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AYER 'S ? OATHARTIO ■ ''' -M ■ 1 J 1 T T M ■'. RS fl ïH '. _i_ _x__i - j_i - Jt - ? I - ?i$ BBS. ro .ou fic'r ee nn( ■ iHH coinphtiuing? Aid y ou out of ■j-pl"jJS order, witli your systom dui'iííl'1lIlin'iTB raogedj and yuur ïbuliogs unglMaWAUKit Í 19r tonis aro often the prelude to SI ''■ W H Bfti serïous illuess. Ëumo fit of OlMilHJÍJmH Bickuess in crooping upon vou, r.iiJP JvL-r?.i and should bo avortod by a rcSf P .'ilixiJ edy. Tuke Ayer's l'ilis, and C[i,s?fe.8BMJJB 1 mors - purify tli j blood, titid LftbllflHMNni Ict thG fluida move on unob.pVl %L Btructed in ïrealth again. B They slimulute tho fimctions L"'■ of tho body iuto vigorous ac? . - i_ :ff tivity, purify tho system froui - "- "' tho obBtructionB wbich nmko disoaso. A col tl settles omowhere iu tbo body, and obstructs its natural funetiona. These, if uot relieved, react upon themselves and tho eurroimding organs, prochicing general asgravation, suffering, and diseaso. While in this condition, oppreased by tho derangementH, tako Ayer's Pilis, and seo how directly they restore tho natural actlon of the system, and with it the lmoyant feeliug of liealth again. What is truo and so apparent In thli trivial and oommon complalnt, is altio true iu mauy of thedeep-seatodand dangerons distompers. The aime purgativo effect expols them. Caused by similar obstructions and derangoments of the natural fuuctions of tho body, thoy are rapidly, and many of them surely, cnred by the sume meaos. Nono who know tho viitnes of tlicao Pilis, will ne'glect to employ thüin when suitering from thfl dinorders they euro. Statements from Ieadlng pliyficlans in some of the principal dtlaB, aud fium other woll known public persons. From a Fonvardivg Mcrchanl of St. Louis, &b. 4, 185(5. Dr. Ayer: Your Pilla aro the paragon of all that is groat Ín modiciuo. They have cuied my little dtiughtor of nlcerous sores upou hor Iiands and feut that had proved iiicurablo for yeava. lier motiior has been long grievously afflicted wlth blotches and pimples on her skin aml ín her hair. Aftor out child waa cured, alie also triad your Pilis, aud they havo cured hor. ASA MORGIUDQE. As a Family Phystc. From Dr, S. W. Curtwriyht, Jew Orkans. Tuur Pilis aro the pnnce of pingos. Their excollont qualiticB lurpau any cathartic we posaess. They are mild, but very certatn and effectual in tbelr action on the bowela, which makea tlioia invaluublo to ua Iu thu duily treatment of diseaso. IIcadaclic,SlckIIcadnc1kcfFoul Slomach. IVoni Dr. lidwavd Boyd, Baltimore. DearIIho. Icannot anawor you what complaints I havo cured with your Pilis bettor thnn to soy all that wt ever treat with apurffcUive medicine, I place gicat dependonce on an effect nul cftthartfo in my daily contest wifh diseaso, and believin aa I lo that your Pilla aüurd us the best we havo, I of cuurse value them higtily. TiTTSiiuua, Pa., Muy 1, 1855. Da. J. C. Atku. Sir: I have ben repeatedly cuied of the worst any botly can )mve by .i (lose or two of your Pilis. It seGmfl to ariao froni a foul Btonmch, which they cien nse at onco. Youra with graat rwpeet, ED. TV. PREItLE, Cltrlc oSteamer Clarion. BlliouB Dlsortlcrs - Iiïver Oomplaints. Fnm% Dr. Theodore Bcü, of Nao York Ctly. Not only aro your Pilis admlrably adapted to their purpnso as an aperiontmt I Hnrt their beneflclal