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A Plot To Blow Up The Fort On Governor's Island

A Plot To Blow Up The Fort On Governor's Island image
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Tli laten Btartling intelügence n oiir mi;' borbood is the dariug nttumpt ow un tin! inain magazine ut Port Cohjmbus, on Qowrnor's [rslaml. li is wel] known thut there aro m iny psr.-;jiis on the Ishiüil, som e ol whom by . connections and ethers by eympalby, whii opunly eympath-iea with the causo oí tlic rebels. Oi) Monday niht. of rather Tuesday nioniiüg, at au e,i:ly hour, one oí' the Eo'dieta who is a journey tailor, was awukened irom liUslumbe'rx by the , t c;ul of portions benoath his window, ; At lliut iiou aml wilhiu tho walls of i fort Kucli a proceoding is very uñúsual, ! and cf ourso, tho tailor was ularmed, I Or. looking out "f the window he iü-'j covered twp moii dretdod in ojlizens' elothös, who were mukiug tbëir way ; tovvard Uii main magazine o! ihe lort. ! EiaotUy slipping -'ii 'ma clothea h doj HtutKled, and, crawliog alotig the bul' cduy, he kopt track of thoin. Thuy paused a moineot to sou if thu coast vas tlear. Iluru tliey weröjoioed by two otlu'is, and th ey sood went up to ; Lbo door of t!e magazine and iumbled around lor sometiüie, 'J'iie tui]or now Lwcume eo exoited as to be noautioua in hin moveuient, bo mucii no tbat Iij treading on a grating tha lny in liis jiatli made cousulcial'lt! noiset, Tho fourmen bem'ing tliis, and lssibly seaing that tlioy wore discoverd, rnn away at [he top of their speed. Uu pass'ng llic only suntry who stoud in tlieir way to thashoretfiey rere biilletl - " Who goos thi'ro V'1 to whiuii Ibéy replied, ' l"i ifüiis !'' ïho sentry made do roply,jind tiie men passod on and ran to.tljo tsbureby the path near ;'!ing.lioustí. A boat I.iy in roadi0O8a :'.!i'l n a moment tho fur had embaiked aud puelied out iato the river. 01' coursö thu tailor was not allowed to pasa lbo aentry, nor woiild the guardián of llio night allow hirn to alarm tho garrinon. Tl, o iioxt rnorniüg ihj tailor to!d one of the officers tho story of the doinga of ti.o four men, and soine action was taken in tho matter, bilt tho tailor was tokJ rot to make iho matter public. The foHowing iright thissentry, wbo had done cluty the night befure at the post and who p-tssed tho lotir men so uneorupuloiiely, was eni oim on sentry duty, bul nothiog has inoe been sean of hini, nor has he li.'tn haard irom. Tho impPössioc is very general fiat these four men had gooe to the Ulnnd with the intention ol laying a train to blow up tho magazine and thus destroy veveral hundred tona i' powder now stored thcre, iluis lessening tho supp'y oí' powder lor our artuy, and at the same tima destroy one o!' the Uoited States íbril and a largo nuatlmr-oi sulJii rs who iro qiiartered there. Had ;! ey suuceeded in fring the maga, ne several bundred livea would have boen lost. A few weeks ns;o our informant wa present at a conv-ersation between soine (.f the head workmen on tho inland, d uring which one of thein remarked that he v.ould not be surprised if omo night all the gillis on the islaiül were ppiked, " for," said he, " they ure ei ntinually injüring tflols and many things, so that we are olten delayed Beriously by it." Tho wliolo matter bas boen hushed up, and counter statements tnnde, but thero was siifficitmt vveight in the circumstanoes to induon officor tosei k the aid of the pólice aiithovnies to for ret out tho case. I3ut lost bysome mea na it shnutd be made public it was taken Irom thoir hands, and it now reinains in itufu quo It is quite certain that e very movement made at this pos is well known by the reliéis ; and as thia ia an ördnance depot the irrformation as to the numberof men, guns, their sizo, whero shipped, and in fact all the details of the Eastern Department moveinent, s ol the utmost value tn them. It is high tinio that BOtnething should bo doue to put :i stop to it.


Old News
Michigan Argus