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MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHERN INDIANA RAILROAD. ffiaf r.. 'kI 1861. SÜMMER ARRANGEMENT. 186I. 1r:!Íns now rnn on this road, Puildaya cxcepteu, as follows: Poledo for Chicago at 9 00 A M..and9! M.. .■ni.! ria Ai 2.00 A. M. Leave Detroit for Chicago at 7.10 . M. and 1.00 P. M 0,30 1'. K, . , Arriving in Chicago from Toledo and Detreit at 6,00 P. M. na C.,00 A. 31 . ;:'..! íia Air Line iil L1.00 P Arrive at Detroit from Totolo, at 6:66 A. M., 12:40 P. M. and 6.66 1'. 11. Detroit Ra Toledo al 7.10 A. M., 1.00 1'. II., and 6-30 1'. tí. An-ive in Detroit from Cliicacoat 5. 55 P. M., and 6 55 A. H. .Irrive ia Toledo ftom Chtsáio -LTó P. U. and .80 A. M., and viaair lineat í.'20 1' M. IM. ana 1,00 P. M. Arriye from Tuledo at J.u 1'. M., and í),ló 1'. -MCOXXKCIldXS. At Toi.kiío - TVith Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road, with Wabash Palley Rail Iload. At Diítkoit - With Graml Trunk Railway , with Greal i'.aihvay, also: ffith the Detroit and Mil waukee, Railroad At Nkw Ai.tuny & Salem R. R. With Traína for Lafojette, New Aibanyand Loui At Cbicaoo - With Chicago and Rock ïnland, Galena, Miiwaukce, Chioago, Burlington I West Ra igo, Alton and St. Louis, Illinois Centra], an.t to all Points West and South. Traína are run by Chicago time, which ís 20 minwer than Toledo time. jgg Patent Sleeping Cara accompany the Nighi Traíns onthis Route. Salsbar'ya Patent Ventila tors and Dusters.are used (ii all Sunimer Trains. j8 Timo and Fare the same as by any other Raí] Road Route. J.). D. CAMPBELL. General Superintendent. PRIZE POETE Y. Lel Chieffcaïns cf deedg in war, And Minstix'ls tune their eweet guitar, A nobler tbcme my hrart is flïled - In praise of Hkrrick'8 outtchless ptUs. Their rases aro found In övery land - Amid Russia'fi snows - and Afric's sands ; v m lroas Work-; - the papers fi.ll, Pioduoed by Herbick's matchlesa Pilis. Doos aflïict you ? novcr doubt Thi chartniag compouod wil! se&rch it out, And healtb again yowsystein lil!, If you By at once to Herkick's l'ills. Thoy're safe for all - both old and young - Their praisea ara on every tongue ; ïtfsease, diearnied - no longer kills. Si nee W8 are blessfd wlth HERRïCK'S Pilis. jy Put up with Ënglieh, tipanisb, Germán and French direstions. Prlee 25 cents per box. Saga? Coaied. See advertisement on third page. 8u4 New Medical Discovery. For the speedy vm permanent cure of Gonnorhea, Gleet, Urethal Discharges Gravel, Sirictnie, and Affections of the Kidncys and Bladder which has been used by upwarda of ONE HUNDRED PHYSIC1ANS, in their private practica, with entir , supersedingCtrBLB8, Gofaiba, '■ ■ any compound hit hor BELL'S SPECIFIO PILLS, are BpMdy in aetlon, ofion efTectiug a curo in a (■ ■■■ and when a cure is effocted it ia They are prepared i ■ that o re hai ■ ■ ■ ,n, and oever nausea te the atomach or imprégnate the breath ; ajxd teins Bovar-coated, al] p taste is avoiiU-il. Vo change of dict is necessary whilst usifig tliem ; nor does their aetïon interiore with busi. ittita. Eaoh box containa six dozen PUJi PBICE ONE IX)] LAR, andwiU hosont by mail poM paid by any aJveitisod Agent, on receípt of the money. Sold by Drugistri in Ann Arbor. None geuuiite without my sijrnature on the wrapper J. UKYAN, Eoohester, N. Y.. General Agent. IT. k SIMONEAU, Detroit, Wholesale Agenta for SI caigan, SOCtf IMPORTANTtoFEMAIES THE HEALTH AND Ll?E OF WOMAK Is contfnually in peril if she is aad efiough to oegjleot r maltreat those sexual Irregalaríties to which twothirds of hrscx are more