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GREAT.GREATEU GREATESj BAKGA.IKS EVEK QFEEREÜ 1859. JLo)1859In tliis City, are uow being oiTered at tbs CHEAP, CLOCK, WATCH, & Jowelry StorefTHK Siibscriher wouldsny to thecitizensoi Ann ArL bor. in pnrticulnr, ftnd the rnst ot Wnihtcnaw Omintv ineen;rnl, that hohasjuat IMi'OKrjSD )lRECTLY trom EUROÍE.a Trcmendoos Stock of Watchcs! Ah of which hn blnds himself to ell CHKAPER than con bfi bought west ot' Nnvf York City. Oprn Kace Cylmder Wntchcs trom 86 to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 Hnnting Caee do do do 14 to 35 do do Oylindcr do do 9 to 98 Gold Wntehes from 20 to 150 i have also the C ELE BR AT E D AMERICAN WAT CHES, wblci) 1 wlll sou ter $35. Evcry Watch warranted to perform wellrortbe inoncy reiundcd. CJocktf, Jowelry, Fiatetl Wnre, Fnncy Goods, Gold Penar Musicallaetruments aod Strings, Cutlcry, &c, and in fact a varié. y ofeverything: uuunlly knpt ny Jewclora can be bought for the next ninety days ut yuur O W N P II I C E S ! Persons buy!ng aijything nt thU well known etablisiimo ut can rcly upon gottitig goods cxnct'y as repreaentpd, orthemonpy refunded. Oallearly and secure the best bnrgains ever oflercd in thit City. One word in regard to Repairing : We nre prppared to mnkc any repairs onfine or comin ou Watehes, oven to making o or tlie entfrc watch, f neceagfiry. Repairiog of Clucks and Jewelrr aa nsunl. Alao the muuufneturin ol JUN(ïS, HROOCHS, or auything desired, fromChlifornia (oíd ! tice. EnprnTinír in allits branches exet-nted witb nr.nt iit'isa uuddispatch, J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jan. 2Sthl859. 7Hw HORACE WATERS, AGENT 333 Broadwaj-, New York Ptibltghcr of Blualc niKl Music Bookn AND DEALER IN Pianos, Mclodeons, Alexendre Organs Organ Accordeons, Martin 's oelebrated andother Quitará, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, TrianglesClar'nnetts, Tuning Forks.Pipes andHammors, Violin Bows, best Italian Strings, Bass Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Sheet 3VE xx S i c, from all tlio pubhshers in tlie IJ. 8., Bertlnl's Hnntin's, and Modern Scbool, and all kinds of lnstrnction liooks for the abovö instruments; Church Muyie R(Hkn; Slusic olegantly bound; ilusic papor, and all kinds of Muslc terchandfse, A t t hcLowest Prieeg. New Pianos, At SITS, $200, $225, $250 and u p to $S00. Second Hunil Piano frinn $'-5 up to $100; New Melodeons, $45,' $00, $75, $100, and up to $200; Second Hand HelodeODfl from $y0 to $80; Alexandre Organs, with fivo stopn, $160, ninc stop, $185 and $225; tliirtwn stH)S, $250, $275 and $300; flftera stops, $320 and $375; A liberal discount to Oerpymen, Chnrehes, nbbath Schools, Serainarica and Teachers. The Trado supplied at the usual trade lÜSU'lUIjtS Testimoniáis of tlic Hornee Waters Planos Kiitf Hlelotleoim. John ÏTewett, of Cartílago, New York, whn has had one of the Horace Waters Pianos, writeaas fullows: - " A friend of mine wishes roe to purchase a plano for her. She like.