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Proclamation Of Gov. Gamble

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Jefferson City, Aug. 5. Gov. Gambic has Lssuod a proclauiation to tho people of Missouri, tho priuciplc features of whic'u are as foüows: - " L do horeby strictly charge aud eojoÏB upon all Sheriffs and other magistratcs who are conservators uf the peacc, to uso all the powers eonferred upon thom by luw, iu arresting aad Iflíícgisg to puQU&ment all persons who disturb tho pubüc pcaco by using violcneo agaiust any of thcir follow citizens, and cspecially are you charged to biing to justice all who combine to practioe viólenos agaiust other persons on account of their political opiuious; and it' foree s'aould be t-mploycd to resist you in the discharge oí' your duties to au extout that we can:iot ovcrcoine by the meaos provided by law, you are charged to make known that fact to lilis Department, that proper measures inay be taken in such cases. " It is enjoined upou all citizens that thcy perfonn the duty ofgiviug information of deposites of muuitions of war belonging to tlie State, that they may eome to the possession of the State without being oaptured by the troops of tho Uuited States. " It is furtlier enjoined upon all citizons of suitablo nge to enroll themselves iu military organizations, that tliey may take part in the defense of the State. " All citizens who are embodied uuder the act of the bist session of the general asseinbly, popularly called the military law, are notiñed that the law has been aurogaticl, aad the troops disbandcd. - The eommissioiii ssued undcr It. as well as the eommisrsion uudcr the act of the same eessiou, lor ihe appointinent of a Major Geueral, have been annulled, and all soldiers and offieors are enjoiued to ccase aetion in a military capacity. " If those persons who at the cali of iho late Governor have taken up aruis choose to retura voluntarily to their homes, and to the peaceful pursuit of their occupations, they wilL undoubtediy find iu the present executive a strong dcterminatiou to affprd thora all the security in bis power, and there is no doubt entertained that they will be uumolested. " Tho oflicers and tlieir troops belonging to the Confedérate States who have iuvaded Missouri are uotified that il is against the will of the people of Missou ri that they should convene upon the soil of tb is State, and that their continuance iu Missouri will bo considered an act of war designed to bring upon our State the horrors of war wbich Missouri desires to avoid. ïhey are thercfore notificd to depart at onco from the State. [Signeu] UAMILTON R. GA.MBLE. Siucc the Governors Proclamation was written, the following dispatch bas boen reciv cd : Washington, Aug. 3. To llis L'xcellency, Ii. U. 'Jamblo, Guvernor of Missnuri. In reply to your message addressed to the President, I am direeted to say that if by a Proclamatiou you promise security to persous in arma who volunta?! ty return to their allagiance and become peaeeable and loyal, this Government will cause tlic promisa to be respected. [Sigiü'd] SIMÓN CAMERON. Sccictary of Val.


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