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Gen. Patterson Defends Himself

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The Philadelphia Pn-si reporta n speech of Gen. Patteraon, delivëred at bis residenee in PiiiUddlphia n Monday night, in response t a c ill from the 2lst Pjn:isylvanU regïnftent.' The General triod tö defañd Lis whilo in oominand, asiollows: " S:itne sneers hava b?en Uirown upon tho army of the Shenandaah, but we did o ar düty thora. We wcro constan!!" 'hf-itonsd with what Ö-èn. Scolt so muoh clislikeg, a fire !:i tho roa!' from tho iv!u!.s in Marylaiul. The arch-traitor !ng at Richmpnd, JuÖ. Davi, boastod thnt al! tlio Southern army wantod was au oj:i ííj!J and a fiair ii!it. Weil, rhy comrades, you Unovv ilioro wece plenty of o;i:;i fialds bofore qs v.hun weorosed tho Potómfto, and tho cnomy run beí'oro ua tlion. lía rnado a stand at Hainsville, vvhei'ö ho had píen ty üf open ü.:K!s, but ho c iiil ! not stand our charges. We met hiin again 'it Falliog Waters, !'it ho would not Bhowstronbattle. Vrioii wo arrivo'.l at M.irtiasburg we found it a strong place, with a plenty of sto:)e wal Is, b.;t tno eaumy had tlesorted it. No stand was made al Hig Spring; and at Bunker Hill, wtvare the enerny was cortainly gping to givo ba'.tlj, we could not find l)i:n at all. I had at Martinsburg aboat 11,090 men and sis guiid, Hoving roconnoil:'oJ tho enaujy I found liis lao to be about 400DO and 63 giins, I tolo giaphed tbr reinforceinsnts, vvhich were sanb to me, and I ro:n ved from Martinsburg with about 17,090 men and 26 gun.3. At Winclvj.s'.c" the rubels wer atroogly iatronoliad, with nntnoroua earthworki and riib pit.-?, and had mounted aome 68 pkjees of heavy ordnance in various cuaMnandingposition.s ; and thjv had ftdled trees oyer all the roads. had allacked kim thure wilh mij furce, I icu'd probakhj have heen utuuoopitful in dislodgtng kim from his xlrongh'ilJ, an .1 inauy of the brave men whons [ now eo befuro ino would have been under the sod tonight. [Applause.] I ihnn marchad u.poo Charkstoa, Under the eire ;rnstunceí, 1 did the best 1 could, and you men, did your whole duty and merit iny approbniion.


Old News
Michigan Argus