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GJÍÉATBÁRGAlIiS AT Maynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. o WE HAVE AO.UX RETLEXISHED OL'K STor.K W1TI1 the must stüendtd MucL of GOO 3OS, tlmt WAS ever oflcred ín any one establishment ík che State, all of whïcb w crffer tor lr fe) u"iJ vy Lr iP Lta Li 'Li' UJJ tB is l'iw as can be fouml in the Union Wc want Money ! tml vfll make Great Sacrifices on Anything wt' liave to obtaiu itf not cxcppting OLD NOTES AND ACCOUNTS : M'c cordially invite ALL CASH CUSÏOMERS to culi and examine our Goods and Trices. Wc als invite our Prompt Paying Customers , to como aml bny tlioir supplies for the Winter. To tLpm Baybful ones that are afratu tu cali, wo say to tUemj tak. ' courage S33LL "SToxiar WHSAIf wiiliout langer waitirgfor biglicr pricitcome in, oW scores, and tlion al sucli priros as will ni ikc lip all losses It Es hardlj J neccessary to enumérate our Uoods, for We have Everything! j A large assortment of CARPETING, CROtKERY DKY GOODS, MEDIINES, GEOERIES, PAINTS, OILS, ] rrAT, ■ CAPS, BOOTS, 6HOES ! YANKEE NOTIONS, f, &c, fee,, fee. 1 ( OAILIL 4!R][lIllü)O8ti V (715tf) MAYNAKD, STEBUIXS i WIIO Stoves Sc Hardware ! 2 RISDON & HENDERSoS Have now ín Store a largo aasortmentoí w rmp i -m -a sss 9 Hardware and House Furnishing All t ork wíll be soM as CIIKAI asnt nny other Establishment in Michigan, Tliey lia ve gottüe Best Assortment of Cooking PAULO 12 A ND l'LATE JB TOV ES IKT TUIS STATE, And will sellthem Cheaper than THE CREA PEST, I'lease cali aad SOS All kinds of tin ware kopt on hand. Particular attontion paid to all kinds of 7 C2D 5IE3 'vgcy en y ?- Which will be dune wlth NE A TNESS AND D JSP A TCH. aS-Pioatp callauil sce tbcir STOVE ROOM in 2d story of New Bluck. RISDO.V & 1IE.VDEKS0X. Ann Arbor, Jan. 5, 1861. O . BIjISS Still in the Field! WITH A LAIiGE STOCK of GOODS in jny line lirect froin New York, Boston, and the Manufacturera! I have just reccived a large and well sclectedassortraent CLOCKS, VVATOHJES, j 3 -w -JE1 r. n. -y. SIL VER & PLAÏED WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And n great variety of Yankee Notions, te. [ would cali particular attention to my laree itock of SI=a3C5T-ákuC3XjDBS, )í Gold, Sil ver, Steel, aud Plated, pfith ; PEE SCOPIC GLASS i superior article, aud a great variety of articlcs in the iuc, enoD bavaztg cUffouU watobesCoflo withfflai'es oas q nccomtnodAf A as my Btoitb i large and complete, I" S, Viirticulir attent n pald to tlie REPAIEING ! fttl Icfnds of Fine Watebes, such as ttaking & Setting New Jewels, 'liMONS, SÏAFFS aud CYUNDERS, also ' CLOCKS, AND JEWELEY, 'eatly BcpaireU and warrar.ted. C. BLISS. Augoit 28, 1860. 7C8Ü I PATENTED November lst, 1859. THE MÈASURES Vp jj&T ft. A, tfic di-slance Bm'B ïïL round the Neck. Y i'.M nround the Body Ün , mm mI t)ie Arm-pits. JT r m % Mi E to E, the BALLOU'S Patented Improved Freneb Yoke SHIRTS. PATENTED NOV. lst, 1859 A New Style of Shirt, warranted to Fit By Miniin the aboye mossnrori por mail we wnguar anU-ea perfect fit of onr m-w si vlo of Shirt, a rul return by expresa to nny part of the Uiiited States, nt $1'2, $15, $18, (24, kc, ííc.,i(;r ilfiwri. No ordt-r (orirardcq fortess ttuin luuf a-tldzdi Bliirt, Atoo , Impcn-ters and Doatera in MEN' 'S FUIïNIS'iilXO ÜOODS. 4 Wholesale traflc sitpplici] nn (he ustml tenns BALLOU BROTHERS, SOOlf JU.I üioaihvay, Xcw Yurlt. MOüBE & LOOMIS Hnve Rrmorcd to the STOHE RECENTLY OCCUPIED BY C. MACK, Phceniz Bloclc.East sido of Main St., AND ff HAVE In Store SUSra? A Large ftnd .C_WlfV plete STOCK Öt1' OF BOOTS SHOES Of every desoription which will be soiiB omjiv.xEr THAN CAN BE BOUGHT IN ThisCity. aIso a large assortment of HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all kimlL maele ín the mest Fasbionablc Style BT GOOD AND EXPERIENCED WOKKMEN, -ouriFRENCfl CALF BOOTS aro XOTsttrpassed this sile of New York City, and are warranted not to RIP. Uur S7OGASAND KIPSs, re Enadéof the betst materiaU Our stock of Morocco Bootees for I,a4i?s is the the bost Ín town, with heolsor without We Mnlt; to Oitler, andnevt'r miss of si'ni.vt; the firsttimo BO give usa cali asd we wül bIiow you oorstoek froe ofchargo. We have ticured the services of two Kxperienced Journeymen, who do ouniiendinR in the Neatcst Alamier, and on shortest notice. Our motto is Quick Sales and Small Profits. Thankfulfor pail farora wc hnpebypaying strictattentioii to our buKÍness to mcrit a liberal flhare of your patronapp fox the future. uu" Rcmemberwe are not t o be nnderyold. O& MUORE & LOOMIS. KTJfciJ VV O O T S . VYLXES & KNIGHÏ i i Are now reccivingtheir SECOXD I i i Spring mul Slimmer 5T0CE OF GOODS i Iu con.sofiucncc of the f Grcat Pressure in th3 iwxoTxriü'sr ni .a-fczz: et we have been enablud to purchase niany kind of Goods ot our own prices. We can sell most kiods of DRESS GOUDS for LESS THAN WAS PAID FOR THE SAME KIND OF GOODS in New York SIX WEEKS S1IÍCEI We invite the attention of all to an inspeotion of our stock. WINES & KJN1GHT. May 10, 1861. GKEAT BARGAINS CLOTHIN C ! ! .Vt tlio Cleveland Clotliing House Hu ron Street, a few floors West of Cook'ï Hotel, ANN ARBOR, MÍCH., o In consequence of hard times, and beiug comprllcd to raiia meney .n some ehape, we have concluded to soll every thing in our line, cousinüiti; of Clothing, Hats, and Caps, GENTS1 FURNISHING GOODS, Sfc. At Tchatever pricc they may be it ever so little, This is no timo to stand for trifles. Profits is no object at all! Gke m a cali, and get good Goods AT YOUR OW1NT PEICES! O Remember the Place, Huron St.,5 doors West of Cook'3 llolel. A, & C. LOBB. Ann Arbor, June, 1861. 801m3 Oval Picture Frames A IX RIZE3, STÍTLES and I'KICES jut recuived and i for salü chcap ;it CHOFF & MILLEK'S. ' 25, T80ti '


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Michigan Argus