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List of Letters OEMAJXÏNG in the Poat Office al Ana Arb-r, for the 't month endingyJaly 31st, 1801. Avery Ment i David Armfttrong Róv CEB HcMahon Mararct 2 Ainsley Cnariotte 2 M Inney Bridgvt 2 ■ lis. Nancy I iiiani UcUolan Alexaniler McMai'ou Arthur Bartholuiïiew Abraham II&8OD Jol. L i I Ili-ury J .liimc.s Blanden Henry McConn te Charles 2 lïrickwith Sarab J Mooro Marión lilnckmon-1 Moutto Newton Henry BitlsAlbert Uwen Joho V BrOVD Mis ![ Ü 2 Pen . Booth John il 1V;li ■. Brekjn Loutaa Ferry LewisH Burdick C A Pcrrj Miss Fannie abartt Vn Purcelt Uftilaln Busbatb UrsE Patzuim ffian Brftüej Euu ChamberlaiQ VCm Poduneteniko L -n Clark Thoe ÍI Rice Samuel 11 r.ih Ry&Q Mity :.r RicelïevE ir Caufield D F Riley Patrick Chambcrs Joseïi K Riloy Julia O Cutcheon Autiu Beynoldg J'avid Covel Mra Knn.-r.ionG Raj Jacob Cotttract llurriet RusseU KdmonJ Coonaing Wm Mra Rose 3 ■ ConiweU UrsAoa ftoptH OooDfiV Sarata Ü Robinson Geo D G Copin Ruy 'J iio.i Pcott Jamca Counor Mary Smitb M-thalia 2 UolUnen 1 lley Schustcr Fred UramteU David F ï?ch weigert Jacob Cook Y P Ravage Frank Dickinsun Edmrd Smitb darali I .i y Blram II Schaufole Joím Der voy '■ BcbJaadovpri'Fed :■, Fop i t JoLn ittle John (i Dickinsou U B & Wm I Denman Wm ford O : nl Qregory Henrj Doj :■ Oeo II ' Soottfl - EBIs James I gmfthN P Khïl A .( Shlbbe Aoton Folloc); HJrarj Saalth Henty . .;;tiK-ri Ëmïtb Mra K : 1 1 o FreemasTusauut S&xton Beet .. A Stone Giltooan Cutherino Sweetland V 1 3 Goodale Leu ifl Snow A C Grand? Win 2 rJobn Gren Fayett Sullivan Patrick Gregj J N 3 Sapp David Gouss John Turrill KUiuLt Goodyear II t.ry ïaylor V 1. md Wm il Thomas Hrs Hary (rüliih Klizabütli Treabejf ichael OoirilIW li TrowbridgeE Harrlngton (';Ub WlWEmma Han v II .1 ' Wioka William i; i un Whttney GC j Hill Geo Weiesinger J F Eïagerman Jas J Wilbur Albort . ËUza A VViUianu iiF Hollibter Jo epb Wiltett ■ A (Un) Kimball AL WeUandCD Kilby Walbir WalfcafF Kinear Mw Wm Wilfeêy tfra -I K Kecdlc Charlea Woodworth Alma Lender IrvineQ LawrenceAart n Foreten Ladors Mrs Luuia Boeken Ualhew Ixiytaml Mary Riright Catharino Luie Mrs D Loto Harrídon lnc Wilüam Deloa C Un lerwood Alvord Milkr Kmma War 1 Samuel Merritt Sarah C West Mary Jano UÜls Mi.ssD Sleight Henry E Persons calHng for any of tbeabovo letters willplease sav thftf are Adi i ri Bed. JDÏIX T. THOMi'SON, ?.M. Great Reduction in tïie Price of SINGKB & CO.'S Standard Machines . Well knoicn to be the Best for Manufacturing l'urposcs. No. 1, Standard Shuttle Machine, formerly sold at $90, reduced to $70. No. 2, of same kind of Machine, for merly sold at 100, reducod to 75. SINGER'S LETTEK A MACHINE, [a the best Maohtne In tliu world for Family Seving anil FJgM ManufacturiDg Purposeg : (xith llcmmer,) aml autlful - . I and 3 Maohioea are of great capacity ntil apppcatlt Faoturing