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-Our old frieod) Lieut. Frank Stebbins, of thüjNinth Indiana Kegi ment is sto, ping in town a few (aj-s. It will feo reitciu'titrej tba jN'iutli Indiana did xrondi-rful exècution at Üie baltles of Iïich Mountain, Laurel Hill aml Pliillipi, in wee lern Virginia. Fraxk looks bale and hearty, aml goes in 'Ouring the war.' The regiment goes jnto e:imp atain on tlio 20lli inst.j iind will prubably be orderetl to Missouri. SST TIic Proplict Ryan has boen heard Irom, and in a ncinl oommunication to the Van Bureo Coonty Tree Press lie utters werds öf wisdjm. Hear him: Eastem buren think there a no end tothe producís of (fee north-WEêt - tiuit ful] erops nre appart'n' Rnd tbst th'y "svill glut the mftiket. Tliïé 8 a mislnkc; for if we have West, or Kor; h west windi on 5tb day of September nex( earjy frt.sts will foüow, ard any ntnotmt of splendid, but late corn. wilt be ruined and foddsr rnueli damnged - rJ here is bo direct proof f the ehurfteter of the weather for the fall :uul winter, at the 1 time. bnt I will give my opinión, snd 1 1l is g, tliat we wijl Io "e an early fall, a co!d winter iwd b late 8 ring; in wlne:i e.'ise thore will be a heavy dema d fo? ooam grnins tho coming year Ho.ld on Lo jour wheat. I aa Bure yoii corn will be wortu 50 cents per b'.ishel o xt. Mny. Cfe We havo receïved the Jnly ninnbcr of tlie Amc-rienn reprint cf the Edinburgh Review, Ib (jivei Lhe lullowing papers: 1 Popular ïMucat ion in Ënglnnd. 2. Literivry liemains of Albert Durer. 3. Cartlinge. 1 THe Novlsof Fernán Caba!lore. 5. W: -n:iV Tif ' f Popson 6. The Conntesgof Albany, ths logt Stq arts. and Alfieri 7. Buokie's Civil. zation n Spnin and Scntl.-iii i. 8. Du Chnillu's dvcnturea in Kqu.itorial Afi'iïn. 9. Oliiirch Rformation in Italy. 10. Coupt Cttvöur $3 a ycar: $10 with Hip otlier t.hree Reviews and Blnckxcood Adel re LxONISD, Scott & Co.. 79 Ful ton strect, N Y. - From t li p sfime firm of puHishcrs we nlso have the LonJnn Quarlerhj Pevitw, for July, ■witli tlie f ■■llowing pnpers : 1. Thmnas di' Quineey. 2. M lert on Western W 'iiaeliism. 3. Tlie EngHeli Transtfttori of Virgil l. Maine'g Anoi ut ! w 5. íícotisli Oliuracter. H. [iussia on the Amoor. 7. Cavour. 8 Di'inocracy on itB Trial. ' Terras aml adJress as above ÖP'Hu! St. Clair Chuf and St. Clair RepuW.can linve merged into one, and tbc iicw pnpef i rinmcd the Standard It is published by Sous & Steele A. wise policy we tbink. ' -nt 13 We are ndebted tn Hon. B. P. Gkaxc.f.e for vnluablo pu!)lio docnments inoluding thfl Meclianioal volume of the Putent Office Report, fer 1S59. - Also to Hons F. O. Beaman and R. E. Teowbeidge for docunx nts - -KL2t IÍEAD AND ReíLEMBEK. Tlült f JOU dont want to endangev tbe lires of your cliiUlren, use T). !!. De Lr.nd & Co. 's Chemical 8a!eratus, instead of uing the cautie, unliealihy, impure stuff that is so conimon iu tlu; maiket You may jiossibly save a duotor' bül by taking our advice.


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