-i the one you sold me in December, 1856. My piano sbecomtng popular ín this place, and I think I can introduce une or two more; they will be more popul:ir than any other make." lfWe hare two of Waters' Píanos in use in ourPeminary, ono of which haa been severely testod for three vi-:i:s. and we cito testity to their good quality and durability." - Wuod & Gregory, Mount Carroll, Hl. "Il, Waters, Eaq. - ]eak Sik: Having nsed oneof your Piano Fortes for two y ca rs past. 1 fonud il a very superior Instrument. AlONZO Geay, Principal Brookïyn Heights Snninary. "The Piano I received from you continúes to give satisfaction. I regard tt &a op of the bost nstnuuents In the place." JamksU CMBSS, Charleston, Va. "The Molodeon has safely arrived. I fefl obligo.l to ynu f'iry our libern] diicouut." Kev. J. M. McCoiiMick, YarquesvillcS, C. ''ïhe piano was Auy received. Itcamo in excollptit CondltiOD, and ís very mitch admired by my mimerouE Titinily, Accept tPV thnnks for your nroioptuoú'1 - ROBKKI Cooj'Kb, Wárrenham, ïiradjotd Co. Pa. "Your piano plea&ea "s well. It is the bost one in our county."- Ïuomus A. I.atham, CampbcUton, Ga. LtWe are verv much oblirod to you for having sent Heli afino Instrument for $550.fí- Bra.vk,HkjL Co., liitjfalo Democrat. "The Horacfl Waters Pianos aro known aa,mongthe very best We aro cnablcd to Fpoak of these insirument.s with confutence, from personal knowledge of their excellent tone and durable quality." - N. Y. Evangelist. "We can gpeak of the nierits of the Hbraoe Waters pianos from personal knowledgc, as boing the vory finest quality. " - Chrtstian Intetligcncer. "The Horace Watew pianos are ouilt of thl bèai and most ihoroughly seasoned material. We liave no doubt th.-it boyen can do as wcll,perhaps bettcr, at thistban at any otheriiouse in the Union." - Advocate and Journal. Vifaterg' pianos and melodeons challenge oompariaon with the fineat made any where Ín the country." - Home Journal'Horace Waters' Piano Fortes are of full, rich and even tone, and powerful - N. Y. Musical Review. "Our Driondswill ÜndatMr. Waters' ntorp the very best assoriment of Music and of Pianos to bc founl in the United States,and we urpe our BÖUtherD and wertera friends to give híra a cali whenever they go to New York." - Graham's Magazine. Warehouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. SabbathSchool Bel], 00,000 issuo.l In ten Moilths. The unprcccdentcd sale of this book has inducedthe publfoher w addsajne 30 new tunes and hvinns to its pres ent bízq, without extr;i ch;iri', except on thocheaperiiliu:r Among themany be&utiful tunes and bymns dded may be fouinl: - "I uuglit to love my noothcr';' "O l'll be a good child, indeed I wtll." These und cight ethers from tn8 Bell.wéw sung at tlie Sunday School Anmver flary of the M. E. Churcb at the Academy of Music, with jrreat appluuse. Tho Bell oostains neariy 200 tunes and nymns, and isone of the best cullections eyjBr-úsoed, Price 13c; 10 per lmndred.postjufe 4c Elegant ly bonon, embossed gilt, 5cf $20 per 100 It has been iutroduced into many of the Public Schools. The hè. is pnblishcd in sraall numbi'rs entitlcd Anniversavyanil Sunday Hclinul Musía lïoolts, Nob. 1,2, 3, & 4, in order to accommudate tho miUion; price ï2 it $1 per hundsod N. 5 will soonbe Usued - conuoencneni of anotlicr book. Also, Revival Music Books, No, 1 & ü, price $1 & $2 per 100, postigo U. More tlur.i 300,000 copips of the above bnoks havo been issuftd lliO ]i:it echteen inonths, and the demand israpidly increasinj. Pulilished hv HORACK WATKRS, Agent, 333 Broadway,X. Y. Publised by Horace Watorjf No. 333 BroadWay, New York. Vocal "Kind Word s can nevordio;" "The Angels told me so;" "Wilds of the WartjjJ1 "ThonjrhÍB of God;" "Gira me back my Mountain Home;" "Day Dreams;" (l0andj CockUobin;'1 'Tin wiili thee still; ''IVtuame;" "Thcre's no darilng like mine;' (Saiah Jane Lee ;fí "Ever of thee;1' "I'm leavinp thee in Sormw;" "Hrd of Beauty;'1 "Home of our