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Letter From A Michigan Prisoner

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Tlio followiug letter was roceived by Goorge W Bioore oí Medina', in this Bfttfe, trom lii.s son who waa ra tho .Michigan Firut Kegiraent. The writer is a cousia ot' W.Tl. A. Mocre oí Ihis city, Btbd is wull knawn 10 iho otaio, haviiig furineiiy beeu a tttudentintbo Michigan [laiveraity Kiciimjnd, Va. 11, 18G1. Dkab Páthb'b - I writo to lot you know that I uín Ktill ilivo and doing well. Ín tlio light di tho Isi I bad iho raialbrtune to yot shtt in ihe right arm, the wound in goltiug aloflg vvoll, and 1 n good budily health. Aithough a priöouer, I rust il will iiot bo for a vory long timó, i was woundod uboiit five o,vluuk on Sunday af'.ernoon, bilt waa not taken ofl the fiold anttl tha next inoriiiiijf, Vhen 1 was taken to a' hospital where I etopped ooe weekj 1 wus thiu tuken to Manatwas, md frpm to R.chmond and was put otó a pcjor-houce. We have excellent attention nrui ; good treatinent both by ilio doctors and by Uiu 6iwters OÍ Cliui'ity, whó devote all tlieir lima to uur comfort. - ïhere is )lno talk of al! tho wounded being pent home on paroio, whioh I siucerely trust may provo trno. You neod not. bè ularniod about me, as i ain as safe hero as if I waa at bome, and inv w-ium! s getting nlrmg capita Hy. - It ia through the kindness oi a friend tlüit I :im ;i!)!e tO irut lilis to yon Give mv best rsspeot to my frieods :-.t home. I reniLin yoxit ïi fi c ionnle aon. WM. C. MOORE


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Michigan Argus