efluetsupon tho Livor very marked iudoed. Thoy havo in my practico pro ved moro effect ual for the cure of bilious comvplainls thau any onu romedy I can mciition. I sincerely rojolco that we havo at length a purgativo which iu worthy the coniiduucu of thu profeaeiou aud tho peuplo. Dkpatítjient of the Interior, 1 Washington, D. C, 7th Feb., 1856. ƒ Stn: I Iiave used your L'ills In my general and hospital practico ovor rinoc 3 uu made them, aml cannot hcsilutc to aay they are tlie best catborUo wc empk'y. Their regulatiiii; actloii ou tho liver is quick aml decided, consoquontly they are an admirable remetly for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I have eeldom found a caso of büioits diteuse so obstinate that it did not readily yielü to thein. Jfraterually yuurs, ALOZO BALL, M. D., 1'hysician of the Marine Hospital. Dyscntrry, Dinrrïioca, Relax, Worms. Fratn Dr. J. O. Oreen, nf Chicago. Yonr PüIh htivo had a long trial in my practico, and I hold them in est&em as onu of the best aperients I have ever found. Their alterativo effect upon tho liver niakes them an excellent remedy. when givcu in small doses for bilious dy&culcnj and úittrrhaia. Their sugar-coating niakes them very acceptebla aud conveuieut lor the uso of woinen and cliilJien. Dysiicpsio, Tmpixrily of tlie Rloocl. Fi'omi lttv, J. V. JUimeSy rastor of Advent Churclt, Boston. Dn. Ayer : I havo used your l'ills with extraorclinary euccess in my family and among tlioso I am called to visit in distress. To regula to tho organs of digestión and purify the blood, lluy ure tho very best remedy I have over known, aud I eau confidently recommeml them to my Meada. Tours, J. V. III MES. Warsatt, Wyomlng Co., N. Y., Oct. 24, 1855. DEAn Sia: I am using your Cathartic Pilis iu my practïce, and iind them an excellent purative to clüanuo the aystem and mirify the fotaitaint f the, blood. JO1IN G. MEACUAM, M. D. C'onst .ip tloi. Cosí I venes?, Supprcssioii, Klieiimatisin, Gout, Neuralgia, JJropsy, Paralysis, Fits, etc. From Dr. J. 1 Yaitghn, Montrcal, Canada. Too much caunot bo lald of your Pilis for the cure of costiveness. If otliers of our fiaternity have found them as efllcacious as I have, they shouM Jolo me in proclaiming it for tho benefit of tlie multiltides who suffer frora, that complaint, which, althongh bad cnough In itself, is the progenitor of others that aro worse. I believo costiveness tooiiginato In tho liver, but your Pilla atleet that organ and euro the dïscase. From 3Irs. E. &'uar, Pnjsician and Mdwife, Boston. I find one or two large do.sea of your Pilis, taken at tlia proper time, aro excellent promotives of the natural secretjon when whollyor parlially suppressed, and also very eflbetual to eUanse tlio ttotnach and exjid worms, They are so much thu best physta wc havo that I recoinuieud no other to my pationts. From the Ilcv. Dr. UawUs, of the IhfftodUt Epis. Church. 