birth;" "Grave of Uosabel' and 'Wake, lady, wake,,' price 25c each. ' Instrumbntai, - ' 'I'alace Garden, or Singing ïlird Polka,1 40c; "fc'winging Schottischc;" "Mirabel Schot-' t&ch, 'Thomas Bakers Schottischo;" "l'iccolomini Tolka, 35 cents each. The abovepiccoslmvoboautiful Vignettee. "Weimer Polka;" "Arabiao Wai cryMarch," tho very last; "Vkssovianna Donlelb Maxnrka; "Rea-1; ng Polka;" "Crinoline Waltz," and 'lanwa' lina drille," 25c each. "The Empire of Relch's Qi)&drilla;" n new dance, aiul "The llibornian QtjadiüUf1 35c each. Mmiv .,r these pleoeH are played by Hakor'H oelebrated Ofohttt 1:1 witl. gtmk apjilruse.flf ïlailcd free. A largo lot of Foreiga Music at half price. Piiimis, Hfclodeons uiui Orgaus. The Horace Waters Pianos and Melodeons, for dopth, purily of tone and durability, are unsurpassed. Prices very Iow ocond Hand Pianos and Melodeons from $'2b to $150. Music and Muaicnl [nutruottoiu of all kinds, at the lowest pricca. UOIUCK WATERS, Agent. No. 333 Broadway, X. Y. Trsttmoníaij3; - "The TToracti Waters l'Sauoa ave knuwn as among the very best.' --Evarureligt. "We can sppak ottbaix merits from pcsonal fcnowledge." - Christian lntditgcnccr. "Xothinjiat the Fair displayed greatcr cxeUencc ' - Churckman. Waters' Pianos and Uelodeom el 1:1 lleude Dondpftrlgoil uitli th (inest made anywhere in tho country. "-ohw Journal. 71Ötf Irving's "Works - National Editioü imUA Fine Edlftn of the Worlcs of Washington Ib 1 ví.vt: (including the lile oí Wu.xhíugU u. willbe publahed fot StJBSCRIBERS ONLY In Moatlily Volumes, Price $1.50 Payablc on Del i very. Boautifully Printed on heavy superfine ))aper, of th( very best rjuality, aud substantially büund in Immitj bevelled boa rds. (OLnch Volume illustratctl with Vigaeitet on Steel aud Wood. XB Kuickerbocker's New York, Skotch Book, Clolh. Columbus, 3 vols. Bracebridge Hall, Astoria, Tales of n Traveler, ( 'r;iyu:i Miscellauy , Capt. Bonn.arille, OHvcr Goldsmitli, Mahomet. 2 volt.-, (roñada, Alliambva , Woin-rfs Roost, Life of Washington, 5 vols. $ Salui;i,L;unili. -'ilition will be sold exch'sivh y i Bubscriberi ancl will bc greatly superior to any ever before insuert,A veiy hftnusome set of these univers;illy popular woik. -i thus T'lactïii v.ithin tho menns of all. C r. PUTNAM, Ajct..,PiiMiMhor, iló Xaüsau SlreettNew Yuik t City Chcap Lumber Sas7i, Doors Iilinrls, Piasier Paris Grand Eiver Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, cG?., &c. . D. DeForcst, HAV1NG lncrcsed hi faeilitles for dolig buat neen and enlarged bis Yard and Stock, is prepnied the present suasori, with the besi, largeal and cheanest sensonert stock eTerin thia mi riet te afttUCy the rcaeonable expectations of all. Óui motto ia notto be undorsold for cash on delivcry I will not undcrtaketofrijjlilenthi' public byanyinc thnt thrywill gfitshnvndil they buy olsowhcre, for wo presume tbat othcr willaellaelow gsthcy can alíord to. All kinds of Timfoer, Joists, and Scantlins, Pine, Whitewood, Baiewood, Hem lock, Flaued and Matched Pine, Whitewood Aeh Klooi ing.Planedand rousjh Pine and Whitewood siding.FeicePoata, Oak ondCcdor Postu andl'ickct) ol al! kii:ds. phu fatlj, anb inijitcwoob C. „n Ptne, Arthmrl Whitewood Shinglet, ; Barn Boards and Barn Floor Plank, , BlaekWR.,iUt,andCherry and thin stuif, Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, BoXttnd Body Lumbcr,Maplc Log Tirnber, Hickory, Oak7 Ash, Hïm, Beech, Ofa!l-,hicknossca,widths aniHenth,&c.. &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallkinds. 