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AYER'S Sarsaparilla FOR PUEIFYING THE BLOOD. Am! (br tlio Bpcedy ture of tho fultewlng complaliittl Rcrofala nl Scrofuloiis AflV ( iong.s in H 'l'lUlKM'N, UliCIS, SOTÍVS, MlKpi ÍO11S, Pimple, Pa tules, itlotcUes, iioila, UliUos, mul id 1 SJtin DiM'uscs, Okt,, IihI., Gth June, 1859. .T. 0. Ayf.h & Co. Oents : I fwej it my dnty to ackiiüwluiljiü t li;it yoiir tuf-ajiarilia Juut done Ibr me. Haring ItilioHted a Scrofüloua infectini. 1 hnva inffarud trom it Ín varioui waya for yearfli 8oaUm4 it barst out in U Ice tg on my hands and mms; sometíales it tumml inwaifl and distremerf we uts the stomacb. Two ycnvs ugo It hroke out on iny licml and eo?ered my sculp ld nis uilli on mre, wlllcll wiik fytfiif'ul iind lotithsnnie beyoud descriptlon. J trled Bjbedfchies and wreial physioiaiii, bur wHhout uiueh ramfmin uuy thing. ]n net, {üMiniei1 gi'eff ttorto. At lengtli I was rpjoiced to read !n tlio Qoepel Messen ger that you had prapüed nu altt-üitivH (SaivopMilla), for I kuew fiom your ivjiutatlon timt any tlii'jii you mido niutto fóifdj I wutto Cfndntiatiaodgot it, nnd usvri it til! it cortd ïne. 1 took it, as yotr idviti, 1u siuall doses of a teaspoonful uvera moiitli, and uaeU almost thrw bottles. New and healthy skin kwu bogan to firtn under tjrescab, whlcli aftera whlU fcll off. My .kin ís now etoar, and I Itnow by my ffettUnga lliat tho lias gout) fiom my system. Vou can well believe tbat I fee] Wuat I ntn lajtng wheu I teil you, tlnit 1 hold you to bc one of the upo.stles of tho age, and reiuaiu ever giateiully Ymirs, ALIWKD Iï. TAIABÏ Si. Anthony' Flre, Rose or Vlvynl ixl. Tettr nuil SnltUhenin, Smid Ilend, llingivorni, Sur Iiyts, lropsy. Dr. lïobert M, Prbl writM from BaUm, N. Y.f 12th Ëopt., 1159, Ihtit he lias cured au invetérate caae of Drops;, fvliich threatosed lo trininato fafally, by the jierseveiing mu of uur ttanutpiirNU, and ulso a dungeroui MdKffnant Erisipela by Idrge doses of the Biïnie; says he curca tlio connnon Knt}tiniTby l confltantly, Bronchocelc, Gottro or Swellctl IVecU. Zebiilon Stoan of l'iospoct, Texas, w rites : "Throe bottlea of BnrnapnrlUa cured me frotn a GoUn - ft hideous tvdtlng on the nedc, nhlcli I had eultcred from over two ycaiH." Iir;i( on hou or VIiifi'H, Ovnrlmi Tumor, Ulerlxic Ulteiution, Feinale Dlscascs. Dr. J. lï. S. Chaiiulng, of Now York City, writes ; "I most cheerfully compty with tho requostofyour agentin sayiug I have found your SftTDaparttta a most excellent alteratire in thu niinuMous complunits for whïch we employ sueh u remody. luit ewwchily in TVmale Distases of tho Hcrofüloui dlatlienli. I ïmve cured many invetérate Ciiscs of Leiicorrhoea liy it, und uoine where the complatnt vu cansed ly ulceratión otüyt uterus. Tho ulceration taelf was soun cured. Notliinjjc withiu my kuowledgo eqnalfl ït for these frtnfile dernngementa." Edwnrd S. Marrow, of Ncwbnry, Ala., writcs, " A dan frerous m-arian tumor on one of tho females In my famlly, which had defied all the remedies wc could employ, hut at luigtii been completely cured by your Extract of Sarsaparilla. Our physldan tliought nolhing bnt extirpatiun could afíbrd relief, but he ndviaed the trial of your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After tnliiiigyour remedy eight weekf no yin p torn of the disoivo rptnaïns." Sypltilis nucí Mercurial Dlsease New OKtsM, 2.r(h August, 1859. Dr. ,T. C. Ater : Sir, I eheerfnlly coinply with the iequest of 3'onr agont, and rftport to yon Home of tlio eflecta I have realizcd with your Barsupurilla. I have cured with it, in my practico, most of flio complaintfl for which it is reconunended, nnd have futuid its cffects truly