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8,776,991,650 VOLtJNTEÏRS WANTÉD! j TO AS3ÏST IN THE. LIBERATION OF fcÜBA ! } White folks, or of whatercr Colof, cnsfc (ft ; nativity, Tvhethcr rcafried, singla ur of doubtful connexion, will beeni listed in the noble cause of e EMANCIPATINO THE COilMUNJTV i i - FRO.M THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PJUCES ! j and ■will reeeive Iheir outfit nt the ExtcaaiVe f ferníshing Establishment -■'Or rfli- O ÜITEliMANá HEAD CUARTEES! Laving Leen e&iablisLf-d for the LAST TEN ï L A 3 Ö , our lenown rule of warfare is an UndisguiscdDeslruclion OF HIGH P RICES! For all ges! Sdx and Conditlons! In consequence of the very fiitterltig eneouragement which 'we hfvve rcerived since our location in this city, we have inercaeed our Stock of SU MM ER " CLOTHING! To meet tlie demanda of our custorners, mij hnving beeome more fully eonvinced than ever, that our mode of dealing, narrely: at ihe lowest posaible rates for is the onty truc plan; we will ontinue t: serve the public aa heretofore dnrififf the euming fnll aii'l winter. 9-ur Stock consistB in evevv vaiiety of ÍÍEADY MADE CLOTHING ! . 'l'lnin and Knncy CLOTHS, CASSIïiHRS. StLK, AXD SILK VELVETS. A largg lot of GENTLEMEN 'S I'ÜRN1SHING GQOD3, which me all warranted DOX'T FATL, TO OSlXjiIjiT E. H. For past favoi-s xve are gtatefnl (u all, The eame for lavge ones in proportion, And those wl o see út to cali Sliall receive onr best smiles and devotion. M. Guiterman &, Co, N. B. Studente and all others Miho wanl to see SONDHEIM'.S new iode of, ent t ing will do wcll to cali and luave their measure For a Nice Fitting Suit ! AnnArhor. RPt. 2S. lRf.O. 7i;7! UNPARAJLLELEÜ .SdCCESf SECOND ARRIVAL -OF- Sz SXTlsniSEEIÏ. C3r O O X & -AT THE- Baniie Store, A. P. MILLS, PROPRIETOE. (ïoods bougltl nrider panic prics, And sold at mees that will mak e hard tunes come again no more ! Facts for the Peopk -OF■WASHTBKTA"v7 - ND- ADJOIINING COUNTIES'! And their numcrous questions aiEwered. Why is verybody trading ut Ihe "BANNER ZTORE? ' - Btcause A. P. MILLS, the Proprietorof that Establishment hns just returned from the Easteru Cities wuL the Largest, Uandsomesi, Cheapest, and Mout Attractive Stock of, SFAPLE AXD FANCY DRY GOODS! evor brought to tbis part uf tlw St&te-, Why i Eceryboiij pUoittl wüh lis Stock? Recausp MMtolM re mnro hoautim!, qualily better.arul prices lower than at any other store in the cnunty. . J ■ Why has he always Somcthirtg New and Cheap to Skom? Bccauselwhftsa frien.l connected th ore of tlie l.".r gest Dry Uootls Houac n New Vork, wlio is continu ly 11 BOBMiïG ROLjyi)" Tor choaji üiilgainB inii fielato tytai, 8 thoy appear from time tu time aml iatbis xv.iy ke'eps him nupplied irith e ylo, nw conseqBOnt:'! Ou, tomers canalwavs tiud somothiugFresh, NEW CHEAP and DE3IRABLE Wliy doei 'ne teü to mueh Chcaper than the rest? Decause lie lias a buyer in the city al] the time to taktadvantacfe of the-eonürmal chance of the marUt-t, aml in that way buys bis goodá much cheaper than ollierí can, and thee