3J"iXei of all aizeo, &c, 4c. SASII, DOORS, t& BLIND8, nado by hnnd to order ns lowas factory p rices, on tbo shortestnotice by the bestof workmen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Tïills ofall description in the obove building Ünc furniahedontheehortnatof notieu, for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A foll andn peri'oct asaortmcr.t of the above anc other kituU ui Building Materials Constantly onliandatthclowestpossibleratei Cali and be Convinced. A few rods soutJi from TL. R. Depot or. Detroit Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. ROOFING, N.B. - I am now operating Bxteusivelj In the Patent Cement Roofing. LOOMIS &T TRIP" Succt.i-or.s to Chapín (fe LooQiis, andChapin, Tripp A Loomis TIíEftbovc fino of LoomU ft Trlpp haring parchased the entire interest of the former coinpanies will continue the business :it the old stands, wlicre t]n-v wili be ready, on tbe sliortest nolice, to íilí all orders 11 the Uno oí Castings and Machinery, in tbe moit fforknumlDn mannpr, nnd on as liberal terms as any other .shop in the State. Among the various articlesnianufiictuied bv us, we would enuuicinlo STEAM ÊNGINES of all kinds; Mili Gertring and Fixtures, wrouplit nnfl ca.'it; all the various castings for raaking and repaüüng Ilorse Powers & Thresbing Machines such as are at present, or have formerl y bciyi in usc ïn this part of the state, as well as all the varioiu kinds of oaatfóga and machïtae vork calledlfcrby farmers and mechanica inthis section of the country. of all tbe various pattorns, tip in sizesandprices. will be keptconstantly on hand, got the most modern and improved Btyles. 'HÜBBARD'S WROUGHT IRON REAPERS & MOWERS. Raving communcod manufacturing tlns suporiorMachine, slúgle and combined, the farmers are invited to c;i)l and see a spreimen machine now in ooi ware room, before pnrchaflfanjelsèwhere, believïnS thattbis machine necd only to beseen to convince the farmer of ITS SUPERIORITY over tbe Rea pers and Ifowers in this market. Thankful for frmer patronage to the old firms, we woold splfoit :i 'nt nuance from Uï f rienda, aud a trial by all wishing foranything inour line of basmetui. loomis ie xinri'. Ann Arbor, May 18tb, 1859. 697tf SCHOFF & MILLER RE STILL ON HAND at tbeir old Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, witli the most complete assorimont of Books and Stationery, PERFUMEEIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS; ÖIIADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, i TASSELS, 1 GILT CORNICES, ■ CURTAINS. ! HOOKS AND PINS. ' - - f STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Markct ! :md would tothosc ín pursuit cfanytbingin SANTA CL A US' LINE tliat they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing from this slock, as each purchascr gets an addilional present of Jewehy, &c. , Eanging in valúe írom 50 ets. to $50. tfiT Thoytrtist that theïrlong experience in selecting goods forthis marketand strict altention t the wants of CuMomers, may eutitle them to a liberal bare of Patronage. Aun Arbor, Dec. 5. 1660. 777tf fci & JU ctllU. üAAi Wjjfë DR. F. A. CADWELL, tíe' OPERATOR ON THE EYK AND KAR. For iï aiu ss, BUntli il ss, aticl all (lefccts of Slglu and Hearing. DR. C. BEING A RKGULAR Physiciin, witïi TWEXTV VKAB9 exclusiva praotice in the treatmect of ditcaaes of the EYE AND EAR, will be found qimlified to give relief ov effect a curo in any case within the reach of Innnan skill. No charge for an ezamlnatlon or an opinión, orfor unsucessul services. DR. Ca Treatiüe o.v tuk Evk axd Ear, nf 300 pp.t contatning raferenoo, Testimoniáis, Deecriptíonof Dis' cases, Cases, and other important ïmttUT, illnsinitei with Cuts, to be liad gratis, by -seuding Ten Cents to paj poatage. Addreea Dr. Cadwell 93 Randolph Streel ctirrnT Deabcñn, Clicas;o,lH. lyïGS 1861. 