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- Gen. Leo. was at Richtnond during the Bull's Kun figbt, witli a ruBerve oí 10,000. - A Vii'ginian informs tlic Phifadelphia Bulletin that the groUnd boyond Mauassas was inined, and tliut our army wouid havo bucu destroyod had it advanced. -Ttr Contra. Beauregard is reported as concedirrg that a dofeat at Manassas wouid Lavo ruincd the Confederate causo. - Tt is ehargcd that Col. Miles who coiomncded our resei'vo on the 21st was drank, andhie arrest is ar.nouneod. - Gov. has been recalled from his command in Western Virginia by Beauregard. ('r) - It ib now said that the President and Secretary of War will in future consult Gen. Scott--instead of politicians. -The West Tuint battcry lost all tho caissons, fivc pieces, and forty borses, and had live men killed and snvcn vvoundod. The guus wevo disabied before thcy wcre abandoned. - The Sherman battery was brought off without any material loss. - Tho Soytnour battery was all saved except one rifled 30 pounder. - Tho rebels report oapturing 63 eannon, 25,000 stand of arms, 1,200 horses, and $1,000,000 worth of stores, Bqsh, - Also a buggy and cpauleltos mark ed Gen. Scott. More bcsh. - Also that the Union loss was 15,000. Dito. - The officers of all regiments in tho field, or heroaftor accepted, are to be subjected to a thorough examination. - Maj. Gen. Frcmont ariivod at St. Louis on tho 25th. - The Fo-urteenth Oh'o Ticgimont returnod to Toledo from Western Virginia on tbc 25tb - their ti;no having expirad. - Liout. Maury has '■ turncd up" - ongagcd in planting battorios for the defensa ol Riohrnond. - The Indiana threo months regimeuts havo all returned to Indianapolis to be paid oS and discharged. The i,arrÍTitl QÜ 31,000 pounds of gold is re orted for that 'Pho New York Tribune announces its iütention to let Gen. Scott manage the war hereafter. Magnnnimous. - Fletcher Webater'a regiment left Boston for Washington on tho uit. - Tho rebel forco at Manr.ssns ia variously reported at from (0,000 to 110,000. The best autbority puts it 90,000. - Of tho govermnunt advance ioreo of 48,000 bat 20,000 partioipated in tlie engagement. - The rebels had the advantago both in number and posilion. --The timo oí tlio Fourtb Pennsylvania regiment expirod on tho duy of the battle at Buli's Run, and it turned nsback upon its comrades,and marebed "on Washington." Disgracoful. - Joff. Davia reports tho Confedérate toree at Manassas as 15,000. - Modest Jeff. - Other rebels say lbo Confedérate forcé was 40,000 and the goveriimcnt forces 80,000. Fropörtïons nearly right, but reversed. - Secessionists write to their friends in Washington that Monday - tho day after, the rebel victory at Buli's Run - was a day of mouming ra tb er than rejoicing at itichmond. - The First Minnesota Regiment reports G9 killed, 97 woundod, and 57 missing. A severo loss. - Second Lieut. Frank R. Mott, Company I, Second Ohio Regiment is reported as havir.g doserted to the onemy on tho Bull's Run baltic field. - A general order has been issued prohibiting the future mustering into service of any soldier who can not speak the Euglish language, - Eight new regiments have beeu accepted from Ohio. - The U. S. steamer South Carolina has capturad eleven vcssels siueo she comuieuced her cruise iu the Gulf, The blockade is not a paper one. - A largo eommittoe of New Yorkcrs has demandod that the President cali Gen. Wool into the field. - Gen. Rosoncrans has assumcd the command in Western Virginia. He is repurted an excellent oíliccr. - Scveral of tho New York thrce months regiments have re-cnlisted for the war, and among tliam Col, Corcoran's 69th - the gallant Irishmen (?) - Minister Ilarvey is out with a card deniug complicity with the rebels and demanding au investigation, - The President has deelined to comïnuuicatc to Cougress the correspoudence wiim foreign powers relativo to marítimo rights or the rebcllion. - Fletcher Wcbstcr's Regiment has joined the command of Gen. Banks, at tlarper's Ferry. - Gov. Mooro, of Alabama, declines a re-eleotion. lías had enough. - One hundred couutics of Georgia report but 400 majority for tlio Confedérate States Constitution, and but 18,000 votes in all. - Tho Sisth Wisconsin Regiment passed throiigh Chicago on tho 2th enroute for the seat of war. - Gen Sweenev dispersed 150 rebels at Forsyth, Mo. , on tho 2Üd uit , and took possession of tho town. Ho had tliree men woundcd, and reports live rebels killed and several woundcd. He found military stores valucd at from $18,000 to $20,000. - Messrs. Harria and McGraw who went with a flag of truco to find tho body of Col. Camcron were sent to Itichmond as prisoners. - The 800,000 Connecticut loan has boon taken at from par to 5 per cent premium. - Sherruan's battcry has been put in working order, and again croaaed into Virginia on Mouday. - Col. Wood, of tho Brooklyn Regiment, is reported a prÍ30uer at Itichmond, badly wouudcd. - It is also settled that the bravo Col. Corcoran is a prisouer at Richmoud. - Later information reports him deild. - The rebels claim to havo G00 prisouers 42 Federal officers, and among them 12 medical men. - Capt. Allen, of Massachusetts, who has escaped from Ceutcrvillo reports that the rebels have G00 prisoners, and that all but tho Zouaves are wcll treated. - Col. Farnham, of the Firc Zouavcs is reported doing wcll ; Col. iSlocum of tho N. Y, 27th has died. - It is reported that the rebols refuse to bury tho Zouaves, - Also that tho captured United States Surgeons aro cmployed in ministcrióg to the woundod. - Capt. Tompkius, V. 8. Cavalry, captured 2Í) rebels ncar Fort Corcoran on Mouday. Doubtful. - A skirnaish occiirrcd at Hatrisonville, Missouri, on lliu 25th, between Capt. Williams' ccfmmand and :"' rebels. Gapt. W. lost two men, and thu rebela ü. Aftor thrce rouuds the ciiciny Ücd. - liy order of Gen. liutlor, HampI ton was deserted and partially buruod ou the nigbt of the 27th.


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