he marks them down to tbü XjOTÍJEJSII1 FIGURES Why does he teil Ladies' and Childrens' Shoes so much cheaper than was ever licard of by the oldest Shoemakers ? Bmkhm ba Imvs his stock ia the Un.'i of ibownafcera, of the manufacturéis, fully 25 per cent cheu]T than tho New Y.irk JabbeN sèll tliem, anl muflí bitltr wnrk than tlu y tcnt-rally keep. Ihis course enabltts hini to seli a botter Gaiter for 35, Cents. thaotVierssellat 50 cent, and a better FÖXEIHiAITKI■ t áOceutp, than othera soll at T5,cl-ii1s. Hat he any Kaf and Caps? Ves, I RhouM think he haa Ktaefcs of thom, pnoiigli to supply the State, :it prices lower thau was ovur lieanl oí roundtheno partH. Why is his Tea so mueh Hettrr for the prict gon pay than yoa get at other places? Because be takesp;i-e;it care in sclectino: it, and givshs eustoraem the benefit of a real good 75 cent TEA FOK 50 CEiNTS, Itisawaybe hast Where should you go ta get your CLOTHS ar.d have them Cat or MadeT To tho BAXNER PTORK, n-Uc-o the leoplf Baunor ie unfnrledfor the Peopu&ori. Poutheide of l'ublio Snuare, n fewdoorb west of Toot 'i Hotel. A. p, MTI.IjS. Juni ]' l' I . LUNG 8l B3L0OD INFBRM AR Y. Visha'a Black WfodutQfd Arc ])ctroit$ Drs. 5. J, CAÍiPRNTKR Á Hií,ítf AÍ11. DOCTORS gen rally prokirl that Cc-nsiunptit n U [bjr r.íinííot Ore il il)C'm.-i-l%r-ij I maka it tr.u-, in fi jat all l:iy. nnd hfVtViHL but spol matinal íhey wil! te f .vu bc f1., m m Uie uu y yon vimt it. Bu bet tor v.ïkiii;iii - (■L- wliu tlicrouRlily jiilTt.'ii ■ ■ ■ ■■- y' 'a will ft vutir work - tomj 11 h"'i in s':i(if-, , lir tbift rKpct tboré íi t'D sfno (.{flc&ftf fo lift !'ntrl ui ;t)i tr.t'tfn and preftffl lot, 'Uu: buBgkt in ir; ' '■!) r. iti , in fhe &rtn, in Utir, in tbeotayy . ml m [jlivbic, wiil say cli titingó cannjt Le flM. Ad t ( Lrue tlmt tli'V could Mtbafl .limen wi-re likc tln-mBcLvea. But lot tunateJ j thi-iu ifl am.thfr r if.i uf m n# e, wlicn they tike your case in bami, do th ui, .' toa wtmt it , i r n BtoW y nu to Uvallll , uct:i r injf to desire. V y have tnly tij ïomtmbtr tl ík i act lu understand whj one pbyaician fcould pruno unce that .ü ■ui'.tiK r eau curv. In mecbnnics, we sometimos find that bv n poMton of puperkrr tvwaiu, l'y &onrt new inventi n, ■■' which h Iihs the ífic uso, or Iiy t !)■ ingcnity ui hu mini , oa persun will tnuie r do that o ■ hi cr.ft. Bxjictly t mny so in hysio. .Anti tMa in tfw vfry n -a.son why I have such great irowéwi over hH otliera id the treatraent uf Coudunption. B having Llio oHgfsai genfeix, by posae iog tha ï.ung Mi-tir, w hlüi eii;iblcs nifl tü k':irly detf i mino tl uní ure of th ■ I by haring sucli rempflfCT for Cousumjtion ilo uthcr i'liy -icinll vt r 1.:;1, biM t( S tliHt I liavc;, itnd Citn nfTcct a cui; of thlfl díelïse bt'yond the reftcn of any otfier nmn. Tn provp tltti to liare teen tl ie case, 1 mfght giv9 jon numberb iipon nttmbcr of cprtifiratcs from in n and wninpn girc-n otr io fhf ■it' who hav% bMU récued and iMtored to hrih by tin pwtMveriiig usa oí ny r nwdl r lor CoDKumptlon . But it It öot flt-ci v fw né io do w lier, ff tli frtct of Cfiefiian doï)j(f what motlier cnnm-t c:nct, is evldai toali ni q oL cnmaitm rwte. If Ibe Cyunuantivi; vridhei furthr-r prooT tÍTííti fííí J fan only m?, come f.nj Fatiafy younelf bv tri . 