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Full Particulars Of Gen. Lyon's Last Fight

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Correepomiè Trilr.n. : S P'.ll Ir.!. I.IOllïST, l . ... ttOLI.A, Mtl , .'■ Tho : i wiil Lave ulrondy told ti'.ii j-ou in brief the qcw-s of Ft il iy'a tigbj in;:;;1 S lii'gfk-ld ÏUia letter can bo non Ai luattort si l.y.!;i ff:is èiicsinpocl ten miles ycst oí'! S-: . iSpriti.2. m's and S wóoiiey's 'f irci s wcra i Pprïiigfiil 1 ■ bionght tKal vïtïj 15,000 men, t: s pneampud i;c:r 'firrell Croek. twelve nii'.Ci soutliwcst of Spdngfirill. Qoi. Lvon ïmnioSiati sll tlu vegi inents oí' infantry and tho battenea of urtülerj and the cayalryto laarch soathv.-;v! r.v: 1 uiiito fjr au uU.i.-k npoa the ei Cüiy. iiredáj iiigLt thej en ivitlün w'tlsin thrso miles of the ir y. - Uut in i!i ■■ it t'ac oïcmy ti;;s ra.ti'Qatvd furi iliward. J.y."i iiuKSC'diufe'y .. ui ■u,;:l, nnd Ln tho altorn ■ m ctiüie pon üiu:;: at l)ug Spring, a :■■'.! 18 lüilod siuthwcst of Öpriiigti lel, on tbo FayettviUc road. T!:c enciuy were pneamped at tbo ope:i iñg of ;i pfairio vallejf nnd cbieÜy i'.i a Boiuliwestcrn bi.'i)J, ui our i' ■:■ 's by : moderate sííud !jí1 st L" ' it tbo bead oí' Uiu v,:lL-y, íóoliiti soutijward towarU iuc ccniug aüd th.o encruy, The artillar, v,s prrstvd on the iiii'-tlie . iu tho altur noou (Vriday) i!:a c'.igagoiiisnt oouimcuc '1. The '.'■. oarri.'d on ehi by ar.tillerj ;■.:! ;'.;ilry ; our .inf.iütr wj;c iiot yngaged. Tiio eoemj secmed t') liave bul tv'. o : eoos of artiliiary, oud wit1! Uicsa uuly ten ronnds were iived. w!i. ia! worc Qrud bv í':' Ftiliul'ul baitWU'S. !.;:'v ; me ti t :i rletaühlUQjut ei' tv;:::!y e sveu I i'iival'j, lo-.l iiy a, rode cvei' tac liíil i iwiirjj t!,c part of lbo v.ttllej v. here 'lic cumy were sufposcd to bc ]■ :l,d. soi :i 53 ti. . y liad passod t!-.o i ' l!;i:v f.-u::ii ilicmsclvcB C.'wi c'.ly upon a ]ttve bodj of rebol iifiiitry vnriouslj es: tittiatcd at from ;;,:: ; ' ' Í herü v;is no retrea.!, and s i iuto i : hcir sabres, tiie [Trjve 27 rodo dircotlj hit') tiis mkist i'f l'.-o c:icmy. to suelden ;-ectcJ vfas charge, and so littlo did the Lhv.-1'.y ju : ■ ' bo i' :■-.' ■( tho cavalry, lh:tt ttauipodo to ;k ptace iiiiMiig the infantry, nnd takiug advantdge ui' tbu cbi . ■ -ii out tliek WLiy lijrough t!io foriuldablc masa of opOSIIlg uie::, e.i'.P.C Out to tbo vaücy ;::1 rode batk to camp, haviug lust but tivc men. O.iü of tho yilod wai t!:ü Liöutenant eommanding, w!:o liad í'yuglit taust fearlessly. He bad killed six rebels, Btruek a sevonth to tho groúiid. and was try,iyg to meet tbe attaek of tli ■ wlieñ the prostrato mati takinj oL h , shüt bino. i!u still iiad Etrentij to finish the work of doath witb tho first, ai:il tbon avcDge bis own fatal wouud iipoa tbo foe wbo bad given - Afler tliat. ho turncd aud rode awaj, 1 ut bad uotgone two bundred yards bel'oro bo l'e'.l dead frooi his horse. T!io fjgfit lastfd l! dusk. In the Uionmig itv. ; :red that McCullu;ii had agaiu flud, and iotelligeaoe was bou-ht t! lio liad encamped :i few milos; sooth, at a place callad McUullooh's Store. Ljon iuiHiodiiitely took possos f--m o!' I :' Pridaj'ij figbt. Fuiiv rub 'Li wero j.ickcd up dc;ul, and fort yfour wounucd trece í'oun!; eigUty .í ::ikI ot' uriu.-i, üiteofl hoi'ses and a iragou laadbd wftli b.ico:i wero scizcd by onr tro opa - The wliu'c appoaraace of &be ii'id showcd tharp iigiiting o: tho purt of our troops. Men WL-rc fouud with thcir lioads fairly elo.veu llirough, from seatp to chin, by L.e Üeicc sabre strokes of our i cavalry As to the 1 iss, Lyoii's is probably ninc killed and thii'ty wonadod, tbongh the aecountg of tho wounded conflict. Tliere is nu w:ij of judging ui' MoOnllooh'a loss excepl from Lhe tact ali-cady uticud, of t!io nuinbcr of bod i es disco Yöt ■ 1


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