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"nTsteöng" NALL, DÜKCKLEE & Co., TtTHOL'-SAI.K. an' RETA1L dealers in Dry Oood, CarVV petinjf, Floor Oil Clotlis Festhcn, faper Haaglngs, aud a general assortment of Fitrnhhlng Coods, Xo 74 WctHhvaiM Avoniic, Corner of loodst., ■ - I ETHOIT, M!cl,. O.Orders ollcited an.l prompt!; attendeil to-a f Olyl RAYMOND'S FliotograplJic aisd Fine Art GAMEER Y Nos. 2C5 and 'JUT JeffersOD Aveuue, DETROIT, rhotoeraphs. I.ifcSiíC, C"lt.l or pl;Un, cabinet, imperial, Melainot pcs. Bnguerrcotypes , Amtvrotypeü, ttc S-CARD 1'lCTURrJi by the Uizen .,r fhousand. 80-1 f. ).. F. WISHTEtfAW LOBGÈ Vo. 9. of fio Independent taf of Vd l FeUow wei at their Lodg Beoa , everv Friday ovoning. at 7i o'clnck. Si; f K. JOKES, k ü. J.F. gPAipixo, i-oc'y. L7ö sutderland & son. finiOLFSVI.K AKD r.KÏAII. (in-crrsand Commission VV Merchunts, East atd Main StTMt An Arbar B. IIËSSE, Puvsiciax & Surgeox Respccüfully tender W pro. fewioOfcl i-crvice, to the Mimdii f Am, Arbor aod cinity. Office in Mack's New Buildmg, Ham Street, Au Arboi Mich. N.B. Jiiglit calis promply attcnüedlo. "tWITCHELL & CLAKK. H!)sniCeuBHn at Law, General Uf iri Fire Insurance gent, in Oty Hall Blodk, taHronSt.,imnArlor. ColteeUou i promptly m;„lc jdremitted,nd pooial attention pid to conveyanemg. O. 8. TWITCHK1X, f743tfl K. F. CUMi J. M. SCOTT. Ambrotypk & rnoTOMnPii Ain.sTs, in the rooms tV rormerlv occupied bv Cordtey, over the store of tperrj t Hoore PeVfcci rtleiaetion gaarwiteed. _ DEAiEHsin Btapje. Fancy Dry Qood, Boots and Shoes, fcc. kis., MainStit-et Ann Artor. "MARTÏNr&l?HüMÏ;St)N. tH-RMTlRE Wjr.Kl'.ooMs. IViilcr o all Ic.njsof Farniiure. 1 se. Km Btuek, Mail Btwet. _ eisdonXhënderson, DEAUSE inïtnv,-. liousfc furnisliinggoods, Tin Waru icc. itc. , New Ulock, Main Strwt. T. P. MÏLLS, DEAl-nn in St.-q.lo Pry 8KI, Srowrlc, Bmta and Shoea and Kea.iy Made Clutlling, Uuron.stieet Ann Arbor. "lïÉAKEs & ABE L, a TT0RXKY8 k Cou.vsF.Li.ORS at Uw, and fV.icitors in f Cbaneery. Offico in City Hall Block, over Webster fc Co's Boet. Store, Ann Vrbor p KÍÑGSLEY& dOUGAN, ttorn-evs, founsellors, Bollcitort, and Notarles Tul)t. lic, hare Book and Hats Bhowing titles of all lands n the ounty,andatend tocniivyancingandcollecting emanda, and to paying taxes and school interest in aiiy art of the State. OMceeast siieofthe Square, Ann JAMES K. COOK, JrsTKK of tiik PUCS. Office nearthe Deoot, Ypsilanti, M chican. " Wm. LÊW1ÏÏ, M. D; Physiciax & SrROEnx. OBice at hís residence. X.nth nide of Hurón street, ard 2d house West of División itreet, Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER, MxrFACTCRF.R arjd dealer in Boots and Shoes. F.nchange Block, 2 doors South oi Maynard, Stebbin kWilson's Store, Ann Arbor, Midi. MCORE & LOOMLS. HTtsUFACTlRERB ;u1 .ipaler in Boots and SI] oes, VL l'hoenix Block, Muía Street, one door Nortb jf Vapbingttjn. m7guiterman & co, Wholesale and Retail dealers and mamifacturers of