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Camp Fountain

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Tliis camp presenta lively apparanoé, reoruit are pouring in from every direction, six huuJrcd b-iing olready in camp. The officers are busily engagoJ putting them through 'Hardee,' and we opine no regiment ever presented a moro soldiei-like bearing, for llie sliort time rilling, thon the one now at Camp Fountaiu. - The bojs appear to bo in good health and spirit, aud are anxious to havo a brush with the enemy, deterniii;eJto preserve the reputntionearned by thegallant First and to tripe out the stain which has tarnisbed the Federal rn:s. 'ffitli brave, determined soldier li'];e these the Nortb is uuconqvic-rable. p, S. - Sircc the bove was in type Lieut. Grummond lias nrrived from Lake Superior with about 80 able-bodied recruits, who -were mustered into service at Detroit, by ColBackis. This inereased the number in Camp Fountain to tisO. J55ST" I'lio Excursión of the " Ann Arbor Greys " to Whitmore Lako was a very I'leasant and agree.ablo ono. ISTo better day could been selected, the Iittle rain in the morninjj laid the dtit, coolod the air, and made everybody nul the 'rest of mankind' feel like joining in the festivitiea of the occasion. It is useless to sponk of the pleasant drive, of the gorgeous landscape, the grand old furests, the rich, fertile valleys, - everyone lias been there ; no iiecd cf entering into a minute description of the surroundings of that Iittle 'wrinklcd sea,' ai it is too well known, as a place of resort, to need any ex' tended notice. The 'Greys were met at the Lake by the 'Sutton Dragoons,' a finely organized compa ny, and nfter a 6hort season of mutual coir gritulation, the order to "Fall in" was given, the company never looked better, the musie never soundcd sweeter, than on that morning After going through various evolutions, and witnessing the splendid charges of the 'Dragoons,' down the road, three clieers were given fur the 'Dragoons,' which were returned with eheers and tiger, the company 'broke ranks,' and everybody amused thcmsalves as best suited their taste ; thus a pleasant day was spent. In the evcning 'when musie nrose with il3 volup'uous swell.' but few could resist the temptation to join in the 'giddy mazea of the waltz,' whicli was indulged inuntil the 'wee sma' hours,' when a good-bye was given to all and the company ilispersed. JSïST Wo are requestod to announce tlmt Rev M. C. Stanlt, Universalist, will prcach at the Court House, on Sunday next, and the fullowing Sunday. at 10i o'eloek nnd that two weeks from the coming Sunday, Rev. D. P. Liveemoke, editor of the ICete Covenant, Chicngo, 13 expeeicd to preaolj in the same place. JES" On the two last Sabbaths the sol diera in Camp Fouutain were furnishcd by the ladies of our City with an abundant and excellent dessert of pies, cakes, ete. , for their mid-day meal. Our Iadie3 have an eye out for the comfort o" those who enlist in the ser" Yiee of their country jjsg" After a long and protracted seagon of drouth, we have at last had rain. - We were afraid that potatocs would grow email in this section, and unless we had rain would be ander the neoessity of eating them tops and all, served up in the Maumeeian style ; but copious shower3 have dispclled al such painful forebodings, and potatoes asl well as oom look prornising. JL5Ë" New Wheat ia arriving at Detroit and is quoted at 80 a 85 cents. - The Harvest in cur County is nearly e ompleted and the gram has been saved in the best orlr. The yield promises well and hequility is excellent. IJ3S5 Sergeant E. D. Jl-vd passed through this City, a few days sincc, en route for Saline, as a recruiting officer for Company F, Gth Regiment. The Company gocs under the command of Capt. John Cordon, who was twelve j-ears in the British service including seven year3 in the Caflïi' vu in Soulh Africa. The Captain being an old, experienced carnpaigner bis Company ean place the utmost confidenco in bim as a commanJer. in in A Reltable Conceex. - Reader we can as. iure you from personal knowledge, that D B. De Land & Co. 