1 erf (t .-!11 in t cf y.ur compbiit Doctor Ofp#ntcr trffl ï - ï t Yf-s;!nnti. rtnri Anh rfíf, au11 1860-61 . Ar-nArb.f. at Cowk'a Holtl, Ud ml U'i ol ■ & nninfh: Hawkib fftrtfnP. Tptrflrntl, 5th .iiid 6th ei "-í'--1 'tini t '■ !"! rewaindn oí the tmc, b wiil ba foun.1 ai bJ Lang Infirma 17 in Itiroit lyTT3 Mrs. WIHSLOW Au .■ ricn. cd Ñutos and Ftmal Physícían, prciítín tn tliü nttintiuii t ifn.tli.'rs.lir SOOTHING SYKUP, FOK CHILDREN TEETHTNG, whleh Rrtatly facJHtntea tl.e pfoceM of tefhhig, by iv; tli" guros, lí-Uicirií atl inlliimmalicn- will ailnj AU, PAIS and spunlofjic ctii n, anl '■ SÜRE to REGÜL.üTE the BOWELS. I'epeni upon it, rai.t'-ttii, it v i 11 give fc?t t" vuuraclvei, and Relief and heakh to yoiir Infiint? Wc hare put up miI and sold tbis nftftle Pur ovc t-n yeaipí, mi can saY, ix :otiiu:nck ani ri'Uïii ol it, ïvhat we I.hip nvcr !-■ n b! t ■ ff, any othermedinc- NbVFK l!,s l'J F.WVKH IX A 4IXOLE ÏXS'JNCE, 10 LMKtT A ( VRE, wííMi timely used. Never did we Luow all ínítin. tú i■abafactlou by anr n whti i.ccl :t. On th cir.inrr. all ar? drhghted witii its opïT r. n -. .iri ] cük Ín ti nm of cofomendati' n f'l mágica! i iiv-is and nu-dkil vtUips. - rpeak in this mar 'VHAT WE H) KN'OW,"aitet te yeara' pxirience, AKD M.ÖMÏK UDK lïM'l TAÏli N FO2 'JUK ÏLIIII.LMINT OK W1IAT WK HEHKDECLARF. In al lor al iTry In t#v tïit1 infaxLt BUÍT) r ng from pain nnd cxhfni'-tw n, relict will lx 1ol.ii 1 ín fifteen ur twtnty iu!nutcti aftcr 'ii;' BTpup is ;.ilii;l!ii-ti red. This rttluable prepara tioo h tlio jiresciiti(n "f nt f the mtts! KXPERIENf'Kn and bKIUJ-lL KITSIS in N' iTíiírin -', nád li.ih been Urcd witb M. KK fAlLING SÜCCKïW in THOUSANli ÓF CASKS. It not orly rtlietei tlid clrl ' fr m pm, bot invijfí rütn th' ■ -t mAchand bowils, ci-rreit acid t,v. nnd gírw t. r gnA eifergy tothe vhole.tjatctn It vrill a'mmf in&trnil relieve GRTPING IX T1ÏE T!C'ri:Lc. AND WIND COIjr nj oyecome convulaion1, whicli if n t Rppedlv reifli dipfl, ral i 11 denth. W hi'lfpi f ir BEiT rnd SI ÜKST RKMKI V !N 111E WORIJ). in uil m.-Y f DYíENTKRYand lARüllCKA IN CHIUiRl K, wlu-ilur tïrtiM fr -in t'-itTn,'. W ÏV m any otlit r chum-, W .viiul.l sj.v to every mt!nr rUo h r a cb i Id nulTírnn '"rom any of t'ie fcrgoiiiT mv'n'nt - T o K()'i' 1 CT Vwi [; 'rr.Rir; ur nou 'ijií: ikkjui kis k OTHKIl, st:nd btweer vou cnl vonr suiTime rhlM. ■uil tl oreÜef ibatvlU l-o r-L'Ili:- VI.S. AB; OLITWT - tc follow tïie use of thíj rnodiciiP. if tüntly uscd. Full tiic-Ltnii; fr iiKin wUl nipanv each 'notilc, SLirp-nnn imlesf, t-ie fuc simlle .f CÏ'KTIS A: I'KUK1NS. líe %"í r ï v, h nu t'.ie nntaMe fwj }"t, S4d by Drugijisit.