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Hospital Contributions

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The ladies of our City, ever ready to ruin" istcr to the need of the 6ck and wounded soldiers who have gone forth to do battle for tbeir country have eontributed and forwarded to F. L.w Oi.mste,b, Esq., Wïh ington,'D. C, Secretary cf the Sanitary oom roission, thu following articles for hospital use : 41 Hurta. 23 do Drnweis. 25 Sheets. 41 Pillo w Case. l'J Flftnnel Abdomen Bands 133Towel. 36 Handkeronkf. 10 l'ackngea and rolls Ban3agcs. Old linen and cotton cloths. In raaking this notiee commendatory of the ladies of our City. we feel it a iuty, disagreeable though it be, to caution them againat the appeals wbiíh will too frcquently come to thera frora sslf-eonstiuted cornmittees. There are few wants ot onr soldiera, afier they reach the field of aetion, which it is not the dut y of the government to supply, and if ■one duty is more saered than another, God lcnows that it is the duty of taking care of 'he siek and woooded; and if the government annot, at tliis early stage of the cnmpnign, without the iu'.ervention of private coinmisBions, got up in ininy inslaucis for Rel f glori ■ fication - supply its hoapitals with every ne. cessity, and even with all desirablo luxuries, it bad betterseek an ia9lantaneou3 peaoe. It is well for the ladies of eaeh town in our State that scnd3 forth a Company, to provide it libcrally with hospital anieles like those above enumerated; it will be well for our State authorities to provide cvery Regimental Surgcon with an abundance of hosp ital stores but teyond tluit the government should and du?s privide, and it humblcs our r.ationaj jiride to read the frequent begging appeals made by private individuals, with an eye to itlieir own fame, or even by semi-official comjntttees. They are wholly unnecessary and can only d grade the government in the C3-es of the world. II - II j52ÊTbe Ivov. Mr. Stjjeey, Univerëalist will prcacH at the Court House, in tliia City, next Sabbath morning at 10) o'cloek. JS3LT Notwitlistanding tbc hard times several large blocks are in procesa af ercction. We venture to i-ay tbat no town in Ihe State is improving more rapidly llian tbis al the present time. Tho iron fr: nt bleek cf H. Kbause is being pusbed forwarj to a rajiiJ .completion, r nd when finished will compare favorably with the beautiful blocks adjoining. We understand that the spaeo north of this isto be built up, in fact exoava'ion ha3 already commenced. These improvements wili ,odd greatly to the business pait of Main st. nd the bloeks will stand eomparison with :nny in the inttrior of the State.


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Michigan Argus