wondrrful in the cure of Vmere.aland Mercurial Dismufi One of my patients hnd Syphilitic ulcera in liis throat, which were consuming his jmlato and the top of bis month. Your Parsnparilla, steadily tnkent cured him ïu live weelcn. Another was attacked by secondary symptoms in bis nose, and the nleeratkm had eaten away a considerable part of it. o tbat X beüeve tho disorder wuiild soon reacl) bis braln and kil] him. Uut it yielded to my admlniatralioil of your Sanaparflla ; the ulcera heated, und he ís well aguin, tlüt of without Bome disligni'ution to his face. A w timan wbo had been treated for the snnio dliorder hy niercnry way BtifTering from tbis poisou in her bones. They had bccomo so sensitive to lbo thal on n damp dny slio uffered excruciatinji pain In her joints and bones. fcihe, tco, was cured cntirely by your faroapfirtlla in n few weeks. I know from its formula, which your agent gave me, that tuis l'repaiation from yotir laboratory must be a great remedy; consequently, tliflM truly lemaikablo lesulta with it have not surpritied me. Fraternully your, G. V, LAMMER, M. D. Rheuinatism, Gout, Til ver Complalnt. jKDErENDENCE, l'ieetoii Co., Va.. Ctb Julv, 1859. Dr. J. C. Ayer: Sir, I have been ufílicted with a pninful chrouic Rheumalt'im fur a long limo, vhich baflled the nkill of pli sifintis, in-i stnek to me in ep'te of all the remedies 1 could iind, until I tiied your BanaparlUa One bottle cured me in two weeks, and rentoted my general liealtli so much that I am far better than before I was uttacked. 1 1 hink it u wonderful niediciue. J. FKKAM. Jules Y. Gelciiell, of Lt, Louis, wriies: "I have been afllicted for years with un ajjlction nf the Livtr, which deetroyed my health. I ti ied every thïog, and overy tiiing failed to relieve me ; and J have been a broken-down man for some years fiom no ot her cause tbau derangevunt of the Livcr. My bcloved pastor, tho Kcv. Mr. Bopy, udvised me to try your Sarsaparilla, becauso he said he kcew you, and any tulne you made was wortb trying. lïy the blessing of God it bas cured me, and has o purified my blond os to malte u new man of me. 1 fcel young again. ïhe best that can bo said of you is not baltgood enough." Scitirrns. Cáncer Tumoi-fi, Knlareinent, llcnntion. ai lts mitl J'Jilolíuí ioií of lloues. A great Tftrlety of caes have been reported to us wliero cure? of these foi in idablu complaitits have resulted from the uso of ibis remedy, but our space bere will not adtitit m. Some of thein may ue fuund in our American Almanac, wbich the agent.s below nnuied are pleascd to furnish gratis to all who cali fur theni. Dyspepsin, Ilenri Disense, Fits, Fpllepsy, Mela ik lioly, J euralgia Matiy remarkftbio tures of these affect irns hare been made by the ulterative power of tbis medicine. It stiinulates the vital funciions Into vlgoroitfl action, and thua overcomes disorders which would be supposcd beyond its reach. Bucïi a remedy has long been required by the neeeuities of the people, nnd wo are confident that thia will do for them jill that niediuine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, TOR TUF. BAPIB CUltE OF Coiije;Iis, C'olds, Influenza, lloar senes sf Croup, IIi oix li it i-i, Incipient Conh urn ji ion, nnd for tlie Hclief of Coitsumptive Pat tents In nl vanee l Stnges of the Diseasc This I a remedy so unfremlly known to Fiirpans nny other for the cure of Ihroat and luug complaints, ihat it is uaeiess here to publisb the evidence of ils vil tues. lts unri valled excellence for cougbfi nnd coldn, and its truly wonderful curea of pulmón ary dlsease, have made it known througho%t the civilized nations of the earth. i'evt are the conimunities, or even