1861. NEW STORE NEW SPRING GOODS! ■ CH.MILLEN&CO. Nave removed to thcir Iirick Store reeen t-ly occupietl hy A. DeForeai) and are now receiving a SPLENDID STOCK OF GOODS FOR THE siRiisra trade, ] AmOBg whïch aro Staplo Dry Goods of all kinds, ï BEAVT1FUL NEW sTYLES , ' rRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, BONNETS. RIBBONS, &c, &c. J Choice FAMILY Groceries, BOOTS, SHOES, & CROGKERY. dlso an enlire New Stock of Carpels aid OU Cfoths, of New and 7 Beautiful Pallents, '6 TÜESK GOODS WERE BOUGHT AT PANIC PRIOE8! 2 And wc can satisfy al! wtao lt eall and examine our sl) tock,that Coodsare Chcaplliü Sjiring for CASH OR RE AD Y FAY. H Mll.IEXit CO. uu Albor, Maicli 28 1SC1. Ïni73o Cliancery Notice. rpHE CIRCCIT COURï tok linoocmr o non 1 in Chancery :- Koberl Klinc, Coniplainant t Btorn 'I. Muulton, Ariel Moultoii, S v 1 . : I UoaJton. Beniimln Kolk ti, JaniM R. Cook, and Joscph Folmer, Administra t' r ii]K.:i tii.' estala of Albert 6. .''Ii;!i.ti, decenaed de rendan. Itsatbfaetorily appatrlng t„ iho undersléneu'. LhcuM Ci. uu CVmmissioner, bjr affldavlts. that tli defcm'.nnt Ariel Moulton ba non-resident of stut.. .„ n.i.ii.i of AIphcusFelch, gollcitor nd of Counsel for complainant, Itis ordored thatlhesald i'.tfendant Ariel Moulton .cauaebis appel raneo in tliis cue to bo en. tcrod wHliln tbree montlis from date ,.i tliia order nn.i that, in case of hi apprarance, ho non lii.s ajiawM lu oomplainanfa bill t, be likd and a copy thereof to be urred on tin complainant'a solicitó?, wtthin Jwentydoyiiafterserricoof Tjofaaid bill and n... tleo f tlim order, an4 ia default thereof that the sn-,i bill lic taken as ennfessed by the raid .efendant Ariel Moulton. And it i Itirtlnr ordered; Ihat within twenty days the aaid complainaot u,is order to bc publishcdin tlic " Michigan Argus," a newspaper publishe.1 in saidCounty-, andtnateaid pnblicatlon be continued in said pafer at lenst once in oach veek for lx weeks ín sucoessKm, or that he cause a copy of this urderto b i.ciiunaliy eerved on the tffid defondant at least t m ut. days bcfore the time nbove preacrlbed for bi appèAranfle. DateJ, Julylltli 1801. n. s. twitciifi.i,, Circuit Court Com. for WalitenawCo.,MIb. A. FELCfT, Sol. for Compl t Atruecopy, 8ULIw6 R. J. ÜARltv, licjistpr. Kotice of Ditch Sale. TIIK rNDEKíK.NKIVwill o(Ter fnr sale at public auction t't the bidder, at the house of Joseph I'ray, in thoToirnship of NorlhfleM. Tounty of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, on the 15th dav of August, 1861, :it one. o'clock, 1". II., thé malcingof 28 rodsof l.lin.l Ditchor Praiu. tlie tuni-1 to sai.l drain is to be om Fooi muare, tuu to be mado of sonnd oak plink fro fn.m s.i ; siixlflrain is looatcdat the outlct "f the Home Shoo Lukebraoali Diteh Alio ihe next f„rty rods above is to be clcaned out, Wldond aml ileciwncl, and will b sold at the same time. SOdtd JOSEPII PRAY, JACO1I 1'KKSTON. .1. I!. STAHK, Drainnt;e Cominispjoners ior the County of VaRhfonaw. No'icc of Ditch Salo. TUK UNDKRSIÜXED Commissioners will ofTcr for aioat public auction to the lowost Mdder at the lioime nf .ri'!in;I!rokaw,in the Towmhip of NorthSeld, Cuuinr i.r Waibtenaw and State of Michigan.'on the Uth day ,',t August, lSai, at 10 o'clock, A. M.,Ifl2rods of Ditch, tn !