BeadyMadcClothing, Iaiforter of C'loths, Cassineres, Doeskins, te. No. 5, Nw ilock, Ann Albor. C. B. PORTER, St'RGKON DBRnr Office corner of Main fcj. b and Hurón streets, over P. Bach's store, IfTWVM 'ln Arbor. Michigan. UUH7 April, 1859, Wm. WAGÑErT" D kaler in Readv M.ide flothing Cloths, OiSBimeres and Vestings, Hat's, Capa, Trunks, Carpct Bags, &c. Muin lt., Ann Arbor. piersoñ Deat.ebs in Pry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Boots k tílioes, ice. , Main stemt, Aun Arbor. MAYNARD, STEBBINS & CO., fEALEBS in Dry Goods Gvocerio?, Drugs & Medicines, VC'ïnots noOi' Ci comer of Main and Ann streets, ust ocl 3 w the Exchange, Ann Arbor. SLAWSON & GEEE, Irockks. Provisión A; CommissioM Meicban(,and ílea.1 lcrsin WatekLimk. I.ami I'i.asteb, and I'lastek or PiKIs,one door EastofCook's Hotel. " C BLISST" in Clockí. WatohM, Jeweliy. nnd Fancy Goods, at thesign of theüigWalch, Xo. 27, Fhoenix Block -J. O. WATTS. Dealer in Clocks , Watches , .(ewelry and Silver Ware No 22. New Block, Ann Albor. T. B. F RE E M AN. Barrer an1 Fashionable líair Dresaw, Main Street, Ann Arbor, Mich. Hair Fronts and Curia kept joustantly on sCHOFF & MÏLLËr!" Dealfrs inMif-cpllaneous, Se'iool, and Blank BooIír Pta tionery, Paper Hanings, feo., Main SUeet Ann Arbor. MISS JENNIE E. LINES, rpEACHER OF Piano Forte, Cuitar, and Singlng, beiog 1. deairousof enlarKÍijlinr clan, will receive pupilsat the residence of Prof. WINCHELL, which being near the Union School, will be very conveniont tot sucli scholarsattending Iherewho may wlub to pursue the study of musici conuection with other branches. TerrasSlO, half to be paid at the niiddl and tbc balucoat Ihe cloRe fo iht term. D.DjbFOREST. íTTholesalk an'í Retaíl Daalsrin Lujsber1 Ltfc, SlunV glos, Sash, Doors, lïlinUs, Water Urne, (.rand River 'laster, I 'laster Paris, and Nails of all sizes. A full and perfect aiovtnaent of the abOTe, and all otlier iinds oí building matenals coasiantly on band at the lowest possible ratea, on lïetroit treei, k few roda from the Railroad Depot. Also oyeratiötf extensively ín the Patent Cement lioofinj?. WASftTENUW COÜRTÏ BlBfcE SOCIETY. i bpositort of BiblcR and Testamenta at the Society IJ prices atW. C. Voorlwls'. CHAPlïi, WOÖD&CO., SWCCESSORS TO SjTTKTID, CHAPÍN Oo MANüFACT'."ir.ESOF Print, Bools., AND- ' COLORED MEDIUMS, VVrajppins Papor,c. AV AIÏIKM nilCII. CARDS! CARDSM CARDSÜi Having pnrchaBed a Ruoui.ks Rotahï DuaOSB Card rress.withafmcuwmtment of Curii typ, Uu AKact Offlceis prepared to print Cards pi all kinds in the neatest possible style ani at a groat rc-tlucticn from formcr prices, includius Business Carda furnion of all avocationfl amlprofessions, Rail, Wedding, and Visitii r Crds, etc., ote. Cali, ffive us yours orden and sce how it ík d'.ne "WmilACHIWËTÖaSALET" IWR SAI.E CHEAP a new ürst class Family Pewin Machine. Warranted uo bcLter iu market. Termi tasy . E. B. rON'D. .no Arbor, July lOlh, 1801.


Old News
Michigan Argus