or leas Bifcjeet. DR. CHgESEMAN'S PILLS, prepaw.1 from the same formula which the inventor, ñOBNELUS L. CHEE8EMAN, M. D.t of fork, bas f'T tventj yei : - ïmmedtately relieve without pain, all díatorbancea tf the pojriodical discharge, whclher aiílng from relaxatbn or suppression. They act 1 i k o charo) In remoriiJg the peXbs tha1 . ny difficult ca: immodcrate meettmatioa, and are the only safe and reËable remedy for Ftaahes, Piek tie, Paiua IntheLoine, Back and Shta, Palpitatlon of the Heart Nervoufi Tremors, Hysterie, Spasms, -I ■! asd othev unpleasani and dangsroua eíTects of ;in unnataral condition of the sexual finctiona [n the worst cases of Fluor Albas or VSThites, tiey ciTect a Rpeeily cure. To "VVIVES and MATROHSTSD3.CHE5SEMAX'SPILI3areon"eredaa tin only safe means of reoewingmterrapted menstrnation,but. IRIDIES MUST BEAR, I MlVD Thf.rc is onc cojidition of the femóle systetn Ín which the Pilla cannot bc taken icitliout produetítg a I'Kk'i: JA II RESULT. Thc.condiúonrcfcrredto is PREGN..NCY- lhe resnlf, M1SCARRTAGE. Suck is the irresistible findenq of the medicine torestors the sa ual f une' a normal condition, that even the reproducttr, of ita'.tire canñot resist it. Explicit directions stating whcni and when they Jtuld not be Uêêd, wiih eaoh Box, - the Priee Que Vullar tack Bot, ',u,. '■■ ' i '.-■' 60 Pilis. ■■f, to be had free5 of i be Agea . Pillfe $ent by mail promptlj, lu enolosíng pnce to aiy Agent. Sold by Druggiata general j " R. ii. aüTCHlXGS, Pro] i 20 Gedai St., New Yor . F-r Sale by MAYN"ARD STËBB1NS 4e WILSON, os] GRENYILLE L I tl.I.hU. Important to Ladies. Dr, .uj:i i. . npwiirls 6f twentj years devoted liis professional time exclusively lo tfia BQtof FemalO Diffloulties, and haring Hucoeeded in thouiads oí oa afllicted ln-iiltli, hai now enture conGdence in ofiering pubCcly lii.s "GRÜAT AMERICAN REMEDY," CHRONÓ-THERMAL FEMALI3 PILLS. Whiclj li.-n" iifvi r y l.ii:-. (u!i,.i tin' ii hai e y followed,) iu remo in dimoultfes ariAing ir m Obstruction, or Stoppage of Nature, or in re&toringjthQ system to perfecl bealti), wheu Baffering from Spuml Affjkhosb, Pa Lttti, tiib uéa of the Ptekink 0g ma. AUo ■ DEBJUTi OR NTaHVOta PIIOSTÜATIOÏT, Hts . ■ runners ''i toJti il hij lliC. ,. time they act i ik: a chakm i , r ■ 1 r tem to . adili ui, ■ :i lui y ' ■ ■ ■ Ea :h b ■ CO Pil! i. Price Ono Dollar] and ' ■ ■ ■ i Vrbor. 1!. k l [O ! ■ Michfg ■ 3VC. O. IFt. a 1 tUc Bevora Stations ni thisCutmty,as follows G o i n a k i: s t . Daj Ex, Mail Eje. Jadt. Ao. Ki ',l !. Pclrnií, 7.IKI A. H. 7.16 . H. 1 10 i'. II. 6.80 I'. Ji i ■:. 8.02 " B I ü " 5 Bfl ■ T . -I ' l ■' Ann Arbor, 8.22 " 8.Í6 " 6.51 " 8.00 " Dexter, " 8.17 '.' B.4Í ■' c balsea, " B.l ' Í.C5 " Ar. Chicago, 8.00 p. JI. iT.SO " C 00 A. M. : O i x G E ast. Niglit Ex. Jack.Ac M.iil Kx. Dajr Ex. Chele, . .v. 6.40 .h. 2.40 r. M. p. m. Dexter, " 7.06 " 3.00 " rborj 6.15 '■ 7.85 " 8.80 " 4.35 ■ íp.siUnli, 186 " ! 3.55 " Í.65 " Ar. Detroit, U.40 " 'J.ÜO " 6.Ü0 ' 6.00 " ■ 'li.i.oí itóp ;i! stations wlièrè flgures are omitted i:, table. MOTHBRS READ THIS. Tbe followvog ia an extract froni a letter wrltten by thepaetoroí Baptist Chareta to the "Journal and i (, ''iiin, and ;U;s yolumea in favor ni that world ronowBed medicine - Mes. Vi.s";i:. Si R! BINO: "Weaee an advertíBeraem in your enluimis of-Mrs. Winalow's SoothtngSyrup. Now vre . í a v r [n favor of a patenl medicine bofere in our HIV, but ïompeUed to saj to your readers, that thia is no hutnbug - v.'i: havi: TRIKD ÏT, ASP KNOW IT TO BE ALL IT t is, probably, oí of the bost succeasful aiedicines of the ',;iy. beoauae