1L'laski House. Savannah,O.i.. Jan. 6, 185R. IÏoïïottkd Sir: I ehould be iragrateful for the relief your skill has binught me if I did not report my case to you. A cold settlod in my limbsand brought on exernciating newalaic pnitts, wiiich ended iu chronic rhcumatism. Notwithstandiug I IhkÏ tlie best of pliysicians. the diseaso grew worse and worse. until by the adrice of your excellent agent In Iïaltimore, Dr. Mackenzie, I trkil your Pilis. Their effijets were slow, but sure. liy persfcveriug in tho uao of them, I am now eutirely wol!. Senate Chamber, liatón Rouge, La., 5 Dec. 1855. Dr. Ayeu : I havo been entïrely cured, by your Pilis, of Rheumatic Gout- a paiuful diseaso that had afnicted motor years. VINCENT SLIDELL. JB5 Most of the Pilla in marlïet eoatain Jrercairy, which, although a valuablo remedy in BkQful handa, is dangeroua in a public pill, from tho dreadful consequences that frequently follow its incautious use. These contain no taorcury or mineral substanco whatever. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $1. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYER &, CO., Lowell, Mass. An for sale by fllaynard, Stebbius & Wilson, "AHI'.AXD, BHELEY & CO., Detroit. 8OÖyl J, II. EURRILL, Travelling .Agont. D. L, WOOD & CO., havj: just 01'Exed a LARGE & WELL SELECTED STOCK OF Seasonable Goods, ?or the SPRING & SÜMMER Trede of 1861 Inving purcUased their stock at much less han the usual priece, they uro prepared tu iffer GREAT INDÚCEME NTá To Cash & Keady Pay Buyers. rhankful for pust favors they tvüI bo ever ■oady to ehow their CiuoJs auJ by fair aiul iberul dealinghope to reecivc their full share f the publio potfonage. West side of [uil llc sijuaro. Aun Arbo.i April 1861. Rifle F actor y! A. J. SUTHERL,ANI HAPrffintu'cuiii:: Gun Shoptothe New Blockonllutimatveet.sQutUofthefïi i Dt&esccond our, wlu-ri he rf prepared tu fu ruih Guns, Fistola, Ammunition Vlasks, Pcuihcs Game Bugs, anj. Evcrj other article in bis Line. mtbemoftreasonableUirnit.andtodo ll kind o i lij h ) In; bc,-,L mailde] ■-'■■■ ■ QB b8cd.CE ' I PRIÏTING OF ALL KINDS Neatly Executed AT THE ARGÜS OFFICE. WE ARE TUEPARED TO FILL ALL OUDERS 1KT THE LINE OF P II 1 N T I N G AT TUK MOST REASONABLE EATES. We have recently purchased a IRTTG-GHLES ROTARY CARD PEESS3 and have added tlie lat'st styleg of Cnrd Type, which euables us to print INVITAT1ON CARDS, WEDDING CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BUSINESS CARDS, &c. in the neatest styles, nnd as clieap as any other house in the State. We are uUo [irepartd to print TOSTERS, IIANDBILLö, BLANKS, BILL I1EADS, CIRCULARS, PAMPIILETS, &c THE ABGUS BOOK BINDERY s in charge of a FIRST CLASS WORKMAN, LEDGERS, RECORDS, JOURNALS, HOTEL REGISTERS, and BLANK BOOKS OF ALL KINi)S, SULED TO ANY PATTERN And Manufaetured in BE3T stvle at Nevr York Prices, Pc riodic als of all kinds BOUND IN ANY STYLE. Old IBooks Re-I3ound. All Work "varranted to givc entire satisfaction. E. lï. POND, Propr. Office and Bindery, cor. Main & Hurón Sts Ann Arbor Marble Works. o IBtolxolcaLoï ITASun hand ;i Boe MBWtmeat ui' Ainericaa and ITAL1AN MA li B L E whiclihci preparofl to manufacture into U O N U ■--yiS MENTS, II E A U '■r';"""'fl[P STOSÍES, T O M B fjlS'' :";fïP TABLES n alltheir Tarielirt, and in a W0RO KRUKB inanner. d&Ttng had cousi.lprftblc cxperienee in Ihe bunmess he Satter blmcell that he will b ablo to piense :iU who ni;ky i'iivur niL' with tlit'ir OQTV. Hi pricea LOW AS THE L O WEST. those wlsiing auy thlng'ianur Hne' re MTOeotfulljr invitedto cali. 1' '■ BATCHBLDBK. Aim Arhor. May 20, 1 SCI. SOllf TfOH WHICH I WILI, PAY CAbH OR (OODS. Cash or Wool nol rcfuscd on Notes, ie nip. 8o pleaBe fetch OQ your I Wool. A.V.MUAS. Ao Arbor, Jone 18, Uit.


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