's Chemical Sakratus can be relied on as being perfectly pure, hcalthy and uniform in its results. The proprietora are a!so reliable men, who have, by integrity and perseverance, built up a mammoth business within a few years past. Try the Saleratus and prove ourwordstrue for yourselves. It is for sale by all wholcsale and retail dealers 'm the country. EP Nene but a physician knovrs how niuch a reliable alleratite is needed by the P'eople. On all sides of us, in all commuuities everywhere there are multitudes that suirer from complaints that nothing but an alteratUe cures. Henee a great many of them have been made and put abroad with the as Burance of being effectual. But they fuil to accomplish the cures thcy promise because they have not the intrinsic vii'tues they claim. In thia state of the eaae, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co ,of Lowell, have aupplied us with a compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, which does prove to be the long deiired remedy. lts peculiar difftrence from other kindred preparations ia market is that it cures the diseases for which it is recommended, while they do not. We are nssurcd of tliia fact by more than one of our intelligent Physlcians in this neighborhood and have the fuitlnr evidenceof ourown experienco of its trutli.- Tennessee Farmer, Nashville, Tcnn, 11 - in JG3T On our tablü we have tho July uumber of Blackwood's Edinburgh Magaüne with the following papers : Hook's ArchbUhops of Canterbury. Sí Judicial Puzzles.- Spencer Cowper's Case. The Farewell of the SeaL Norman Sinclair ; An Autobiography.- Paft XVII. The Book Hunter Again. The Orleans Manifestó. The Barbarisms 01 Civilization. The Dem8e of the Indian Ai-niy. The Epic of the Budget. The Disruption of the Union. $3 a yeat ; with t!u four Reviews $10. Ad-, drcsB Leonaed Scott & Co., 79 Fulton Street n. y. J5c3T VVo have received the August nnraber of tlie T.adies, Kipositonj. It has a beauliful landscape engraviag, " Sumiuer in Maine," and a stee] portrait of Rzv. Z. Pad doek. The contents are sucli as cacli succes sive montUly nurcbcr of thij ]wriodieal ia' euro to briug- iiiicrtstmg, instructive, pure. S2 a ycar. Addrew Tok i llnciicocK, Oitt. ciunati, Oliio. JC3T Tbe August Dumber of tlio electie Mdjuzwc has r, Rched ua. It prewnta s portrait oí Lord ralmerton, and ite letterjiross inchhlc siteen Beltcted papr from (welveot tlie Ieudin,;. and monthlitfa of England, Scotlan . aad Ireland. It is a Taluíiblo ïvfl.x öT forelgn literatura. $5 a ycaj, with a beaoliiol preniiun [latc, Ad Jress VT. II. J!:u-aj_l:; K. Y, JSST "Wo :u'o iudebted to Ilons. Jj. !'. Q ■. 01 R mul 11. E, Triuvsripi:;: f( I phlet copies oi' tlie Preaident's Mesei Reporta of the 8ecretariea öf Wnr and Nary. E" Wo have received lbo August nunlber of tliu Atlantic Monthhj, witli a variad and intcrosting tublc of coutcnta, including several " Crisis " paper. " Agnes of Sorento" is oontinued. $3 a j-eur. Addrei Tiok nos & Fíelos, Boston. Ug" Wo givo place to-day to a letter to the New Chleans l'iea'jtine, descriptivo of tlie rebel camp at Mauassas Junotioa aud thereabouts, aud of its ïuaster spirit, Geu. Eeadueüard. In view oi' tlie recent defeat of our anny at tbat point, its . statements will prove of more than ordinary interest to our readers. It would bc wcll if the reticenoe maintaiued by Gen. BiADKieABB could be imitated by Government officers in high places. " The Ilepublican State Committee of Oliio has by rcsolution invited the Demooratio Central Comniittee to unite in a cali for a joiut Conventiou for the purposo of nominating a State ticket. - If not accepted before the 9th of August, the Committeo proposes to cali a Convention without distinctior) of party.


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