it la one of ttie oeat. Andttio ho have babit cun't do it betfcer than to I y in a up] ly." tíeo eulvertieement in another column, TIIE GREAT ENGLÏSH BEMEST. MU JAMJE8 OLAEKE'S Celcbrated Fnnale Pilis. PROTECTED VflafcJ LETTEEf EY BOYAL P TAXEKT Prepared from a prctcription of Sir J, Ciarle, M D.t Physician Extraordiiiary to the Queen. This médlciuo is unfailiag in the cure of al' Uiogo pítioful and ilangerons diaeiised to vrhíeh tho feíuíe J3netnutiön ís uliject. It irnderaíes all ercees nm reoaovea uil ou3tructíoisíi,ftutlafipeedv curo mayb rbli;don. [t iñ peculiwly fitiited, It will, ia a sbort tim, brlng oc the moirthly periort with rularity. Eacli buttle, prioe Oae Dnïl&r, b#ar3 tbñ QoTC:-Dmer.t 8tamp of Great Britain, to prevent ecunterfeite. These Pilis ekould nat be laittn by fcmalrt dvriig tt FIRST THRÉE MOXTHS pf Pregnncyta thay art ture to bring on MiLcarriarc, bv' al any ethsr íííh: ííí j r safe. In all caaes of Nerrous una Spínal AÍTections, Pic the Back and limbs, Fatigue en cligbt xrtioB, PpfU tion of tbe Heart Hyatericí, and Whits, iham Pil'.fi wii' effect a cure when au othw me&us hnro íaíled, aiu KHlioiigh a powerful remitir, do uot ccntjün irou, cítíOtn aciimcoj, or any thicg burtful te thc constitutic.ii, ■f uU dírections acccnipary each packsge. Solé Agent for tho Cuitad Stíites and Canaca, JOB HOSBa, (LaU I. C. Balduin &Co„ RochMler, N. Y -$1,00 and 6 poítage stueps ct-clcaed to auy an Aetít, ffíll iiairs a bottl of fet í'is h -etnrí ■ ty . Bola be GÜF.XYIT.I. íc FULI.ER Ann Artor, aud by Druggiííts inevt'ry town. To Rent, A New Tvo Story Brick Dwelling On tbe eorner of Lawrence aud Thayev Strccts. Pos sen toa gil i i iniiiM dia I . P. li.U'II. Ann Ai-Dor, July lfith, 1861. 806 $25,00 KJJWARI). IWIIX privo 6,60 reward fel the dolcotion aml convictíon of auy peraon or peraona perpetrating burilar1 les within the City of Ann Arbor ; and any ínformation concerní] ■ n or auspicions ciiaractfrs wiii reeeive prompt atu-ntion. o. M, MARTIN', Cily Marsha'. Ann Arbor, July 18th, 1861. " 808 w8 Important National Works, Pablished by I). Al'I'i.KTO.X í; C'O., 34G AND 348 BROADWA.Y KEW YORK The folloiring worka aro cnt to Subaoribera ín any parí of the country, (npon recelpt of retaitprice,) by mail or expresa, prepaid: THE JiEVVAHERIAK CYCLOPDIA ■ A Popular Dictionary of General Koowledge. Edited by Gko. Kipi.kv and I bjjubs a. Dama, aided by a numeroue select coi-jis of wríters in-all b 8cince Ari 'J'liis wuik U being pabliBbedha about 15 large octayo volumes , each containing 750two-column I ages. Vola. I.. II., Ilf., IV. V., VI., VIL, VIH., ti IX are now ready, eacb containing unir 2.600original arti des. An addttiflnal rolume will be iiublislied oncein about three monthfl. I'rice, in Clotli,;í3; Shecp, $3.50; Half Bussia S4 50 cacti. m American Cycloptedia la popular without beul beiug pedantic, comprehensivf bilt sufflcientlj detailed, freefrom personal pique and party prejudice, frosh and yl accurate. It i a complete statement ofall that is known upon every important topic wlthin t) unían intelligence.