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Gen. Fremont--his Energy And Capacity

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Frosi ího Mi BOurl Rcpubticatt. The ODCTgy and skiil displnycd !;y C,eneral Fffemanl Btace-his arrií;í] ;tt bit I t : : ; rf Olty WÓ WODderíttí, and nflbrd a fre?h añd BtrïBÊnf Ilustrad those remarcable traits of eharactCT and luiud y1ií.:!i havo already mode hitn a prominent perciiage in the eycs oí' the oiïilized wcrld. He rer.chrd herc on the hfrcrrnitiff of tlio 2áth of July, at about 9 o'elocki At QOOD of thc same day !ir: ealled a meeting ui' his staff, and though reoemmewded to tako a littlc rest sfter his continuor.s day and night travel froin tlie, remarked tliat bis businesa was important, and hc must go to work, Since thut date l:e bas tabi red unremittinglv in tlio organizativo of his departoieiit, and in laying the foundation of thoae ïmpovtaiit plaoü whicli Irivc been conlidcd to lliip bj' the Uovernuicüt for the ïnoveiutjut ol' a grand array down the Missiseippi river during the coming fall. Ho rise.s i;i tho inorning at 5 o'cloek, ar.d rarely (juits his labora before 12 o'elook at night, in tbis respect resooibliüg thc habits of Alexauder Von llumboldt, the Duke of WollipgtOD, and OtllOr liistorical diameters to whom sleep seems to i hiive been olo of the least important re: (juirements of their naturea. In all bis j orders ho is explicit and oomprehensive, and in his appointmfcuts puuetnal to thc iniuute. Une iustacoo bas oouio to our knowledga. wi.c o, having some business with a civilian, he told him to cali at leu minute beforc four o'cloek and his papen sliould be ready for him. 'i'he gentleman vr:,,; -iroiiptly on timo, and tho papers were'as pn...''''V flafied in his hands In one week attct' .e arnval, ÜlOUgh oppresscd witii a variety pf othêr inlI portant bnainess, he had ehaitercd a neCÍ ! of eight steatuboats, londod tfaera with :- ildiers oalied from different portions of t!;e State, snpplied tbera with aitiilcry j aud ot!:er kinds of military Btores, wbi'cb he had ordered from the East, and led theni in person to the relief of the troops at Bird's Pomtj whieh plaee was .seriouay menaced I y tlie rebel army uador Gen. Pillnw. Hi.s return was as prompt as his departure, and frotö t!io stir at his headqaartera yesterday, it would seem that he has Gntered npon another weck with unwonted activity and vigor. From advertisements in newspspers, and other souroes, we gatber that an extensive Öamp ■! I.i: -■! i'uction is at once to be establishcd on the outskiits of onr city', the eamp to hold 20, 000 ov 30,000 tam. Néar Springfield, Illinois, anotüer camp of eqoal dimensions is already established and r:i'iJIy iilüng up The hospital and eonraliwary departments in this city are also ander process of en largement. All these formidable preparations of course look to but one graud object, and that tho complete poüsession of thc valley of tin; Missisgippi river by the Government of the United SÉates, ' Kuviewing the charactyr of General Fro1 mont, and glaneing but for a moment at the wonderfal enefgj and oapaeity he har, displayed since his arrival in the West, who shail doubt tliat the Government has eonfided the iiianairement of this grand euterprise to the proper hands 't jSJfgT At vHitjt pftint do iraiies generaly anter btile cilios ? At tho pokit of t.bc bnyrnet.


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Michigan Argus