-; tlirnguut tha w-rld. Principa ffU , 1.1 T il r tiit. N. Y. PRICE ONLY L5 t'KNTi l'tlï DuTlLK. I'Vrsulc by ! b r'. ■■ ;: Co. ïvTT?, For the Speedy and Permanent Cure of Scmirvu Wcakness, Nocturnal and Diurna! Eminsiortj, Nervous and General DcbilUy, Impotente, and all Diseases ariMng from olitary JSabits or Excessir.c ïndtügencc. ITHIERE are thousands of Yoing Men, as wal as MmhtJI Jl Ageo and Old Men, who are siifft-ring to onit f xtt?nk from the above diseases. Maiiy, perhaps, au! nut .ware ot their true conditiont or when aasitance is really ncedei. For the benefit of such, wc herewith give a few of th mort cotnmon symptoms, vir: fTeaJhiesê i' the Bark ni I.imi$, Pain in tkc Iead and üitfe, Dinnea '; Sight, ;( and ll'eó before the Bym, Patpitatinn of the fkart, i )-', ." af jhtiiory, Oonfiaion of Mms, JJprtssion uf Spirit, A twdl to Society, Self-DLitrust, Timi'litt, etc. For eaoh mid all f tho above srmptoms these reuiedioa will bc fwimd a "ísuveroiga Balm." These remedies embrace threo prescription : A hoi of Pástela, a box of JífarMMs Ton ic Pili, una a bas f l'irii Tonic PiUx, all of which have Important offices to perform, and Bhould be used tognther in evory (.--tse. Their sui-rriority over other modus of treatintíut may le brictiy atatud a fcl lowe, viz: jjfg" Tliey diminisli Uie vlolanei of fe-il excítemcnl. MS Xhey iuimcd.iately arrest noclurn&i aod diurual emltions, 4SF" Tliey remove inalnMM, cauaing the orgaat t assuine their natura-1 tone and vigor. J8ÍS" They strengthen the constitution by overcoraiog n?rous debility and general weakuess. j8EBThev enliven the spirits, which are ViFitally depreiwo, by expelling all excitin causes froin Lho systeio. tóTBy their Invtgorattng properties they restore tl patiënt to liia uatural health n'j.,1 vipnr of inanh'ood. They cure whn r,',i other mtjans have faik-1. Jft They PCTtbüa )j Jlrrcurif, nu Opium, nev anythírjj thftt ca"1 ;íi auy e vont prove iujnrions. J" They are easy and pleasnnt U use, aiil wii! not iat-erfIa with the patiënt usual business or pleasure. J They can be used without Buspk-iou, or knowledge of Ten a room-mate. That thev may come within tho rcach of all, vre mts fixii the price of the Pastéis at $1 pur box, and the PÜU at yt cents ]er box eacli. In ordering by mail, in nridition to the priee, twelve cents in atamps shonld be incloáeri for icturu postage. yflSís. LABTE3 in want of a safe and eífertnnl wS romcdy for Irregularities, SupprttoH f t.1t wlirL&?4A Mensf, or any disease peculiar to their ex, S P fihonld uae Da. GUts&'S I'emai.e Mosnur Mi . Priee, bv mail. $1 and ene iUmf-. !jBm-iift % Cai-tiox. -These l'ills RhouM not bs u-tedl f 5k d uring pregnancy, as ííiíscnrWage will ba th PEfr irf consequence. !- ' LA1IKS who, from ill-health. defnrmit?, or any other humane and reaaonable caisp, dtem it ucmiary to avoid an increase of family, can do to without incurring danser to health .ir constifution by thp use nf M. 1 - Cmite's French Precentive Poicdem. Pricc, by mail, $1 BiiU. two stamps. , Tbese Powders can only be obtained by adiresams th General Agenta, as below. Send for Dr. Oates's Prirale Medical TreaftM on Sfxual Discases Pkice Ten Císts, Address, H. O. MILLEIÏ i CO., Gonernl Afrjnto, X-OtiiiVille, Kt, Poi by MATNARÖ, STEBliINS, 4JWIIS0N. y"8fia Aijn Ai;bor, Midi. proj'. l. millet7s IIAIK INVIG01UT0R. A.N 1CFKECTIVK. RAFE .'