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Return Of The Setuben Guards

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At G o'cl'iclc, on Friflay o'ftèrnoon ; last, a telegram ivas reoeived froin Maj. P.AIUIY, t Detroit, aaying tlmt tho ÊUeubu!) Guarda would como , homo on the 8 o'clnck train. The ; iigs spread lifce _firu Ibrough tho dry' grass of a prairie, and long buiore tho I hour thouaands wc re gathered at tle depot eagerlv wailinir the train. The Firemott wore out in uniform, tho Grays mustored at tho tap of tho drum; and the Homo Guard wer.e out en masse. Ntíyer lias our City guthered a crovd on so short a noticu. Falliera and mothors vvcre thore to embrace expect'eJ son?; vvives wero there cagcr to look roturmng buebnnda ia tlio face; daughtors, tistera, sweotbearta wero there, with words oí treloomd Katherinl on their 'ips, and citizens w'eVè tfievo to take tbe rcturnit)g solJiyrs by the hand. At 8 o'douk the Exjiross train camo i:i, and was gi'oetod v,th deafening cheeri. It brought the Marthal! and JacksoD Conipaniee, and but a í'u.v oí tluS-eibon Bojw, whb wero roported cuming, and on the next train. tío. in the ineant.iine, entliusiasin had to bo riik thcrcd, and the arant cour'urs wore lied with uumurous qtiestions oí father, husbaiul, son, and b rot her. In due timo the second train oame, and with it cnme tho Company ontf City sont out in tho laat daya (.f April to go with tho Michigan First to delend tho Capital oí Ü;o nation. - With the noble First it went, and won praises at Washington, laurels at Alexandiij, and glory at BulPs Run. It was moot that its return should bo ao ovation. 'l'he hasty and hearty greotings over, the Company was escorted to the Court House Sqtiare. Thé cemingbeing sovoral days in ulvai.ce of ospectation the public receplioo m preparaüon was necessarily pot poned, over which the wettricd soldiors réjoicod. Jlaoy ol them v.tre hoáp?tab!y enlertaioed-, however, nt Dichl'u Kou-l, where a collation had boen prepared. The Company ïoUunod toDetio.ton Mönday, was paid oiï on Tnesday nncl WedüL'sday and niustered out of tservice. After a few days rest, we urfderstand niany of thein intend to sgain enrol in tho servicio of thcir country. Four of the Company are reportod ' mmsing,aad nothaving been heard iroin ', I wince the dieastroná dny at JJuH's Run are eiüiei' clead or prisdners", probab') i dkad. Thoir namesnic: 1 Wai, B. Newell, Dan. Sc'jnaitliiman, John Rii neer, John Lang. s Ono, Win. M. Cursclius, wounded in 1 the leg was lef' iu the hospital at Georgetown. Lieut. Sincla:k dit] not return with the Company, but rei.iained in Washington, and is roiioi'tcd as hav , ing been commissioncd as2dj Licuten. ant in the Barry Guardo. (?)


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Michigan Argus