families, amoug them who have not some personal experience of ita effects - eome living trophy in their midst of its vlctory over the oubtle and dangeious disorder of the throat and lungs. Ai all know the drcndful fatal i tv of these disorder, and as tbey know, too, tlie effects of thia remedy, we need not do more than to assnre them that it bas now all tlie virtues that it did have when making the cures wbich have won bo strongly upon the conffdence of mankind. Frepared by Dr. J. C. AYER o CO.. Lowoll, Mass. And for sale by Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson, FARRAXI), 9HKLEY & CO., Detroit. SO'iyl J. H. nURRILL, Travelling Agent. dTl. wood & coT BATE JPST OFEVED A LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, For the SPEIKG & SUMMER T rade of 1861 Having purchased tbeir stock at much les than the usual pnces, they are prepnred {o offr GREAT INDUCEMENT3 To Cash & Iïeady Pay Buyers. Thankful fcr past favors they -wil] he ever roady to show their Goods and by fair and liberal doaling'hope to receive their full aliare of tho public patronage. West side of public square. Ann Arbo.1 April 1861. Haugsterfer's Block. DEA IT CO-, INVITI'. atttntiou to tHeir new stock compiibing ail of Crockery, Glassware, iamps, Gas Fixtures andlloiiae-furnishin sootl=,all of which they are offer ing At the Lowest Possible Bates. Frencli China Ten sols fiom $5 00 to 20 00 Freneli ('liin:i dinnr-r scls from 25 00 to 70 00 Stone china Toa nets frnm 8 50 to 5 00 Slone china dinner sets from S 5(1 to 20 00 K. r' -' ut; J.aiiips complete from 37 % to 6O Marble KorDsenf T,;unps complete from 80 tolOOO Fluid Lamps from 18 to 62 % Lamps of all kiüds alterej and repaired. TOFl WHICH I WILL PAT CASH OR GOODS. Cash or IVool not rcfused on Notos, nnd accounts due me. So pitase fetch on ynur ('nsli o' Wnol. A. P.MItLí. Ar-: .-'"w..I'J3 I 805!! PRINTING I I OF AIX KO'DS Neatly Executed AT TOE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE TREPAUED TO FILL ALL ORDERS IN THE LIXE OF PRINTING AT THE MO8T REASONABLE RATES. ffc have recently purcliased a ROTARY CARD PRESS, nrid have added the lat'st etyles of Card Typeiyhich enables us to print INVITATION CLRDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest Ftyles, nnd as clieap n any other house ia tbc' Statu. We are uUu prepared to print POSTERS, IIANDBILLs, ÉLANKS, BILL I1EADS, C1RCULARS, PAMPIILETS, &c BOOK BINDERY is in charge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS. HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS I OF ALL KINDS, RULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufacturad in best sttle Bt New York Prices, Periodicals of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old Books Ee-Bound. All Work warfanted to give entiro satisfaction. E. B. POND, Prop'r. Office and Bindery, cor. Main & Hurón Sts Ann Arbor Marble Works. Utttola-olcaLox' r "i AS on hand a fiat as.sortment of Atnerican and I TA Z IA N MA li B L E whichheis prepare! to nunufacture into T O M B X? itJÊ? TABLES in alltheir varietíes, and in a WORKMANLIKK manner. Having had considerable experieuce in the business he flatters himself that he will be able to pljnnt all who may favor me with their orr'ere. Uis price l'öw as the l o west. thoae wishloi any thlDg in m.r l:ne are respectfully in-ritedto eall. D. C. BATCHELDER. Aon Arbor. May 20, 1861. 801tf N 0 T I C E. ALL Persons Indebted b? neto or sceount to Michael ("ampion are hereby requested to cali and settle th came with .T. D. Irish, nne nf the fiMHgneeB of tbe aid Jüehael Carapifm.and thereby Fa e cot-tti. . T ifñ, A.-.n rbor,Jun 10 1SÍI.


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Michigan Argus