORRIIOEA. HOWARO ASSOC1ATION, PHILADELPHIA! A Beuevolent Trwtitutfoti tstabUshed by special en dnttmtnt for the relief of the. Stek and V ' 'stresseed , njlicled iciih Viru'ent a?td Chronic Dicases, and espcciaUy fur Uu Care of Dixeasts of the Sexual Organ, MKÜ1CAL ADVÍC1-: jfiveo gratia, by Acting Surg. on . VAIXABLE KlCPOirrs on Sperma! orrhoea, ?nd nther Distases of the Sexual Organs, and on th( NEW BLMEÜIKH batplojfd ifl the DiKi-t ■nsary, sent in seated lette envelopes, fíe of charge. Two or th ret tainps ior postageaccpptahle. AiHiress, Dr. J. SKILLIN 11OUUHTOXt Howard h So 2 ?. Nmil. St ., PhilaitftftíHi, Pl 'T


Old News
Michigan Argus