purj ■ OurN ■ adapted to all klnde f light and htavv JriUur Ai., ii larriage ïriro■ kiocetc., eti. ugh to ■!i ilio largeat . Thcre ,v (uiy, part of a Trimmers' &titcliÍDg cannot ■ ■ band : bo, too, tha iinii ot time :J) '■ labor s very great. Tlieiableof . tong, and the shuttle wiH uat qnanüty of thretd. Thelarge aachjBQ n'ort ai f -i ;i siu.tl1. ones. r Letter A. Machine, (lie spo-' ialattentioh nr' Vost Sfakera am3 Dress Makers k and all -..:' Maoliines for light mmvfliluringptin nsc8. 'ïi'-y uiin-ly tbe prfdcjples of the wi OAChlDea, makinii liki'tlum. Iheinterlockod t; ci lebrated for i'.oiiu si. ight manufftliiuring purposes as our staudaï We hare always on hand, n ■ iK8,8ii.KTWTCt [SEN -N!' COTTOJi TJITEN-Ui . OJI OOLSj BBST MACHINK O1L in buti w, etci, otc. V v ii mufaci ilre n:r n'xn Needlefl, and nrouta wnrn :U1 ■ ■ rmachinea notto-bnj anyothers. e e needies aold of thé most inm qnolity at highrr prices tli;in s ■ the beft. Tlie needies Kold by ü8 are manufáctur oor maihlno. A ad nudic matj raider the bal machine almoti lueless. Our c ■' ra niay rrvt afsuredthatallour Eranou efurnlshed with the gehulneacttcle-' I . , .. . the iii'iii} inay bi' Bent in postage BtAmps, nr bank notes. pondenta wlU please write their ñames ilisíincttv. lt fs all inpprtant that we should, mcaL-li case, liriMv thi County, and State. All persona requiring informaUon aboul ! Uachines, tlieir size, úricos, workii ,andthe . ain I ''y .-tiidingto mj ol out BranoU Offices for a.oopjr of I. M. Singar & Co.'s Gazette, w ii ti i b snuf ui Pietorlal Pper entlrly deroted to thu ubjeot- II uilltic sen: gratis. i navemaaeil e s.'v Kilirci !')N in PWCE3 uïtli iln iwo-fuM newol lx Sting thopabUcanaouif selves. The , . i swiudledbj nunomkmachinar. inade In uiiltation ol ours. Tlie riotaltótñem, firom tho Iron casHng to U i I1""'' .■ui!., rii r w kers have not the incans to do tUeir il. They are h!d away in ret'places.whcren wouldbeiniposBible tonare al nd the proper mecha ■ ■ ' ' ' ' '■ '■ ■ menta Ihal irood Jnirthines can mado atmoderat ■ B Ml MAHI1., r always U !lt uf or'1er' loo .!,. trouble and money u keep them In ropairt -ii lokcd tnr in % Machine are i ■ -r t.iintv i' correct actton at all ra.t. of speed, BÏmpUcity of ooost] ■ darabiïily, andrapidity of pneraüon, withtlie least labor. Machines to combine lbo ■ [i lust bc tnadv of thu best io imilml toperXtcUon, We ,w, theway and means,ott kgrand scale, to li iliis. Tho pui o dailj 1 read il may . wUl flndthat thoso havirgtho above (lualiücH lot onlj Work wcll al rapid as well n ipecdjbu -i'!'-]-. I . ■ . . : ■ ■ u,, will ram more mooey ,vith li.. lab. i whether in Imitaiion . not. Infac-i, theyarecheaDerthnnanyoUiiif nachinos ast gift. ' I. tlKCER -'v I 458 1 r ailway N ■, Vork. ajr Tetioit Office, 73 Criswulil Stro uut


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Michigan Argus