- Every important article oit has been speciaUy wntten for its pages by men who are authorttles upon the topic on irhicta thej peak. They are requlred to bnng the subject iip to the present; to state uit liow it rtands nou. All the statistical Information is from the latest reports; the geographieal accounts keep pace w tb. ■ rationa; historica! matte] freshest just views; the biographical notices ads ak i ot unly of thedead bat aUoof the living. It is a libv; ry ahrioobisbht op the debates of CONRKSS Being a PoUtica] HUtory of üie United ■m the organization of the fii-'st Federal Con. gresa in 1 VS" to 1866. Editedand compiled by Hon Tho BssTOSjfrom the Official Reeo . ,,,s. The work wil! be completed in 15 rn-;i! octavo" volumes of 760 pages each, 11 of which 'are now ready. An addltional volume will bo published once in three montlis cas4'lu;Ud;:w " ni"' S4' A WAV OF PEOCUBING THICCYCI.0PJ5DIA ORDKI!ATI form a club of four, and romit thepriceof fourbooks and üve copies will be ent at the remitter'a expi carriage; or for ten subscriben, eleven copies will be sent at our exponse for carriage. To Agtüts. No otlior work wül so liberally reward the exertiocs " . AlfAoflMT WANTED x Tiurt ('urNTV Ternis made knoivn on application to the Publisaers. Ann Arbor. M I 6902amt t. Vi.-. ". íugut, agont at Kiune & Smiths Book Store, Ylisilanti.I&- OLD FJRIENDS „gg IN THE RIGIIT PLACE. Herrick's Sugar Coated Filis. gssjs THE BEST FAMILY Ca r Wpj-Q 'v thartic in world, J? , .. five ínilliuiis of IlfpllJ 1 , ■' 'lit.l ÍM fc-íáF?''' vji-1'1'"'1'1"1'1 h' 1!i(l itln .■ HE,ííL ' : ':' ''":r""[ w:l!i ■ ■ , . ..,,-, gg3 FulldlrcctiOBí withi ach TATXASASdE, IíEOS Coi Sr. . } FlorIdarJnl3 IT, L860. j I ToDn. HeeeICK, Albany,N. Y. - My Dear Doctor - I thia toiofoimyou of Ihewoaderfu] eífeci of your 3ugar Coated Filis on my eider daugïiter. Fi rthree ye.irs she has been nffiicíed vrith a billious derangemeni -, ol the system, sadly impariog her health, which has been eteadly fftíllng during hal period, AVluniu cw York in April last, a friend advised me to tef í 3 uur pill. the (tallest confldeüce in thejudgmed oi my friend, 1 obtaíned ;i supplvjoj Síe 8 Park, ] DruygÍBta, Park Row, NcwVurL On returniag home. we leeasea all other tgeatment, and admínistcred your Pilis, ne eacb eíght. Thr tejpiovemeüi in hai fetlings, complexión, digestión-, etc., sur] ríseá ns a!. A tapid andjpenn I ron to heaítb has be n the 'i'e osed leas than five boxos, and cooaider her en Wí'W I . ■ ■ . fOUOSI ■ 1 ast that it will bu tbe (nea . 1 ado)l j our ;is : rica. 1 remain, doarsir, with many ihankR, 1 Your ob '.:i rat, S, Ci . MOXKUO?. Kenick's Kld Strengthening Piasters cura in í'n-f houw, pain-; and weakness of the breo ;' Bide and back, and Rheumatic Oomplaini shorl periud of time. Spre - I on b I ■ Is m '■ Bkin, their ue subjeota the wearei ■ 1 no inuonveniece, and each oae will ,v,.v from one week to three raontha. Pricè : ilcrrici.' . ■ ■ 1 'il Pilis and Kld I lastèw re mía ' . cha ata In all pari ■■ .: aarta andSoutb America, and raay bo obtalned by ealllng for thsm by tLeirftdl nauoe, lySOft DB. 1,. B. HERUTCK k Co 1 AÜKiiiy, X. Y. A. DEFOREST, Always aheud in Loiv Prlces. HPORE to the Efli side o' M:iin ■ ■ ■■ ot nuitli ol Uuiterman'a. I am now reeen ■ de, coraprising al! biuda of Gro mits, '.i rac ta, Gla ra ce( Lampa, I . 1 übltí Cutlery, . . ■ ■ . , &c, IOWER 1 HAN JËVÉR ! , from Si ' i" Ifi ■ 0 1 liini ! 1 oner Het, fruni 20 f : to 30 00 Stue China Tea Beta, froni ;i oi to SftiieChina Dinner Sets, from 6 60 t1650 ■ Uoblets, 2 00 pr dozen ■ ,:i,!i; . from :it to o .;; mj a from Ï6 to 3 00 Fliuüfamps froiq It! (,, 50 Kerojii ■ oil, ■■ 'odqn 80c pefgnUon ; tfiS' l :■ . , ■ui t epalred. J'1( ilesötore, 1 ■ r. FüKí: T. New RofijiKPiEg ï'on S P & R M ATÜR R iï(EA. fl ] [OWAjS FIIA. A Bc ■ 'ghed by ÊpectalendoiomêtU for the. ,, . uk and Dhtx ■ edwitk i tu lally for the Cure of Dïï&acii oftlu a nu, ratis, by Autin othef !j . , . , ■ ■ ;,ll 111.1(111 I I'.IOI 11 1 tte : ■ . ' w o or threi stiunpf for [N HOI (.11 , TON, l[..'.v;icOV: 1 1.


Old News
Michigan Argus