.VU ECOX0MICAÍ COMPWMi FOR KKSTOKlNi, uli.iï HAIil t, i!s orijtiunl tolnr -;;iiou( 'lv'ing, and preveuts the Hnir fmiu tutnii) Rfítjf. FÓR PREVENttKO nAl.r.XK.SSnn.l rurir.ï it.ivhcn Ihpr :■!-■ p&rniclo of vityli'.v r tilrrgy rOB REMOVIXG ANT! I AM::;iT, nnr'. 11 t. neous iitictii'iis of llie .-culp. FOR BKAI-m-YlXC naSHAIK, r,iartingtni1,n r,. equalk-J gloss and brilliluicjf , mtkiug foftauüsilky in its frx'un' :'iv' causing it tocnrl lo.tdily. Tfce nat cÍL'LMÍ:y aii't Ihc incif.ill dniaod for th uncuaUed prej ■" on. convince tlie projiriftor tlmi on4 trial laonlv nicoi wj !■■ wtisfy n disicrningpublfi ,f il , ovi r iny otifr ptii'Omtion atipri on in use. U dcao-iN the hoJ and .-.culp (rum lu, irvfait ptAir ndancous iottla. Causes the hair togron lautiántly, autl gives it a rich, sutt. glna8' nfiitl'Iif;M. jp. eirá . .'.anJ aUo wbore 'he hair is l'.o.-eiiing md tliU' uiug, it wül give Btréngth an.l tnr t' tlif ronts, p.r.d restore tbe growtli tu those ttirts T.liicli Kktq ut-como bal!, eU8tll2 it í'1 iel'l :ifreh C9rsryt nfhtiir. TUertare huntTrwlB tf Iftdiés rfrf gentfeidn ir. y.-w VoiL v.liii i.iv.' iui.i thcir luvir rostored bv tlie use vf Hhis loygorator, wben all otlipr piepjira!itns lirul f.iiltu. L. M. ItW in bis latte uuumi'üiMe tcstifin ( to the above fncis, froni persooe of the highest respcVtnbility. It wUl eifeotually prevent the iitirfrm turninr r$untilthe latest priif of.lift ld in caVén irirrn the bair baa cliatiged its colr,.ïfic uko Invieorftlnv wül withcortnintv rrtforr i to i'a orijhiul bïtc aniva it a dart, glossy uppeararu-i.. As a ifum fbr 'tf, tIW and a tílir Bestnrijtlre i' : particularly rccomni.'n.liM ha ving an agn eable ( seranee; aud tl. o great hcilitii - il afferd) in dñsfinf tlukair, whioh, when moUt nith th [nTigorator,eaa bc dressed in an v requimd. form m m to presarte it place, whither plaln or in ),„., Ih grea,t tenaud for it by thi larlift as n Mavdard 'ailH urlictewhlcUnono oujfht tg l„. without as tba „,ic : within thi rpacli of nl], bninjr ONLY TWENTV-FIVE CENTS ■W.'"11 bal at all Wtprctáttfe ai-igflsi1 nd I. ,vn„lrl„U iho attintlon of riin ÍÍ3 (iuarilian-.1ot)iensot-fh., invip.rator, In .■,,„:.. „.,,.,„ tb chilrtrens' indinos to be wrak Tho u,. „fit 1JW llw f'-iiii.iivtmnfi.r a Riod hmd of linir anii'WmVivoá aay impuritrk-3 that nmv hrvn tieenm.. connóetod with lp. the remoTal of wbicbl peecstarv h. tl. il. h,;,hh„fthe ohiMand the future J,S ótVf MII.I.KRbi-in.2' on the outpr wmnmr' ulso I ai it r 1 ! Wholesale Depot, 5C , .!■! h ,"H ,,.r .rir.,-i. tiberllisconntto puvvhs v I aUoa -i. to régent to the Anieiiciin I'ul.üc 'tvNew & Improved Ir.$tantaneous Liquid Hair Dye whieh after years nf wfeMiftc PTporimfctilí I har brntipht to pt-rfeetmn. It itj-e1 bbck hmwn in.trfr w houtinvnryto th, HalrorSUn arraoted the btat .article of thp kin.i m -.srerire. pricb oNr.Y rrrTY cents üEPOJkM nnv st. yr„ r&fc


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Michigan Argus