■ two feet wide on the hottom, awl fan average of SU Feet in depth,and eachbankto slant ontwanom foot to each foot of rlsc. Also ono bmnch l'it lui) rotls Ion anl one foot wM on tlie botton, to be 3 feet (In-p and f the same alone of the maio Ditch, saia d;tcli dvnoniinatiul theMudljike Diti-h. JOSEPH PRAY, JOHN B. STAKK.' JACOB PRESTON. Drainage Comniissioccrs for the of Washti-uaw. Mortgagc Foreclosurc. DKFAl'I.T haring been made in the comlition of a Mortgageexeeutedby William Walker, anilCylIania, bis wifo, to William .-?. Mavnard, dated the Uvellth dav Of May, A. D. 1860, and rccordeil in the Register'i "II in Washtonaw County, in Liber '20 of Mortgages, at pago 736, on the day of lts date at minutes past eight o'clock, p. in by nhichdefiwU the power of sale containeil in said raortgage becaine operative, anrl no -iiiit or proceedicg liaving been institutedat law torecover the debt sesured by said mortgago or any pait tliT-of, aml tho snm of one hunilred and eleven dollars being now cjajmed to be duo Ihereon aa jnterost and costs of insurance, and fnrthersums to become iliti-. Xotice itherefure hereby giren thut said mortgage will lc Foreclosed by a saleof the morifiaged premtoefl, towit: All tbat cteriafn U-act or pared of land known and described u follows, to-wif Lyïng and being in the city 01 Ann Arbor, being fiVe toda wide on the nurth sido of block, north of Hurón strett. raní( oñeeaat,to extend the whole length of said block eaat and west, areeably to the recor.ied plat of the villano ol Aun Arbor, orsome part thereof, at public venr ui-, at theCourt Iluuse in tht city of Anu on the lifth day of October, next at noon. WILLIAM S. MAYXAPD, Mortjagoc. E. W. MonfiAX, Atlv. Dated, July9th, A.D. 1801. - SCStd Chanccry Sale. 8TATK OF HICHIQAN, tuk Cixcfr Codst ma thk Col'NTY OF W-v-silTKNAW, Eliza A I'erkiiis vs. Sebrah I'erkin.c- In Cliancery; In nunnuioa oí a decretal of the Ciremt Court of tlie County of Wushtenaw, in Chancery. made in the above cause on the second day of December. A. IJ. eighteen hundredand fifty nine, and a fiirthcr order of this Court mato on the. tixthdaylof February, A. D oighteen hundred and sixty-one, wili be sol'i, under the direction of the Circuit Court for the County of Wushtenaw. at public auction, at tbe suuth or front door of the Court House, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Paturday tho sixth day of July, eighteen hundredand sixty-one, at twelvo o'clock, noon, of said day, ai! those certain tracts or pareéis of land lyinp and being in the towhship of Palein, in the County vf Washtenaw aforesaid, and described in sftid decree as follows, viz; The west half of the south-east quarter of section fiftr-en, and the west half of the north-east quarter of section twenty-two, in township one south, of range scven east, or so much thereoi as may be necessary to satisty the amouct due upon said decree, together witli interest and costs. I). S. TWITCHELL, Cir. Court Com. for the County ol Vaslteniw. O. HAWKIN'olicitor for Coniplainaut and Assigneo Ann Arbor May 0,1801. ' The above sale is adjourned until the 15th day of November next, at tbe same hour and place. Dated, July Ctli, 1861. I). S. TWITCHEIX, Circuit Court Com. Washtenaw Co., Mica. Cliancery Notice. STATE OP MICHIGAN, the Circuit Court for the ('uuiity of