Berdan's Sharp Shooters
![Berdan's Sharp Shooters image](/sites/default/files/michigan_argus/michigan_argus_18610816-p03-05.jpg)
Col Berdan finiU eo manv " crack shots " eager LO eiilist llmt he ib likely la organisje thrce regimeats matead oi ono. Ten com pañíes aie now ready with a liuudred men m cach ; and every man has been put to 'he practical lest, .d has reoched ihe requued " etnr.g," whieli ís ten consecutivo siiots at j-ix hundred feet. di-t.u.ce, avtraging not more thun tt've inches ÍVom ihe center ol the target. The governorfl of thirttui loyal Staieshave ftgrtcd to lurnisli $10,000 ;ach to t-quip the men ; Col F. 1' Biair, Jr has privatcly liecome rcponsible for a like imouiít, (ind a cu ;z -i cf Kt-níucky has sub feribed the eaine. áorae ot the sho:s uiade at the camp of ibis regiment at Wieliawken have been remarkable. Col. lierdnn himself lias, on a windy dny, wi.h i s! range rifle, pul teu balis within an averagfi distaüce ol ons inoh and one-tonth eacli iVoin the bulls eye r.t GOu feet. At 1000 feet the oolonel made a Btring of Ü2 incces. Sergeant Mnjor Brown, under more unfavorablc circum-tances, ma-'ie n string of 33 ínclita, or a iittle more than threéinehes eaoh bal], ut a distanca of 100 yards, with a st range nfli On another day Col. Berdsn shot a _ozvn times at the head of a targe:, man. at a áistanoa of 600 feet, using the target rifle and a teet. Every shot but ene enUTdd the head ; and in several in etanees, the colonel stated where he would hit - naming the eye, the nose, the mouth - and he hit therii, loo. 'Ihe prívales then succifcsively shet, and not a man nussed hit ting the body toroewhere, wliile mnst of the shots were in places wliere a round to a wonll be fatal. The región of the heart '.vas perfornted like a ssive.
Old News
Michigan Argus