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Spies At Washington

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Col, Forney writei from Washington to The Philadelphia Press : " I have ropeatedly spoken in tliis correspondence of' the numbcr of spies that infest this city in the interest of tlio Southern traitors. Tücir name is legión. Artful, secret and active, they dueoivo our best frieüds by pretending to favor the Union, and aasut our worst cnemies by seizing upon every opportunity to wound it. Koady to take any favor or patronage that may bo oifered to thcra by the Admiuistration, they do not hesitate to employ the very influeuco thus acquired to break that Administraron down. ïhe most maliguant and miscliievous of theso spies are femalos. - i Some of them are ladies of high position, : too, who, shieldiug themselves behiüd the l so-ealled weaknesa oí' t hcir sex, rejoct I the di.sguises assuuied by their husbands, , fatfaers and brotheis, and proclaim their i sympathy with treusou and their earnest hope that the cause of our country may be defeated. In the niagniiiofint saloon and around the luxurious tables of these pcople, sentinients are uttered and plans perfüctcd of the most atrocious character. Miduight laeetings after the fashion of the celobrated Know Nothing lodges, are regulariy he!d. What is t!.e most disgubting in this whole ali'air is the fact that nearly all those engaged in this conspiraev, are peop'e who have prospered ttpon the moncy thcy have eoined from tho jobs they have received l'roin the l?cderal Goverumcnt. There has been too nmeh leuieucy for their scacdalous, flagrant aud notorious iugratitude, aud a growing feeling will demand the p.iuishineut of all tho men engaged in the bad business, or else t'ueir prompt expulsión, with their families, frum this communie 'yCouíírmatiou of these statements is. given in a letter from Charleston, which we find in the Philadelphia Inquinr. - Tho writer says: " Man y who were engaged at thebattle of Buil Run have been iu Charleston siace - some woundcd, Some as escorts of the dead officeTS, who were brought back with pomp to rest in tho soil they loveii yet deseorated. From the survivors of tliat fatal engagement I learn that everj arrangement made by the Federal coinïnauders was immediately made kuown to the rebels. Their spies oecupy high places in the social, political acd even military circles of Washington and other important poiuts. Thejr abou'.id in Bal,timore, New York and Philadelphia - They pursue their work boldly, knowing ander the loose system pursued by tho goverumont, that the ohances of detection are few ; and, even if exposed, they liave no fcar of dunger, sinco the rule acema tu to bj treai traitors with more mercy thaa n shown to loyalista who err."


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