Washtenaw, in Chancery. At a session of said Court, held at the Court House in the city of Ai:n Arbor, in said county and State, on tbe fifteentli day of June, A. I), 1861, Present Hon. Kdwin Iwrence, Circuit Judge. In the snit of Hobert McClelland, Cuínplainant, against parties to hun unknown, wherein le prays for paititionof certain lasdA and premisos in bis bill of complaint described, and in which he claims to havean iuterest: It satisfactorily appearing to said Court thftt the other parties jnterested in said lands and jiremises are to the said Complainant unknown. - on motionof A. Felch, Solicito! for said Complainant, it is ordered that all partieslñterested in s.tid land anl premises (partition of wbicfa is sougbt in this cause), apM ;ir ünd answer the bili of complaint (led in this cause by (he first itayof October, A D. , 1861, or that such l-ill "f oinjilamt be taken as confessed by tln-m. Said lands Bindpremises are sitúate in tho county of Washtenaw, ind ï-tate of Michigan, and are described as lollows, to ivit : the south half of section tyenty -four, and tho ivest half, and the east half of the north-east quarter. f section twenly live. in towcship four south of rango even east, n the dislrict of lands formerly subject I ;tli-:it Monroe, in said State, containing in all seven mndred and twenty acres, according to tbe Patent herefor. And it is further ordered, that within twenty' i&ys froni the entryof this order, the complainant cause i copy of tl.ll order to be publisbcd in the Michigan Ar:us, a newspaper prioted and publisbcd in said citv ot knnArbnr. and that such publication bc contlniicd at cast unce in each week successively, for six weeeks K. I.AWRKÑCK, Circuit Judge. A. Fklch, Solicitor, and of Connsel for Complainant. SPRING GOODS. RICH GOODS. CÜEA. GOOIDS. BACH PIERSOIM HA E just oponed a largc and well sclcctcd stock of ÖXriias Goods. latest styles and patterns iucludiug POPLINS, CIIALLIES, DE LAINES, TRIMMINGS S U M M E R SÏÜFFS. DOMESTICS, STAPLES, all Carefully selectcd, Waranted to piense, and for sale cheap. OOIVEE -A-KTID SEE. BACH & PIERSCOTj MarchSG, 1860. 793tf MANHOOD How Lost and How Restored. Just Pubhshed in a Sealed Envclopc, i LKCTÜRE ON' THE NATURE. TREATMENT AND, tADlCAL CURE OF SPERMATORKHOEA, or Seiriinai ifeakiiMB, Soxual Dcoility, Norvousncss and InvolunUv BmlaalOM iaiiuciog Imputency, and Mental and 'hysical Tncjipacity. BY ROB. J. COXVKRWELL, M. D. Author of the "Green Booi" $c. Tho worl(l-ronovnt'i nuihor, id this admirable Lecture lenrly prnves his owi) oxperieuce that the awfut onsequences of self abuse mny be effect ually removM. rithout medicino and without dangerous Ktirgïcal operaions, bougies, in.tru men ts, riugs or conlial.. pointing ut :i mode or euro at once certain and effect ual, by ,hkh f-vorv sufVerer, no nmtter vbat lii. conition mnv e, raar cure himself ckcapltf, privtUciy and radically.- .'hls Lectura willprovea booutj thousands and thous,nds. Sent nroier soa! to anv address, post paid, on the roeijit of tivo popinge RtnmpB, by adrlressintr Dr. "H. . C: KLINK, 123 Bowery, New York Post Bo.t, J66. 785 SchoolReports and Blanka, rHK AXNUAL Report of the Superintendent of Instructinn, and the Manies ftf School Inspectora ld School District officers, have boon receivcd at this Tico, andaré ready for distribu tion. The proper oflicers jould soud in theïr orders. R. J. BARRY, County Clerk. Ann Arbor, July 21, 8ü7w3 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus