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The Michigan First

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The Michigan First, or such of the gallast Regiment as aio not doad, too seriously wounded for removal or prisouers, luit Washington at 6 o'clock, P. Mi, on Alonday, and announced to arrivo in Detroit by steamers Irom Clovoland tliis morning. Extensivo arrange■ mouts liavo beon madü for thoir rocepI tion in Detroit, and from all parts of : the Stato thcir fiionds havo gathered there to give them wolcome. A bountiful repast is to be served at tho Mihvaukao depot, and speeches of wolconie mad. Largo numbers ol our oitizens havo go;io down to greet tho Boys, Tba Regimeai will probably be paid oÓ to-day and to-morrow, and tho " Btoubcn Guards " may roach home to-raorrow niyh t, though Gen. Fou XTAiN th'mks Lbat the Regiment cannot bo disbandod bafore Tncsday, in which event our good citizüns must reservo tlieir welcome '! a littlc longer." when anything is cerlainly known an ar.nounconient of the intended arrival will be made. - Tho oilicial report of Mnj. Bidwell says the Regiment went into ac. tion with 475 mon and 25 offiosrs, and lost 9 oflicers and 108 men, including the ïiiiiising. The publisbed list gives in th(j Manchester Quards, 10 missing and 2 wounded; in theSLeuboo Guarda, 4 missing and 4 wounded; and in the Ypsilanti Light Gtiards, 6 missing, and 2 wounded. Sincc tho report severa' of the missing of the Steuben Guards ;, have reported themselvc.0, and as tle same may be tho same in theother comÍ panies we refraifl from publishing the list until the return of tho Regiment. - YoungCorselius of the Stoubon Guarda, reported with lcgs shot oÖ", reporta liimself by lotter to Lis mother as ha ving boon slightly wounded in one leg; - ho walked 30 miles and mudo good his escape.


Old News
Michigan Argus